The Judges Chronicles: The Farmer Upon the Hill by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: Crazy Magee


Also in that land there was a creature known as Crazy Magee. He was a mutt as many of the pure breeds of dogs called him, yet he carried himself with a better attitude than some of the pedigrees in Shavron. The half Spitz and half Doberman made his way around the divided land speaking of the coming of the Holy One's Son. He was that voice; that forerunner, calling all Shavronites to repentance of sins. He knew the prophesies of old well, and it was appointed for him to prepare the way for the Son‘s cause. His fur was wild and offensive; some saying it would do him good to groom it. His cloak were tatters held together by patches upon patches, and in his hand he carried a long walking stick.

Insults were common for him, yet Magee was not one to take offense to the heart: for he received more ridicule than most creatures would receive in a lifetime. As a crowd gathered around him, he continued to proclaim the redemption of this fallen world with a fervor unmatched by anyone that had come before him.

"Come one, come all and heed my words," said Magee, " The time is now to serve the Holy One, for his mercy never dies. You have worship your idols, killed your children, and even now hold on to what you know is wrong. Just bend you knee,"– Magee dropped to one"and give your life to God. He won‘t bite! He won‘t crush you! But your sin will. The day is coming when life ends and the Maker meets the created,"– he returns to both feet" So who will be first to walk with the Holy One for there is no hope without him."

One from the group spoke up saying that they didn‘t have to repent. All they had to do was to trust in the righteousness of the past judges and the first king of Shavron, Gabriel.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty," said Magee wagging his finger, " Say not that we have Gideon, Deborah, and the other judges to trust, for their righteousness cannot be given to you."

Another from the group came forward.

"Magee, are you the Son? Are you the one the prophets spoke off?"

The dog swooned and fell into the arms of bystander. Quickly recovering to let all know he was well, he answered the question.

"Dare not to place such a title on me. I come to call you away from your sins, but there is one, whose cloak I am unfit to even wash, who will endow you with His Spirit; and also," said Magee sternly, "He will endow those with judgment who refuse Him."

All began to ask, " Where is he?" and "How can we find him?" Magee was about to speak, but something held his mouth fast.

"Behold the Son---My Lord."  Magee said, as his eyes left the direction of the group and focused on an approaching creature. Crazy Magee stood up tall; the crowd took a few steps back as Kleos passed through. He knelt to both knees. Again, the dog, swooned, but no one wanted to catch him this time around. Seeing the risk of hitting the ground, Magee brushed himself off and regain his composure.

"You?" Magee said confused, "Myself and the others here need to give our lives to the Holy One, but why you? What treachery have you committed? There is none. What evil have you done in your heart and mind? It does not exist. Have you sinned against the Holy One– we both know you have not and never will! You don‘t need me to tap you on the shoulders. You don‘t need this."

Kleos looked up at Magee.

"I have come to do My father's will."

"Indeed" he said smiling, "Indeed."

Taking his walking stick, as was his custom, he tapped Kleos on the shoulders. After the second tap something miraculous happened. The old, crusty walking stick began to bud with flowers and with the greenest foliage anyone had ever seen. Magee bobbled the stick in his hand as the flowers and leaves appeared. Such a marvel was not quickly forgotten and the crowd took that story to their friends and family. The sky parted and the sun seemed to intensify. From the sky there came the Spirit of the Holy One, descending like a dove. The Holy One spoke.

"You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

The fame of that very day was on the lips of all attending and they spread the news to every citizen from Upper Shavron to the small town of Girgandale.