The Judges Chronicles: The Farmer Upon the Hill by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: The Sermon at Eldos Lake


After the Exodus Fair, the fame of the red panda began to spread rapidly. His name quickly came from the lips of all---Kleos!---Glory! The crowds sought for him and found him. When they brought the sick of all types of diseases he healed them, and many believed on Him. Ricco walked along a beaten path whistling a merry tune to keep himself entertained. He took the opportunity to get himself acquainted with a soft knoll of grass, and placed a blade of long grass in his mouth to chew upon. Suddenly Ricco's right he saw a group of creatures running in great haste to Eldos Lake. Ricco paid no attention at first, assuming it was a group out for a morning swim, but then more creatures hurried by him until it was apparent that something was going on. Finally there was one last straggler. Ricco called to him to inquire of the event.

"Excuse me, what's with all the running? I know the water at Eldos lake isn't that refreshing."

"Its not the lake but whose at it," replied the citizen itching to leave. "Who's at the lake?" said Ricco.

"Who's at the lake?!!" he repeated stunned at the very question, "A great creature of God. Ricco raised an eyebrow as the citizen continued.

"A month ago he healed a blind wildcat and cured another creature who was paralyzed from the waist down and he healed him by just speaking!"

The citizen ran off, and Ricco followed behind him. At the lake the crowd was gathered around the shore. It was a great multitude and all were carefully listening to the potent words of this mere farmer. The panda walked into the crowd as he looking at them with a smile; for he had compassion on them. Ricco arrived and found a spot in the middle of the crowd. He happened to sit by Priscilla and Jaq.  Kleos started to speak.

"I have watched the world fall into sin. And my heart yearns to save it---to save you. As it was with Gideon the judge of battle, so it is today. The hearts of the Shavronites in his day turned to idols and today it is the same, but I come to change the heart to yearn for the Holy One, but not by the rules on Tribless hill, but by the covering of my blood I shall establish this."

Kleos paused and then continued.

"I have watched the world fall into sin," said Kleos again. "As it was in the day of Gabriel the first king of Shavron it is the same today. The wretchedness of sin is a disgrace to my Father, but I have come to give grace so that you will not be judged for the wretchedness of your sins. I will make the darkness in your souls and turn it into day. And as in the world of night, I have come to set all captives free from the bondage of Dranus."

This was a hard saying and crowds were astonished, for he spoke as one with authority. After hours of teaching the crowds stayed. Priscilla and Jaq stood by Kleos as the crowd pressed upon him. But Kleos looked past all of them and with the point of his finger he called Ricco and said,

"Ricco, follow me."

The crowd went quiet. It was as if time stopped itself as Ricco looked into the eyes of Glory.

"There are others here," said Ricco reluctantly, "Call out to them."

"I make no mistakes: I call whom I call and will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. Follow me."

And from that day forward Ricco followed.