The Meadow by Kenda Kaiser - HTML preview

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As they blinked, as if coming out of a dream, they saw the bad meadow budding with flowers, filling with bird song.   Grass and wildflowers and clover were growing as they watched.   Deer appeared, and a raccoon and the ants came up through their tunnel-holes and scampered around.


The friends all looked around, and at each other.   They did not understand what had happened, but they knew it was good.   But, oh, were they tired.   So they made their way back across the stream, where the frogs were croaking and the fish were jumping, in order to grab a quick snack and lay down to rest.


10. As the earth-light made its way to the top of the earth-roof, the friends starting stirring from their rest.   Timmy caught some fish while the others gathered berries.   They knew they would have to discuss what had happened, but first they needed to eat to keep themselves strong.


As they were eating, however, Frances appeared to them.    He stood watching the other meadow, smiling as he saw deer frolicking around, and ants and bees going to and fro among the flowers and clover.


When he turned to face the friends, they were nervous of him!   He was amazed, but quickly put them at ease.   “My dear, dear friends.  You have no idea the evil that you have faced, and defeated.  Meadows everywhere now look like this one; no more animals are being starved, beaten, and abused.  All animals everywhere are being taken care of as they should be, happy to be doing the work demanded of them because they know they will no longer be abused.


“Fiona, my dear, you have done your job well.   Because of your participation, more people are stepping up to help the sick and injured animals who cannot care for themselves.   The creature, Talmet, was the embodiment of all that was evil in the world as respects animals.   Its body was that of the circus owner, who had you look at Lily, the tiger.   He knew that you couldn’t save her, but he needed someone to blame.   He had made her that sick and knew she would die.


“Lily, the tiger, Lily, had the type of soul that you inhabit, and her soul took over to slay the evil that was the circus master.    You and she, for just a moment in time, were one.   Joined together by the fates, to bring beauty and joy back to the animal world.   I salute you.


“The souls of all of you had a part in this, not just Fiona and Lily.   It took the right combination of animals, kindnesses, strengths and weaknesses to defeat this evil.   Every one of you was right where you needed to be, and you are the victors.   No, that’s not quite right.   The world is the victor!”


The friends cheered, jumping up and down!    A few ran to the new meadow to introduce themselves to the animals there, while the others ran to the colony to spread the joyous news!     


Frances and Fiona walked away into the mist.

























                       BOOK THREE




                  THE NEW MEADOW


















1.  Gathered around the rocks at the side of the stream were Rabbit, Lily, Ramey, Gooser and Timmy.   They had looked over the new meadow and saw that it was as a happy meadow should be.   They had taken the news back to the colony, as well as the bees and deer in their own meadow.   The animal world had been freed from slavery, fear, abuse and hunger.   They had much to talk about, and plan.    It would be only a small matter of time before the elders demanded an audience with them along with an explanation.


How in the world could they ever explain what had happened??   That a fiery haired human had turned Lily into a giant white cat with gleaming eyes who blinded a horrible creature named Talmet and had saved the animal world?    Who would believe that?    Oh, they wished Francis and Fiona had stayed with them for a while longer.  Well, since that is exactly what had happened, and the new meadow was in bloom and had animals and birds frolicking everywhere, the elders would just have to believe it!


Oh, but they still had so many questions for Francis.   What would happen with the meadows now?    Were they to unite with the other meadows’ animals?   Be neighbors and friends, competitors for the best animals, or turn their good fortune into one large and happy sanctuary?   Were they to lead both meadows or name leaders for the other one?


Well, they finally decided that they needed to go over to the new meadow and see what there was to see.   Lily and Ramey, who had stayed behind to explore the new meadow when Talmet was destroyed, told the others that it is very similar to their own meadow.  


“There are all manner of animals there, too.”    They told Timmy, Rabbit and Gooser as they crossed the stream, “deer, the ant colony looks normal now, birds all around, even raccoons.”

“What is a raccoon?”   asked Rabbit.


“I’m not sure,”  replied Ramey.   “I’m not even sure how I know that’s what it’s called!   It just came to me like I had known it forever.  Let’s go meet it, ok?”


2.  Nakiry and Renita were going nuts!    They had no way of knowing what was going on;  they couldn’t go to the other meadow because it was too far for them to go without their animal friends to carry them.   All they could do was wait until someone came back to get them.    Rabbit, Timmy and Gooser had run in last night to excitedly talk to Natu and Renick, but then dashed right back before the girls got up with the earth-light!


Nakiry stomped her foot and said, “It’s not fair!   We need to know too, and Papa said we would find out in due time.    But the animals had to discuss it with the elders first.   They wouldn’t even take Papa back with them to record what was happening!”


Renita just sat on a clover petal and moaned.


3.  As the friends went over to the new meadow, they realized that just about all of the animals they saw were young.   A raccoon came waddling up to them and yelled out, “Hello!  You must be the savers.   I’m proud to meet you.   My name is Grone.   I am Mother.”


“Mother?”  Timmy asked.  “Why are you called Mother?”


“When my husband gets back from working with the skunk pups, we will sit down and explain it as Francis told it to us,”   replied Grone.   “Meanwhile, feel free to look around, introduce yourselves to our young herd.”


“Grone, I am Ramey.   Why are the animals so young?   And did you say skunk pups??   Those aren’t dogs, are they?”


Laughing, Grone told Ramey, “No, they are not dogs.   However, dogs will be coming, and soon from what I’m told.    Again, Mr. Ramey, we will explain all shortly.”


“Dogs,”  muttered Ramey, “you just can’t trust dogs.”    He walked away and started running up a tree to get a better view of the meadow.   Lily saw him and decided to join him in the tree.   For as far as they could see in this meadow, there were young animals of all difference shapes and sizes.   They saw a bear cub that they must remember to tell Timmy about, and some ducklings that Gooser could take under his wing.    Baby rabbits for Rabbit, kittens for them and so many that they didn’t recognize!


Soon, they saw another raccoon coming from the forest into the meadow.   “That must be Grone’s husband,” said Lily.   “Let’s go!”


4.  As they approached the group of friends and raccoons, Lily and Ramey heard introductions were under way.   They learned the name of Grone’s husband, which was Boris.    He had a hearty laugh and seemed to be a likable fellow.


They sat around in a circle while Grone and Boris told them that they had once lived near a meadow very much like this one.    But humans came and destroyed it, and killed their family.   Francis had promised them that they would go to another beautiful meadow, and they would have all the ‘children’ that they could stand!    Grone and Boris were to be the Mother and Father to all the abandoned and orphaned animal babies that came into the meadow.  The two meadows together, along with their forests, would sing with laughter and well-being from now on.  

As the baby animals grew up, they would join the friends in the older meadow where they would learn the ways of the ants, and become a part of the colony.   Even though there were never again expected to be any bad creatures in the meadows, the job of the adult animals would be to protect and teach the babes in the new meadow.  Grone and Boris were Mother and Father, but they would need much help.


Gooser was the first to volunteer by saying, “folks, you’ve got yourself a teaching duck right here!    I’ll take care of those little feathered ones for you, and show them how to swim and feed themselves.”


With that, Rabbit shyly lifted her paw in the air and offered to handle the rabbit babies.


Then Ramey slyly said, “Hey Timmy.   What about you?   Think you could help out?”


Timmy, the large, furry bear, just sat there with his eyes glistening.   “I wouldn’t know how to teach ducks or rabbits, or even kittens, how to grow up.   I’m too big and I’d hurt them, even though I wouldn’t mean to.”


Lily smiled up at him and teased, “Oh, I think we know of one or two little ones that you could help.”


As if it were planned, up ran the bear cub and his sister.   Right to Timmy!   They jumped on him, knocking him over, and started rough-housing with him.   Their giggles and Timmy’s deep laughter was all you could hear.


5.  As the earth-light started to slide away, the friends went back to their own meadow.   They had learned much from Grone and Boris, and also understood that they would all learn more as they went along.   When next the earth-light started its path across the sky, they would meet with Natu, Renick and the elders and explain all as they understand it.


There was sure to be many questions that they could not answer.    They would just have to trust in Francis’ words.


When they approached the colony, they noticed more deer.    Looking around, there seemed to be more rabbits, too.    In fact, there were a lot of animals grazing in the dimming light.


Ramey determined then and there that THEY were the ones who had brought all of this about; THEY had saved the animals and their beautiful meadows;  so THEY would be the leaders.


“We’ll fight for this right if we have to!”  cried Ramey


Lily agreed, but Rabbit said, “It was with our assistance that the meadows and the animals were saved.   We did not do it solely.   Be gracious.   Accept Francis’ pride and approval.  But do not tempt his anger.”


Timmy looked around and said, “I agree with Rabbit.   Whosoever will be leader, will be chosen.   Lily, Ramey, you must agree.   You two, most of all, are the smartest and greatest of us.  You must see that to force our leadership on everyone would be wrong.   Besides, the elders are the leaders.   Don’t forget them!”


Reluctantly, Ramey and Lily agreed with Rabbit and Timmy’s advice.


At that moment, Nakiry ran up and jumped on Rabbit’s ear, yelling, “What happened?   What’s going on?   Where did all these animals come from?   You’ve got to tell me!   I can’t stand being left out of everything!”


Timmy, chuckling at the anxious little ant, told her, “Sweetie, you have to be patient.   This is a very important matter and must be put before the elders before anyone else.”


“But you told Papa!”  The little ant sat with a big pout on her face.   “I never hear anything anymore except for what the elders say.   It isn’t fair.”


Gooser piped up.  “Nakiry,  what has been happening has been very trying, and very important.   We can tell you that we won a battle with evil, and that our meadow will now flourish.   It was no place for a little girl, but now you can enjoy the fruits of the win.   Look around.   You have many new friends to make!”


“Oh, ok.”   Nakiry relented, but she wasn’t happy about it.   Then she looked up at Gooser and asked, “All of these new animals are our friends?”


“Yes, Miss Nakiry, they are.    And many more will be joining us.   All different manners of animals.   Some you’ve never seen before.   But please be assured, they are our friends and mean us no harm.   They come to live in our meadow as Francis has promised.”


At that moment, Natu ran out of the tunnel-hole and advised the friends that the elders were ready for them.   The friends and Natu headed to the secret meeting place, making sure to leave Nakiry behind.   The telling of the battle with Talmet was not meant for young ears, after all!


6.  The friends had a bit of difficulty getting to the meeting site, as old friends and new would stop them with questions.   Finally, they made it, relieved.   Also, apologetic to the elders for being late.


The elders understood, considering what was going on in their meadow.   Francis had spoken with them a while ago and gave them information regarding what was new around them, but he felt he should allow the friends to tell the elders what they had done to bring all of this about.   It was a good thing.


As the friends gathered with the elders, relief was present in everyone’s eyes.  They understood that now, the fear and uncertainty of their future in the meadow were gone. 


The elders began.  “We know much of what has happened.   The two meadows will now work together for the betterment of young and old creatures who are sent here.   We are pleased that the friendship you possess has brought this about.


“Each meadow will expand to meet the needs of growing herds.   The stream will expand to accommodate additional food sources for many of the animals….”


“Wait!”   Ramey cried, “if the stream is made bigger, how will we get to the other side?   I  think we should still be able to keep an eye on things over there.”


“Relax, Ramey.   We have instructions for both ant colonies to work together to build a strong bridge across the widened stream so that everyone can come and go as they please.


“These meadows were originally meant to be a higher step above the Rainbow Bridge, but things have been so bad for animals that too many had to turn bad to survive.    The proper life has been restored, so now they are able to meet their final rewards as they should.  Now, tell us about the battle that brought about the change.”


From first meeting Fiona, to Francis and Fiona fading into the mist, the friends took turns telling the tale.    The evil of Talmet, the ferocity of Lily, the beauty of Fiona;  these were all recounted as the elders stood in awe of the bravery and will of these fine animals.


“You have done exceptionally well,”  they told the friends.  “We cannot be but pleased and excited that this has turned out well, and that you defeated the earthly evil against creatures great and small.


“Natu, have you recorded all of this for our historic records?”


“Yes, elders, I have.   I would like to propose that the story of the battle, once told, be placed high in the meadow for all animals to see.   For generations to come, they will read the tale and thank the fine heroes who brought about their freedom from pain and fear.”


As the elders were conferring on this suggestion, Timmy shyly said, “um, excuse me, but I think that the tale should be placed  on the new bridge, spanning the stream.   It will show that the battle affected both of the meadows, and all animals in each.”


7.  The elders thought that this was a splendid idea, and ordered it to be done.   “Don’t ever forget that now, we are no longer just a meadow.  We have another meadow to consider in all things.


They told Natu that he would travel to the new meadow to recruit ants there to help in the building of the bridge and the sign for the battle.    Renick would travel with him, to see if there was a library there to inspect, and to coordinate the history of both meadows to be placed in both libraries.  


Rabbit was instructed to carry the ants to the new colony, on his way to play with the rabbit babies.


Gooser shy rose his wing.  “Er, elders, I have a request.    I’ve seen many, many baby geese, ducks and swans on the other meadow.   I’m just not sure that I can handle them by myself.   Is it ok with you if I ask others here in our meadow to help?”


The elders were surprised.   They thought that the friends understood that they could do anything they wanted.


“Gooser, friends, do you not understand what you have done?   You are all heroes!   Did Francis not tell you your reward?   You are to be revered above all others in both meadows!    Anything you require is yours for the asking!”


Upon hearing this declaration, the friends first started quietly talking among themselves.   Then the talking grew louder and more silly,  until they were all laughing and shouting and dancing!


The elders laughed along with the friends, until they fell in a heap, exhausted but happy.   Then the elders said that when the friends were ready, they would have an assembly at the stream and address both meadows.


8.   The assembly took some doing.   They had to send a messenger to Gr