The Judges Chronicles: Rebirth of Shavron by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter XIII: The War to end it All


Gideon stood out of the cave wondering if the lions would come. It was one of those times he needed to be alone. He was preparing himself for what was to come. Barrachus came over, eating an apple for breakfast.

"You told Jezerah four days; it‘s been three days already and those lions are a no-show."

"I know." said Gideon.

"No doubt Jezerah has the leopards ready to fight. If the lions don‘t come you lose."

"You know, Barrachus, sometimes its good to be silent," Gideon said walking away.

Gideon walked deeper into the forest to pray; he needed God‘s strength to fight. Meanwhile, Barrachus was showing Tiber some pointers on swordsmanship.

"All right, you‘ve done well so far now its time for a sparing match," said the coyote, " Who should I put you against?"


"Definitely not." said Barachus.

"How about Deborah or Samson?"

"Nope… I got it,," Barrachus said snapping his fingers, "Leopold! Leopold, where are you?"

"Right behind you!" said the mole shouting. The coyote nearly jumped ten feet into the air.

"Dont do that! I hate that!

"I know that's why I did it," Leopold said with a smile, "Im here to assist you."

"Look, Leopold, you'll be sparing with Tiber. I want a clean match the first to ten hits is the winner. Use these sticks. Ready…set…go!"

Tiber ran forward raising his stick high in the air. Leopold took his stance and was ready to defend. Tiber swung four times. Leopold blocked them all.

"Youll have to do better. Let me show you." said the mole.

Leopold attacked gracefully and got five easy hits off of Tiber.

"Go easy on him, Leopold." said Barrachus, "Mercy."

"Oh be quiet, Barrachus, he's an adult he can take care of himself."

"Remember what I told you, Tiber," said the coyote. " block, swing, block, and then spin."

"You never told me that!"

"Well Im telling you now. Pay attention, here he comes!"

Leopold took four more swings. Tiber was able to block three of them and was able to get a hit in.

"Ha, thats one!" Tiber jumping with glee.

"Dont boast, I still have the lead by five."

Tiber focused in on Leopold. The mole came forward to swing, but Tiber did something unexpected. Just before Leopold landed the blow, Tiber flipped over the mole and hit him four times.

"Thats five!"

"Showoff, two can play that game."

Leopold placed his stick under his arm and dove into the ground leaving a small mound of dirt.

"Be careful, Tiber," said Barrachus, "hes a tricky one he is."

Tiber looked around for Leopold, but the mole was not to be seen. From behind, a small mound of dirt emerged and Leopold popped out. Before Tiber was aware, the mole gave the rabbit a good strike on the ankle. Tiber hopped on one foot.

"Ouch, you cheater!"

"Didn‘t like that did you? You know anger will only misguide you," he said shaking his stick at Tiber.

Tiber swung his stick hard at the ground; however, the mole disappeared into the ground. Tiber walked around inspecting the ground intensely. Leopold popped up from behind him and gave the rabbit another tap on his ankle. Tiber shouted and hopped on one foot.

"By the way, thats my eight to your five." said Leopold.

"Oh yeah, take this!"

The rabbit tried to hit Leopold, but he missed. The episode continued for a few minutes with Leopold popping in and out of the ground while Tiber swung in aggravation.

"Its time to finish this game."

The mole dealt the final two blows. The rabbit stood idle.

"Youre pretty good for being blind."

"Thank you," said Leopold accepting the compliment.

"Good show. it‘s a small start, but I think you‘re ready for the war." said Barrachus placing his hand on Tiber‘s shoulder.

"No ones ever ready for war." said the mole.

Off in the distance, Tiber saw Samson and Deborah running towards them.

"Its the lions!"

"Their coming through the woods now." said Samson.

"Let's get Gideon and meet them." suggested Tiber.

As the six stood by the cave, a group of four hundred lions appeared. Gray led the pack. They were all dressed in war attire. Each lion had a short sword by his side, a long spear, and a shield as tall as themselves. Gideon greeted Gray, who was happy to see the rabbit. The lions quickly set up camp to prepare to the battle. The Cinnamount Woods soon was a small metropolis of tents and supplies. Gideon made his way over to Gray‘s tent.

"Greetings, my dear hare. Come, sit and drink."

The lion poured a green substance into a silver cup and handed it to Gideon. It bubbled in the cup like a scientist‘s concoction and Gideon was not inclined to taste it. The hare took a whiff of the liquid and quickly jerked his head back.

"What is it?"

"It‘s called Lion‘s Nectar. Its and ancient delicacy among my fellow creatures: One part swamp water and two parts blackberry juice."

Gideon placed the cup down and to the side.

"I just want to let you know that I have given the queen a four day notice to meet me on the battlefield. It has been three days already, tomorrow we fight."

A joyous grin came over Gray‘s face. The lion like fighting as much as sleeping in the sun, but fighting was more of a delight than anything else.

"Will the leopards be there?" said Gray.

"They will. We have seen the Chetzian ships docking at the port."

The day passed and everyone was sleeping and dreaming of what the next day would bring. Gideon was wide awake; he was always nervous before a battle, as most hares are, but he knew that the Lord had never let him down. Gideon left the cave into the multitude of sleeping lions; he tip-toed through the slumbering bodies until he was alone in the woods. The hare sat up against a tree a looked up into the night sky.

"O Lord… Every time there is a battle I get the old butterflies in the stomach. I know you‘re with me and I ask for you help tomorrow. You have taken me on a long journey. I guess you wanted me to grab Deborah on the way back," he said laughing,

"Guide me and my friends to victory so that you are glorified."

Gideon sat by the tree for some time in a quiet state, and then a small voice spoke to him. “Tomorrow is the time. I will be with you no matter what. Jezerah and the leopards will come upon you like a raging bull, but I will wipe them out. When the lions go to drink in the river, send the ones who do not step into the water back to their land.”

"But, my Lord, the leopards are numerous. I need all the help I can get."

"I’m all the help you need, just like before. I will be glorified; not you or the lions. I will show them my wonders in the battle” replied the Holy One, “that all creatures may know that I am the Lord.”

The crack of dawn brought a thunderous echo within the cave. Everyone in the cave woke up in a panic; when they realized it was just the lions, they all returned to sleep. The lions prepared for today‘s confrontation. They all headed to the river to take a drink, Gideon saw his moment to address Gray. The rabbit was apprehensive, he wasn‘t sure of the reaction he would get. It was one thing to have such a small army, but to reduce it further was pure suicide. However, Gideon remembered the words of the Holy One.

"Gray, stay behind while your soldiers drink. I want to show you something." Gray watched and looked at Gideon.

"Whats your point?" said the lion.

"You must send those who are not standing in the water home. The ones in the river will be our army in the battle."

There were only one hundred lions in the river, the rest stood on the shore to drink.