The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter X: Into the LionsDen


"You must be kidding?" said Barrachus.

"I‘m certainly not." said the mole.

"It looks dangerous." replied Tiber.

"True, but its the only way down." said Gideon.

Right before them was a steep slope leading down into a valley.

"According to Tiber, this valley is directly in the path to Shavron," said the mole.

" We must go through."

"We could all die listening to this blind fool." commented the coyote rudely.

"That‘s blind mole to you, and besides what other choice do we have? We have to enter the valley in order to reach Shavron."

"Hes right, we have to go down." said Gideon.

"I wasnt speaking of the cliff when I said we would die, I meant the inhabitants who live in that valley."

"What do you mean?" asked Tiber.

"Lions live down there," said Barrachus. " They have been outcast for generations. They only appear for two things: food and bloodshed."

"We have to go, lions or no lions." replied Gideon.

All of them made it safety to the bottom of the hill. The valley below was a bright green pasture. The grass swayed in the breeze, almost mimicking a dance. As they continued, they grass grew taller in some areas than others. They found themselves overwhelmed by the height of the blades of grass. Finally, the pasture gave way to an open dirt road. Five lion cubs were sleeping in the middle of the road.

"If were quiet, we can get pass them." said Barrachus.

The lion cubs, although sleeping, were very large. Each one was easily six feet tall; the four tip-toed very cautiously along the road passing the cubs by without waking them up.

"Looks like we made it," the coyote said looking back, "Theyll"

The cubs were gone. The coyote trembled in fear. Gideon, Leopold and, Tiber turned around.

"Were dead. They are going to eat us!"

"Calm down, Barrachus," said Gideon. " I dont think"

Before he could say another word, one of the cubs sprung from the high grass and grabbed Gideon. He disappeared into the green.


Suddenly another cub jumped and took Leopold. He was heard scolding the child as his voice faded away in the high grass.

"Look, Tiber, we have to work together on this," said Barrachus grabbing by the cloak, " We‘ll stand with out backs to each another and walk out here alive."

"What about Gideon and Leopold?"

"Its too late for them."

"No, we have to find them!"

Suddenly a third cub sprung from the grass to frighten the two. The strategy worked and the two ran for his lives, but they didn‘t get far when two cubs snatched them into the high grass. The cubs took the two deeper into the green. The grass broke away to reveal a primitive town where the lions lived. Their homes were caves carved from out of the stony walls of the land. After a few minutes the running ceased. Gideon and Leopold were sitting near a wall of a cave. The cubs dropped Barrachus and Tiber. Two cubs watched over the four and the others left.

"I told you not to come here," Barrachus said to Gideon, "Now where on the menu."

"No, we‘re not going to eat you." said the cub, "Unless we‘re told to." Barrachus buried his head in his hands. Just then an older and larger Lion came forward. He told the two cubs to leave. The male lion was nine feet tall and his mane was shaggy.

"I am Citar. I‘m sure you have many questions, but I have one for you: why have you entered our lands without permission?"

"We meant no harm," said Gideon. "We were just passing through to return to my homeland. We will leave immediately."

"I‘m afraid I cannot let you go. You are criminals. You have broken our laws and now you must see the alpha lion to be sentenced."

"Of all the rubbish, we didnt know about your laws." said Gideon.

"Quiet, there is nothing else to be said. Come with me."

Citar began to walk, be he found that none of the prisoners moved.

"I said move." said the lion.

The prisoners remained still. Citar walked behind them, paused, and gave out a chilling roar. The volume of his voice quickly beckon the prisoners to his command. The walk to the alpha lion was short. The alpha lion‘s cave was easily recognized due to drawings that decorated the entrance to his cave. Citar led them in. The inner surroundings were grim.

Skulls, weapons and furs were displayed like artwork on the cave wall. Two guards and a throne were positioned near the back of the cave. Citar called one of them over.

"Stay with them until I come back."

The lion left and came back presently with a lion that outmatched Citar‘s stature. The lion‘s fur was gray due to his age, but he had the energy of a cub. His mane was that of smoke and he wore a purple sash to signify his royal status. The lion took his seat; beside him were a silver cup and a pitcher. The guard poured his king a drink. The king took it with joy, took a sip, and addressed Citar.

"Who are the Citar?" Trespassers."

"Thats not true we had no idea we were doing that." said Gideon.

"I will decide whether or not it is true," said the lion. " Now, state you purpose here."

Gideon explained all the circumstances that lead to the moment.

"So you see, we did not know we were breaking your law."

The lion took another drink. He wiped is mouth with his sash and stood up.

"I am Gray the third, fifth king of the Mashun Valley. You say you are returning to Shavron, do you know that the lions are planning to attack it soon. It would be wise to find another place to live."

"Excuse me, but why are you going to do that?" asked Gideon.

"Because of the leopards. They have pushed us lions beyond our conquered borders throughout the years. Now, they are united with Shavron. We vowed many years ago to destroy the leopards wherever they go. Shavron is next on the list."

Gideon took in the new information.

So Chetz has conquered Shavron, but not the way I thought it would be," Gideon thought to himself. He then returned his attention to Gray, "Gray I suggest you rethink your plans for Shavron. You will fail if you stand against it."

Citar jumped in front of the rabbit.

"You dare to threaten the king? Just speak the word, my majesty, and the rabbit will part of our dinner tonight!"

"Stand down, Citar," Gray said rising from the throne. Citar took his previous position. Gray sat down.

"Who are you?"

"I am Gideon of Eldos, one of the three judges of Shavron. These are my friends and you all ready know why we are here."

"I know of you kind. I also know a little of your history."

"Then you know that the Holy One looks over us and nothing can stand against us."

Gray let out a small chuckle. He saw a great courage in the small rabbit. He ordered Citar to have them as guest for the feast that would be held later that night. Gideon was to stay behind. Gray wanted to speak with him alone. Barrachus, Tiber, and Leopold left with Kitar. The guards left soon after and the rabbit and lion were alone. Gray circled his throne and stood in front of the rabbit. Gideon was nervous due to the lion's immense size, but he stood tall to make the lion know that he was not afraid of him.

"I‘ve never seen a rabbit with such courage," said Gray, "most of the time your kind would be running out of view with the sight of my presence. Is it your God that gives you this courage?"


The lion laughed loudly; the cave seemed to shake from his laughter.

"You Shavronites are a strange bunch. I‘ve walked among your country and have heard of this God you speak of. Look, I find no comedy about your beliefs. I once knew of a creature who believed in this God," Gray said looking at his hand, "but something happened."


"Many bad things. Anyway I didn‘t pull you away from the group to talk about matters of