The Son Of Odin - The Forest by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter – Four


Erik, he says: "Forgive Slime. I was just annoyed by Mode."

Erik gives Slime a hug and Eva watches and sees that its sibling love. Ivar comes running against Erik and says: "The men have come back, but they found nothing on the mountain that smokes."

Erik replies: "There is something dangerous going on there. We must send for help and the men we sent a few days ago weren't in touch."

Ivar Responds: "I am sending a man to North Village. There we have over a thousand soldiers who have nothing to do."

Erik he replies: "Do it. But who should you send there. I and Slime must be here in case there is an attack."

Ivar replies: "I can send Bjorn. He is the best scout."

Bjorn he is long and narrow but smooth. He has brown long hair and helmet with reindeer horn. He is known to find everywhere and above all he is a good rider. Ivar, he shouts for Bjorn and tells that he needs go to North village and get help. Bjorn makes him ready to leave, he make sure that he haves enough to eat and drink a few cups of mead and pack a bag full of dried meat and some bread. He jumps on his horse that he named Vilde that is a workhorse, but is faster than he looks. Bjorn waving to all and raises his ax and waving goodbye. Bjorn he rides away quickly and tries to avoid dead forest. Death's forest is a large area that stretches north of Kings Village and reaches all the way to North Village. Those who have gone into the woods have never returned home. It is rumored that there are beings there who abducts everyone, but no one knows what is inside the forest. He starts to ride around the forest and it will take two days to get there instead of one day riding through the forest. But Bjorn wants to be on the safe side to arrive. He and the horse Vilde ride on the outside of the forest and suddenly got Bjorn see a beautiful woman waving to him and he becomes enchanted and rides towards her but the beautiful woman walks into the woods. Bjorn he stops and looks into the woods and thinking: "If this young beautiful woman can go there so maybe it not so dangerous."

Bjorn decides to ride in and follow the woman who goes deeper and deeper into the forest. After a while the woman stops and Bjorn jumps off the horse. Bjorn walks to the beautiful woman and Bjorn is as enchanted by her look and the heart pounding. Suddenly the woman changing shape and has black hair that goes down to the ground, and yellow eyes. She has sharp teeth and is much taller than Bjorn. This woman is faster than Bjorn and pushes him hard that he flies away many feet and sliding against a tree and pass out. After a moment he wakes up and sees a different shape that is large and looks straight deep into Bjorn eyes. The figure takes his right hand around his neck and lifts the Bjorn two yards from the ground and throws him away where he lands in a bush. The beast who is Skogul retrieves his sword and goes against Bjorn that tries to escape. Skogul taking big steps and runs to Bjorn and he raises his sword and pats on Bjorn’s shoulder. Skogul turns around and gives a smile to Bjorn and disappears. Suddenly Bjorn sees a lot of eyes that glow in the woods. The creatures run to Bjorn. The creatures are skin and bones and looks like walking corpse and give a clapping sound. They run at a ferocious speed towards Bjorn and beats him and kicking him. Twenty creatures take on the horse Vilde and starts beating on the horse that will soon beat to death and they quickly begin to eat on horse raw. Bjorn he dies and then comes Skogul forward and gives a sound, and the dead keep their ears and disperses from Bjorn. Skogul brings out his sword and scratch the tip of at Bjorn corpse that gets open sores and they go together quickly again. Suddenly Bjorn begins to breathe again. He takes a deep breath and looks around. His eyes are completely black from death and his eyes to glowing Yellow. Bjorn is living death and become embraced by the other providing a sound beating them with the stomach while they open their mouths. Meanwhile, in King's Village gets Erik a strange feeling that Bjorn is not living anymore and shouts at to Slime. She comes to Erik and he jumps on Slime back and whispers in Slimes ears and they fly up into the air. They fly around the edge of Death forest and doesn’t see Bjorn and decide and fly over the Death forest and after a while they see something and circulate and they see a horse that is almost only bones and blood on the ground. Erik recognizes the rug hanging on a bush and understands that Bjorn is no more on this earth. Erik and Slime they decide to quickly fly to North Village. They fly high above the clouds where Erik will get red wisps around the entire body and his eyes glow red. They fly as fast as they can, and after a short while they see North Village and lands outside the wall and the guards see that it is Erik who comes walking toward the gate. The guards rush and open the big gate and welcomed by the cheers of many people. Erik has not been with North Village for a long time and the people have not seen him for a while and can’t wait to see the first born to be king when he is eighteen. Erik and Slime enters and all the people go down on their knees to show their respect for Erik and he says: “Please stand up.”

Erik goes to a guard named Jan and says he wants to talk to the headman of the village. Jan he nods to Erik and runs into the biggest house in the village. The people they are becoming curious about Slime and they want to pat her. Erik he tells them: "You shall not pat Slime. She is my sister and should respect her."

All the people they have big eyes and apologize to him and go down on their knees and Slime looks proudly at the people. Slime smiles and lift one paw that they should stand up and there is one that sees that she rises on one foot and then quickly pushes on next person, who in turn pushes on the next, and it continues and eventually all rise. The village boss named Olav comes rushing out from the big house and runs down to Erik and goes on his knees and Erik he asks him to stand up. Erik wants to talk to Olav alone and Olav says: "We go to my house where we can be alone."

Erik nods and Slime nods and they go into the house. Everyone looks towards Slime with big eyes and all the children are afraid of her have never seen a beast before. They come into the house and shut the big doors and sit around the big table. Erik he says: "Do you know why I am here?"

Olav he responds: "No, I do not know why you are here, but it is a great honor to have you here."

Erik says: "Have there been a few men here and asking for men to the King's village?"

Olav gets big eyes and replies: "No, it has not been unknown men and asked that question."

Olav he gets nervous and wondering why he is the village.

Erik says: "It is so that I need as many men as you can spare to me."

Olav he gets a little relieved and replies: "Sure, you can get these men but what will you do with them?"

Erik says: "Well, it's so probably soon there will be a war with Skogul again and he has become stronger than he was four years ago."

Olav he starts to shake and say: "SS Skogul is he back?"

Erik replies: "I believe it, and therefore I need your men."

Olav replies: "You will get your men. I am sending them to you tomorrow morning and they will arrive in a two days."

Erik says: "Good. Make sure they will set off early. Now I must return to my village."

Olav answers: "Shall ensure that they will set off in person."

Erik he waved goodbye to the people and jump up on Slime and she spreads its huge wings and start to flapping. The people look with big eyes and mouth open when they lift from the ground. They come up in the clouds, while the King's village. The guard’s see that Bjorn comes walking from the North side of the wall. The guards see that he is bruised and has not his horse with him. They open the little door and Bjorn takes out his ax and rushes into the village.