The Judges Chronicles: The Fairytale Slave (Book 6) by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: The Play Slave

Little did Esta know that her stay with Charm would end sooner than she thought. King

was without money again, and after much scheming, it came to his attention that the

Emperor of Chetz desired a Play Slave for his only son. For King this was his chance to

cash in on a lot of money, but he had little time to find a child worth of the palace.

Pogisa was out of the question, he thought to himself, and due to his lack of funds,

buying a new child was pointless. Suddenly the thought of the white pup came to his

mind; but where was she? He walked around town for a day or so hoping to spot her,

and one day he did. She was carrying a package over her shoulder, whistling a find tune

as she weaved easily through the busy streets. King kept his distance and followed her

until she arrived at Charm’s bistro.

“Well, well,” he said with a smile, “She found someone to take her in.”

He also saw Pogisa, and a scowl came over his face.

Pogisa and Esta were playing a game of jacks as the aroma of breakfast filled their nostrils. Charm dished out his best for the weekend: Honey flavored pancakes, chopped

apples sprinkled with powdered sugar, and best of all freshly squeezed orange juice.

Charm didn’t have to call them from the game. Esta and Pogisa were presently at the

table awaiting the meal. Afterwards they opened the restaurant as usual. It was busy

and orders came quickly. Both Pogisa and Esta worked wonderful together carrying

food on trays with such artistry and dexterity, that they occasionally received a round of

applause for their efforts. However, the next customer that came in put a fright into both

their hearts. King came in took a whiff of the restaurant’s scent and sat down near the

back of the restaurant. He pointed at Esta and winked. Pogisa grabbed Esta and ran

into the back room.

“He’s up to something,” said Pogisa. “Don’t come out until he’s gone.”

Charm presently came out approaching the far end table as his skin turned red.

“Can I get a menu” said King rolling a toothpick in his mouth. “your slaves ran off.”

At the table Charm wrote a note and slammed it on the table. King read it.

“You want me to leave.’ he said poking out his lip, “I was hoping to get some of that

award winning stew of yours. A cheetah has to eat you know.” King began to raise voice

for the whole restaurant to hear him, “Seems like a honest patron can’t even have a

decent meal without being disrespected like this. You know I think we should tell

everyone of the horrible hospitality around here. I allow to be here like everyone else.

Fine have it your way, I have this place vacant by the end of next week.”

King rose to leave. Fearing the threat Charm returned to his native hue and motioned

for him to sit down. Once his food was prepared it was brought out by Pogisa. The

cheetah looked her over with no apologies and King only grunted and said,

“I thought you were dead. I guess some bleeding heart has pity on your worthless hide.”

It was difficult, but the young elephant quickly placed the dish on the table and walked

away. Charm kept his eye on the cat, making sure he didn’t cause a ruckus. Surprisingly

King left the restaurant quietly.

“Heartless brute!” said Pogisa. “I wish I could strangle him.”

“Charm,” said Esta drawing close to him,” I’m scared.”

The chameleon placed his arm around her to reassure her as best he could. The night

came quickly and all three retired to bed. From below a child came to the door of the

restaurant. The little one was crying, it was so loud that it woke all three of them. Charm

told Esta and Pogisa to stay upstairs.

“Be careful.” said Esta.

Charm smiled and went downstairs. The child stood at the door shaking. Charm came to the window and opening the closed blinds.

“Can I have some food, sir,” said the child, “I’m hungry.”

Taking pity on the child he quickly made a sandwich. Before opening the door, Charm

looked around. Once he was satisfied of his safety, the front door was opened. Charm

knelt down to the child’s level. As soon as the sandwich was presented, the child

snatched it out of his hands and ran off. Bewildered, the chameleon stood up unaware

that King was standing behind to him.

“Hello, friend.”

The cudgel in the cheetah’s hand landed heavily on Charm’s head and chameleon was

knocked out cold.

“CHARM!” shouted Esta.

King ran into the restaurant for his prize. The young elephant flung the lower drawers

open until she acquired a knife. Esta ran to locked the door,

“Get behind me, Esta!” said Pogisa. “And stay behind me!”

Esta obeyed. From outside the knob was checked; and finding it not to his liking, the

cheetah began to king at the door until he kicked it in. King’s long shadow came in first

as it traveled along the wooden floor towards the children. The cheetah emerged; his

glowing eyes where almost ghoul-like. Pogisa’s trunk quivered and the knife seemed

only a toy in King’s sight.

“Its not safe for kids to play with sharp things.” he said, “Best to put it away.”

“I--I’ll kill you.”

“Get out of the way Pogisa.”

“NO!” cried Pogisa. “You’re not going to take her, she’s my friend.”

King started to laugh, but it quickly subsided.

“Pogisa, you’re a trapper you don’t have any friends. Get out of the way.”

“If you come any closer” Pogisa said coming to tears. “I’ll put this right through your


King began to toss the cudgel in his hand, assessing the situation.

“You don’t got the guts, kid.” he said walking forward.

“No, stop!” Esta screamed jumping in between Pogisa and King.

“Please, don’t hurt Pogisa,” Esta said, “I’ll go.”

“You’re very brave,” said King, “almost inspiring. Now get over here!”

Before going, Esta turned to Pogisa, took the knife from her trunk, and gave her a hug.

“It’ll be ok.” she said.

The cheetah finding his time was being wasted, pulled Esta from Pogisa

“I’ll finish my business with you later” said King sternly, pointing his club at Pogisa.

In a rough manner, King pulled Esta out of the restaurant into the vacant streets. She

saw Charm lying still on the ground as she passed by. She pulled back to help him but a

sudden jerk from King reminder her that she was powerless to help the lizard. The dark

streets of Chetz was not a welcoming place for the innocent bystander. The alleyways

were foreboding cracks hiding sinful deeds. Esta could hear arguing over money,

threats to extinguish life, and offers to King to give over the child he was pulling along.

Thankfully, King paid no attention and continue to his destination. They finally came to a

alleyway that was vacant. A stairway lead downward to the basement of a building. Esta

out of fear clawed at Kings arm; although no blood was drawn, it was enough to get the

cheetah’s attention.

“Calm down,” said King. “I live here.”

He lead her down to a old rusty metal door with a lock. King opened it and pulled Esta

in. Inside was a surprisingly well furnished abode. It wasn’t elegant, but well suited

enough to pass for livable: a old wood table a two chairs, a single bed, a wood burning

stove, pots and pans hung on the walls, and a dingy painting of elderly female cheetah.

King noticed Esta was glaring at it.

“That’s my mom,” said King, “God rest her soul.”

King bowed his head slightly in honor of his mother. It was the first time Esta believed

him to care about anything other than money. Suddenly King raised his head.

“Now, tomorrow is the day. The emperor needs a new play slave for his son and that’s

why I had to take you away from that lizard. Its better for you and me.”

“You hurt him!” said Esta angrily.

“Ah, it just a bump on the head,” replied the cheetah walking over to the stove, “He’ll

wake up with a lump but no permanent damage. Besides, you need to be ready for

display tomorrow. Every trapper, trader, and owner will be parading their merchandise if

front of the emperor.” King stop and bared his teeth, “And this time I want a profit from


Esta stomach turned as she watched King rub his hands together with the consuming

anticipation of getting the money.

“So how about some dinner?” he said with a big smile, “I’m making cauliflower

melody--it’s was my mom’s favorite recipe.”

“I hate cauliflower.” replied Esta crossing her arms.

“Well that just too bad, because that what your getting.” King said.

The cheetah went to work, humming a tune as he did. He was just as skillful as Charm

and in some respects even better. The wood burning stove was lit, giving the room a

reddish hue and the heat from it was welcomed. The spices that were added to the

cooking created a savory aroma that filled the basement. When the dish was presented

to Esta she sniffed it.

“It’s not going to bite you!’ said King, “Eat.”

“It looks weird.”

“I’ll make you weird if you don’t eat it.” said King pointing his fork at her.

She did and found the meal quite tasty.

“See,” replied King pointing his fork at her again, “Don’t a judge dish by it’s looks.”

As they both ate, Esta was inclined to ask her host a very probing question.


King glanced up from his plate.

“Why what?”

“Why do you steal children?”

“King took another bite and Esta thought he had no intention of speaking to her. She

was surprised when he placed down his fork and addressed her.

“A cheetah has to pay his bills,” he said with his arms crossed. “Of course you haven’t

gained me anything---yet.”

“You’re mom would be ashamed of you.”

“She already was when she died!” King said cutting her short,

King turned his gaze away from Esta as he finished his sentence. For a moment he was

pensive, remembering all the years gone by, and the pain he caused his mother. He

cleared his throat.

“The money is easy.” said King starting again, “Vice pays me. Virtue keeps me poor.”

Seeing another opportunity, Esta spoke again.

“I know someone who can help you stop stealing?”

The cheetah looked up from his dinner plate with an air of disbelief awaiting the answer.

Esta with a childlike smile answered the question.

“God can help you stop stealing,” she said, “He doesn’t want us to do that.”

The short chuckle from King made Esta feel slightly embarrassed (but not ashamed)

“Can I tell you a story.” she said

“No.” said King curtly.

Nothing much afterward was said between the two. King pointed to a mat on the floor

signifying Esta’s bed for the night. She laid down, and just before dozing off, she

watched King pacing the floor and mumbling to himself of how to negotiate her price for

tomorrow’s sale.

The following morning she was up early and breakfast was a simple repast of toast and

a boiled egg. They were out of King’s home well before eight in the morning. The same

pattern of yesterday’s aggressive trek repeated itself, as the cheetah pulled Esta by the

hand. He stopped suddenly and flagged down a carriage. The ride took them out of the

city limits to a more rural area of Chetz. There were other traders as well brining

children to be seen by the emperor’s officials. A grand tent was erected for the display.

Inside Esta was escorted around the other children; some apathetic to their situations

while others were just as frightened as Esta. The official chose ten children out of the

bunch, of which Esta was apart. The ten trappers stood by their living goods, as one of

the emperor’s guard surveyed the final field of slaves. After two passes, Esta was

chosen. A grin came over King’s face.

“Here is you payment,” said the guard.

King looked at the sum and was sore displeased.

“Five hundred.” he said doing his best to control his anger, “She’s worth twice that


“You’ll take what the emperor gives you.”

“I’LL TAKE MORE THAN THAT!” King said reaching for his pistol.

Before he could brandish the weapon, five royal guard had surrounded him and

dragged him from the scene. King struggled, but was soon subdued being relieved of

his weapon and chased down the road until he was out of sight. Esta for one did not pity

the cheetah and was glad that he was gone. She was soon taken to another carriage

where the order was given to take her to the emperor’s palace. Once inside the

courtyard was take inside and was bathed by the female servants. As they cleaned her

she was asked several questions:

“Your name?”

“My name is Esta. I....”

“How old are you?”


“Good, you are exactly the same age as our young master. Your duty until otherwise

instructed is to play with him all the games he wants during the day. Hopefully,” said one

servant with a slight smile, “You’ll survive longer than the last kid.”

Afterwards, she was taken through the palace in all its grandeur, to a door made out of gold. One of the servants leaned over and whispered in Esta’s ear:

“This is the toy room. Master Sisera is there.”

Esta proceeded the down the long hallway very carefully. She could hear a child playing

joyfully as the hallway opened into a massive circular room filled with a myriad of toys.

The glass ceiling allowed the sunlight to come in giving the area a heavenly feel. Esta

stop just before entering the room as the young leopard (Sisera) was pretending to be a

swordsman. She was unnoticed for sometime until Sisera caught sight of her. A grin that

held some sort of mischief came over his face; and finding that she was his “new living

toy” he harshly called for her.

“Come here!”

Esta obeyed. Sisera circled her once, and then handed her a wooden sword.

“I’m Sisera: high general of Chetz! and your....... what’s your name?”


“You’re Esta: vile pirate and foul scoundrel of the seas. Prepare to be vanquished!”

Sisera came to her swing his wooden sword wildly. Esta had never used a sword

before, but Sisera movements were so awkward that she simply aimed and knocked the

wood sword right from his hand. The prop fell a few feet from them. Sisera, finding his

game turned on him, immediately pushed Esta to the floor.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

“You cheated!” said Sisera nastily, “I’m the hero! You’re the villian. I always win.”

After that he retreat to the other side of the room and started to pout.

“Big baby.” Esta said coming to her feet, “Let’s play something else.”

“Like what?”

Esta looked around; and finding the choices overwhelming, hunched her shoulders.

“I don’t know,” she said, “Is there one that involves me not getting hurt.”

“No.” said Sisera.

“Well, can I tell you a story?”

“Is it good, because if its not,” said Sisera standing up, “I’ll bite you.”

“Just listen.”

So Esta started. The tale she told was the only one she already knew by heart, and it

was of Glory: The Holy One’s only Son. She repeated everything she had read,

capturing all the miracles and deep truths that came from Glory’s mouth. Finally she

ended with His death, and coming back to life again. Sisera for the most part was

intrigued, but was not sold on the final part of the story.

“How can some creature die and come back to life?” he said.

“I don’t know,” said Esta, “but I believe it.”

“It was an o.k. story,” replied Sisera crossing his arms, “I won’t bite you---I’ll just punch

you, instead.”

Suddenly there was a bell. Esta, startled from the noise, turned wondering what it

meant. Before she had time to ask, Sisera grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

“Time to eat!” he said.

Esta was whisked away from the playroom down the palace halls. During the sprint, she

was able to get a view of the painting of prior rulers and queens. Most of the portraits

were drear with dark colors of gray and brown which never stood out from the wall the

pictures hung on. Sisera stopped in front of one of the paintings. It was a double portrait

of a female and male leopard both dressed elegantly in royal apparel; surprising Esta

found the leopards’ demeanor noble.

“That’s my mom and dad,” Sisera said.

He pulled her along again. Finally she was brought into the main dining hall were a

immense spread of food was presented to her: cheeses, breads, sweet meats, fruits,

desserts, juices, and other tasty delights awaited to be devoured. The long table nearly

spanned the entire room. At the head were the largest golden chairs for the Emperor

and Queen. Sisera spot was next to them and Esta (although believing she was

unworthy of it) was seated next to Sisera. Many of the royal subjects came in speaking

of the business around the palace and country as well; they took notice of Sisera giving

their respects to the young prince, but Esta was totally ignored. Suddenly the sound of a

trumpeter brought the hall to silence.

“What’s going on?” asked Esta.

“My dad and mom are coming in.”

And so they did. The royal couple came in as the the crowd bowed reverently to them.

Sisera pull Esta forward to follow suit. She notice that the couple were even more

impressive than the portrait she saw. The father had a sense of pride about himself (not

the bad kind), but a sense that he was in charge of a great kingdom and in his eyes had

a deep and lingering humbleness. The queen had those qualities as well, and with an

air of kindness she addressed the royal subjects as if they were her family. The queen

took notice of Esta, and immediately came over as if she was the only one in the room.

“And Sisera who is this?”

“My new play slave.” he said “I don’t remember her name.”

The queen looked over to Esta.

“My name is Esta.”

“Oh, what a beautiful name,” said the queen kindly, “You must sit next to me and tell me

all about yourself.”

Esta was overjoyed by the queen’s motherly kindness, and in some ways was

comfortable around her. Once everyone was seated. Esta was given some of the best

food she ever tasted. It wasn’t long before she learned the names off all the members

present at the table.

“Now down there,” said the queen directing Esta’s eyes, “Is Captian Rezin. He a stuffy

old leader, but he has a heart for his soldiers. And down there---”

“But what is your name, ma’am?” said Esta

“Emerald.” said the queen, “And my husband’s name is Dorian.”

The rest of the day continued with Esta spending time with the king and queen. She

learned of what rooms to be at the appropriate times, and what each signal in the

palace meant. At the end of the day she was given her own room, with books, a few

toys, and nightgown to make her comfortable.

“Now you get some sleep,” said the king, “Sisera will be up around nine in morning. You

are to entertain him for most of the day.”

“Great.” Esta said woefully.

“If he’s gives you trouble,” said the queen whispering in Esta ear, “Just tell him that the

queen has a royal spanking reserved just for him.”

Esta retired to her room, looking around she saw something that caught her eye on the

small bookshelf. She pulled the Holy Writ from its place embraced it and began to read

fervently. Having a copy of it was the best blessing, Esta thought, that God gave her

during the entire day.