The Son Of Odin: The Shadow by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter - Three


Rune saw yellow rays of light flew over his head and hit his village. House exploded and caught fire everywhere. A man came running out with fire all over him. Rune looked desperately from distance how the man rolled over to try to extinguish the fire but in vain. He saw a figure coming closer from the clouds. With big eyes, he saw that it was the Shadow coming. The shadows are getting closer and shoot yellow light rays towards the village again while passing over the Rune that was tossed away by the pressure of the wings. He could not do anything to help the people only see the beast destroying his village. Shadow smashed all the houses like it would small branches and slaughtered with light rays. Those who had not been killed by the light rays received a cruel death of Shadows razor sharp claws. Rune started running to his village and saw charred bodies at the same time saw the beast eating his friends. But suddenly the beast turned around and looked at Rune. Blood and yellow Slime came out of his mouth. Rune started to run away and fell into a huge pile of snow where he got buried under snow. The Shadow was nearby and Rune heard the beast feat pounding on the ground and he came nearer and nearer. Rune could not do anything other than be completely still and breathe as little as possible. Shadow looked around but did not see where Rune is but suddenly treading Shadow through the snow and almost hit him. Yellow slime covered over the snow and it started to melt when Shadow turned to the village again. He swallowed a whole body and brought a horse with its huge claws and began to fly away when the wind from Shadows wings blew away the snow that had been covered Rune disappeared. Rune looked horrified at the Shadow when it flew off into the Valley of the Shadow with a horse in its claws. The horse was still alive and whinnied and kicked to try to get free but could not. The wind from the wings pushed all the snow down from the trees and the snow falls down on the brave ten who have seen it all from a distance, they run to the spot and after a while they are there.

They are now close to Rune who was on his knees as he cried and screamed out: "Why. All my friends are dead, WHY!"

Everyone saw how the shattered village was. Bodies were broken and scattered everywhere. They began to discuss how they can kill this beast. It is indestructible said one of the men.

Harald shouted out to the men: "We must kill it before the Shadow does the same thing with our village even if it takes our lives!"

They started hitting each other on the shoulder and finally they were in a trance.

They hated the beast so much that they began to shout out: "For King and family. Die your beast die!"

Rune found some dry winter clothes and a sword, and shouted out: "Die your best die!"

Everyone looked at each other and shouted out: “Rune, Rune!"

Now the is eleven brave men that’s starting walking briskly towards the Shadow valley, they had lit torches because is getting darker and decided that they must find a good place to camp. They found a large fir that is lying on the ground. They lit a fire to warm him and Ivar became the unfortunate to take the first watch. Rune fell asleep from sheer exhaustion at the same time did not take long before the rest had gone to sleep. Ivar looked around and after a few hours he heard rustling in the bushes and Ivar shouted to the others to wake up. All stood up except Rune who had gone to sleep like a pig. They saw red eyes glimpsed from the bushes and it was Slime that looked at the men. Slime stood up on the back claws and the men watched with wide eyes and raised the swords, but suddenly turned Slime and disappeared into the forest. Rune was still asleep and the men wondered what had happened. They began to discuss why not Slime attacked. Discussions continued throughout the night and they did not dare go back to sleep. It was now sunrise and they kicked Rune and he stood up like lightning in a clear sky. They told him what had happened during the night but Rune did not believe them because he usually wakes up at the slightest sound. They showed the tracks that Slime had done. Rune saw an eye-opener but did not show that he was afraid and just waved it off and came up with excuses that it was Shadow old tracks but finally the men did not care about to explain anymore. They packed up to continue their journey towards Shadow Valley. They were very nervous and looked everywhere if Shadow would attack them. They came up the mountain and saw Shadow Valley. Water flows down from the mountains where it has nearly frozen. Leafs had fallen down from trees and it looked very nice when it was mixed with snow and frozen in the ice. Small brook ran through the valley where there were plenty of trout and the men were hungry so two men jumped into the stream to catch some trout and the others began to make fire and find a good defense position. The men captured five fish and hey put on to the fire. They start to eat the fish. They had walked nearly five hours to get to the Shadow Valley and they were very tired. The clothes were wet and they were heavy. Everyone took the coats near to the fire so they could dry a bit and started to prepare for the worst that would happen. They looked at each other when the sun disappear over the mountains and hurried to throw more woods on the camp fire to make a really big bonfire. They had built their defense around the bonfire, and they knew that the Shadow would be more active at night. They hide around the fire and waited and waited. A big shout was heard echoing in Shadow Valley.

Harald said: "The shadow is here be prepared."