ZooBall. Footjimons Attack! by Alexander Zaryanin - HTML preview

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The Australian team included not only players from continent, but also from nearby islands that are stretched out in Pacific, Tasmania and New Zealand. There are different amazing animals live in Australia. The most of animals in this continent are marsupials: koala, marsupial squirrel, rats and even mice are marsupial there.

Mister Fox became the coach of the team. He emigrated from Europe. There mans hunted on fox by means of the deerhounds dogs.

Mr. Fox’s team consisted of kangaroo. Kangaroo is also marsupial. Everybody thought that Australian football team would be a strong contender for other teams because kangaroos have long and strong legs and they are jumping veryvery high. Although the Australians prefer other game called rugby, that is played not only with legs and head.

* * *

Everything was ready for a World Cup in Africa. The stadiums were arranged in palm forests and jungles.




The trees hung over the stadium, forming the natural roof over the fans tribunes.


Many animal tourists from different parts of our planet came to Africa to cheer for favorite team in the World Cup. The whales for different tasty foods, which they didn’t eat else, transported animals across the oceans.



For the time of the Championship a worldwide truce in the animal world was declared. The Emperor of the animals Lion Leopold the Great strictly prohibited predators to offend the herbivores. Elephants and crocodiles, rhinos and hippos supported the Emperor (by the way, hippos are biting very painfully). Even the lord of Asia and at the same time the football player of the team of this part of the world tiger Sherkhan accepted the truce, and went on a fruits and vegetables diet. After he began to play in football, tiger became is very good. But sometimes tiger even so snacked shellfish.


Africans greeted the guests very hospitable.

They regaled its visitors the different their african tastyes foods. Animals-tourists brought souvenirs for them from all over the world.


Has arrived to Africa from Russia, the known for all amongst in animals, the most good man from doctors, the famous professor of the veterinary sciences doctor Aibobo.


Many injuries happen during the football matches, especially in animal games. Dr. Aibobo arrived by special invitation, to provide medical support during the Championship.


The doctor Aibobo is very good doctor. Aibobo cures all animals and he does not refuse nobody.

All six teams from all over the world already were ready for World Cup. They were divided into two groups within three teams in each group.


Animals were very happy. They were swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the beaches. “Soon, soon, the first matches!” – mooed, snarlled, whinnied and cackled who in that in habit of its skill the animals. But the good mood of the animals was spoiled by the message about the missing ship. Far at the ocean a huge ship with Japanese mechanical toys on the board disappeared. But this message, which spreaded of migrating birds, won't become the only disappointment.


Suddenly many small points appeared on the horizon. Nobody knew what it was. White spots were becoming more and more. Sharp-eyed animals that were sitting on the tops of palm trees shouted: “Ice mountains! Ice mountains are floating to Africa!”

Animals were alarmed. They thought that these ice mountains will smash them. Doctor Aibobo hastened to reassure the frightened animals. He said: “Ice mountains are icebergs. They exist only in the oceans and those who on the ground cannot be injured by them”.

Very soon icebergs have become quite large. They were covered with numerous black dots. When icebergs were close to the land it became clear that penguins sailed on these ice lumps. There were a lot of penguins.


Very many penguins come off icebergs on the African coast.


It turns out that penguins knew that the Football World Cup provided in Africa. They decided to take a part in this Championship too. Penguins live in Antarctica, it’s also a continent. There are a lot of icebergs near the Antarctica. So, penguins jumped to icebergs and sailed to African coast.


Penguins occupied all beaches in Africa and argued that Antarctica is also a continent and they have the right to take a part in World Cup. Discouraged organizers of the tournament didn’t know what to do with hardbitten penguins. “In fact, although Antarctica is covered with ice and it’s extremely cold there, it is a continent”, they nodded. “How can penguins play football on the ice fields?” they wondered.

Penguins were still arguing. The organizers offered them to take a part in a tournament just as the spectators, but penguins wanted to play football and represent their continent.

Everybody was giggling: “They are thick and short-legged, they wouldn’t be able to play football, they have no chance”. And the organizers didn’t know in which group to put the penguins’ team. There already were two groups by three teams in each. Moreover, teams from other continents didn’t want to play with penguins. Who need an extra game and waste of power? Although penguins don’t look like great football players and everybody knew that they will always lose the matches, but the extra game means one and half of hour running under baking African sun.

Who needs it?.. Nobody needs!!!

Potbellied penguins became real headache for the poor organizers. The organizers didn’t know what to do with them. The World Cup was on the verge of collapse.


... when the organizers almost gave up, a large ship approached the coast of Africa.


It turned out that it was disappeared from satellite radars Japanese tanker with mechanic toys. Strange-looking Japanese stepped down on the African coast.


Major Japanese called himself Burmumoto-San. He had unusual for a Japanese big rufous mustache. He said that there are no toys on the ship, instead of them there was football team, consisting of Japanese animals. Strange gentleman Burmumoto-San called those more strange animals Footjimons.


Journalists asked Burmumoto-San, why there are such strange animals live in Japan. These animals were similar to toys. Burmumoto-San answered that there are a lot of different factories that pollute the environment, and that’s why the animals in Japan mutated.

Japanese had a lot of kind of armament and this fact alerted the animals. Burmumoto-San reassured feared animals and said that the carrying of arms is a Japanese tradition, and every samurai has a personal weapon. Since they alls noble samurais.

"But!" said Dr. Aibobo, "as I know, Japanese samurais carry sabers, but is full arsenal with you here!"

Burmumoto-San much ill taked a look at doctor Aibobo, and other Japanese gnashed by its teeth.

"This your is Africis wilder-san! In us-san Ippon-Nippon civilization-san, swordknife junk-san! Gun-automaton good-very-san! Very-good-san, best-san, rocketsan for samurai-san! Understood, Oldster-ly-Stinker-ly-San!" give an answer Burmumoto-San, and gnashing its teeth.

The Dr. Aibobo was very kind man and he has believed to japanese samurai. Him considered, that expression "Oldster-ly-Stinker-ly-San" are sign personal respects to its elderly age. After to Aibobo and all animals has believed to japanese.

Especially the Organizers of the World Cup were very happy for miraculous appearance of the team from the country of Rising Sun. So it was the eighth team and there were no problems to divide the participants into two groups. So there are four teams in each group as at the normal championship. “Yaho-o-o!!! Now there will semifinal and final games!” the Organizers were delighted.

And they called the Japanese isles the separate part of the world –



Footballers and the coaches of the teams were afraid that the World Cup can be stopped. But now each team will play in equal conditions. Famous footballers thought that the games against little penguins and Japaneses will be very simple, and it will just extra training.

So, by the appearance of Footjimon’s team, everybody were waiting for the start of the Championship.

By the results of additional draw, the team from Antarctica went to the first group "A”, and the team from Japan – to the second group “B".


In vain animals believed in Japanese. Under the guise of the Japanese dreadful and terrible Burmulaj and his team came to Africa.

Here’s how it happened...

Not so long ago the ruler of Africa was an evil thief, pirate and poacher Burmulaj. Poacher is a very bad hunter who kills rare animals. Therefore, these animals may disappear completely.

This terrible pirate Burmulaj mocked and tormented the poor animals for a long time. But the animals and doctor Aibobo revolted against Burmulaj and banished him and his team.

The African animals did free from the long slavery. Burmulaj and his team were exiled to a desert island Shark Fang somewhere far in the ocean. That island even doesn’t exist on maps.


Toothy sharks swam around the isle, so nobody could leave that place.

And the pirates were on that island for many-many years.


Highwaymans to its life didn't nothing own hands, except robberies and brigandes. The famines forced their to gain food themself. But Burmulaj didn't anything. Malicious Burmulaj forced his highwaymans to hunts and fishing or get cocoes.

One day crow flew to the island. Crow was garrulous, however like all crows. Bird told the pirates about upcoming World Cup among the animals. Burmulaj was very angry hearing such news. Because they were on the desert island and couldn’t watch the games. Angry pirates caught and ate the garrulous crow.

Burmulaj was angry because hateful animals could have fun and joy, while he was on an isle.

The sharks were also too tired to circle around a small island and eat small fish. Moreover, fish for shark and coconuts for pirates already ended.

Burmulaj decided to negotiate with the sharks. He promised to give them thousands of little animals for a meal if they help him to go to the Africa. Even flow slobber from mouths of bloodthirsty sharks. Burmulaj was very cunning pirate and he knew how to persuade.

Pirates discovered a weapons cache on the island. This weapon was abandoned during the World War II by Japanese troops. The Japanese lost the war and the weapon was forgotten. Now the Japanese are peaceful nation and they prefer to produce various machines and robots.


Pirates saddled the sharks and swam across the oceans.

At night, pirates stumbled upon merchant ship. Pirates on old pirate’s habit have solved to seize this nave.


Its nave was a Japanese tanker full of toys. The frightened crew surrendered without a resistance. Pirates turned nasty when they didn't find neither gold nor other jewelry on board. The foolish baby toys didn't need to they. The cruel pirates wanted to throw off sailors for hungry sharks. But they not able understand in most latest equipment of the japanese's nave. Pirates tired to sail on sharks. So pirates leaved on board crew of the nave and riveted in wides chains their.

Except a toys and crew on the board of nave were Japanese programmers.


It turned out that the toys were not simple, but very smart and with digital control.

Burmulaj came up with a very insidious plan …

There are now other plans in his head.

In Africa alls settled and animals of the whole world waited a begining their mundial games.

The penguins have shown himself not only insistent, but also enterprising.


They began selling the ice from the icebergs as an ice-cream, mixing it with the juice of various fruits. And the animals paid them by exotic fruits. The fruits that were stored inside the icebergs didn’t spoil. So icebergs were giant refrigerators.




The penguins have collected own football team.


The coach of penguin's team was a Seal Walrussoff.


In the past he was a circus performer and played water polo.


He was a real sea wolf when he served in the Legion of Sea Lions.

However, other animals were laughing: “The football is not a water polo! How can the seal teach the penguins to play football? You have to run to play the football, not to swim!”

Africa - Australia

It was an excellent, as always in Africa, sunny day. The first match was opened by the African and Australian teams.

The many different folk of beasts were going to looking at match of the opening of the mundial.


There were no free places in the stadiums and many animals settled on the trees that were growing around.




The have visit in stadium a royal persons …


... The king of the animals His Majesty Leopold 1999 and his regal wife a queen Leopolda, she is next on count too.

Everybody thought that the African team was the favorite of the Championship, because the members of the teams are very huge and powerful. The Australian team mainly consist of kangaroo, that are able to jump very high.




The African team decided to crush the Australians by the power of muscles.


But the Australians had shown good skills of football playing, so-called dribbling.


The game was very hard. The Africans couldn’t keep up with the nimble and jumpy players of Australian team.



African coach Tarzan had changed some heavy and slow players to more mobile.


Incidents sometimes happened.


If it goes farther, the balls may not be enough.

The teams played the equal match. His Majesty Prince, also named Leopold had scored the goal.


King and Queen had applauded their son.

Although it’s not advisable to the king of animals to give preference to any of the teams. Because the animals from other continents may take offence.

The game finished with the score 3 - 3.

Australians had shown themselves as a skilled, and most importantly superbouncy team. Now, everybody understood that they have to reckon with the team of green continent.

South America - Antarctica


At the second day of the group “A” games of the Animal World Cup, the weather was very great and sunny. The sky was clear. The fans of South American team made a real fiesta, a carnival.


The penguins whole crowds descended from icebergs and occupied stadium is nearly. But for their was not easy to stay under the baking sun of Africa.



For the Latin Americans the game was just like a regular training session. Because short-legged penguins couldn’t keep up with the rival. During the first time the South American players had scored two unanswered goals. Herewith, south-americans even often yielded to penguins.


The first goal was greatly scored by monkey Mandragona. He clamped the ball between his short legs, and made his way to the gates by pushing hands. Mandragona is a very nimble and crafty player.


The second goal was scored by famous Jaguardo.


The goalkeeper of South American team spider monkey Macaqo peacefully reposed.


It became cloudy at the end of the first time.

Suddenly, rumbled thunder!..


Moreover, the thunder rumbled in straight sense.


Suddenly sky quickly has did get dark and begin the rain. The real rainstorm.


The penguins that were sweltered before rain, here and now they became more actives.


And they started to show the strange and unusual style of game.


The football field became a huge puddle. And the penguins began to slide as on the ice by a fantastic speed. In the water they are very zippy and fast. The penguin’s feathers tightly adjoin to one another and greased they quite not missing water and making very slippery.


The fans of South American team were in shock.


In such conditions the players from South America were slower than the penguins. They even couldn't score the goal because the penguins were making a "wall" of themselves at the moments of attack.


The footballers from South America were sticking in the mud. They weren't able to play the football. The americans got accustomed to sun have quite saddened.


The trainer a howling monkey Maradunga drived own players-stars its very loud shout-roar.


But Antarctic combined team was not only win back in play, but also sending third ball in gate of the South America.


The Golden-hairs penguin particularly stood out in the play amongst other penguins.




So has occurred the amazing sensation!!!

Unconquerable team from South America which consisting of the excellent players lose a round in the game to team of short-legged penguins by the score 2 - 3 !!!


The coach of the penguins Seal Walrussoff even demonstrated some old focuses, so he is still in a good form.

Asia - North America

The teams of Asia and North America played the first game of the first round of group “B”.

The Asian team is a very strong, it can be compared with the continental team of Africa. The football is not so popular in North America and it’s called “soccer”.

The related animals were meet in this game.


But what’s up ?!…


The American Bison picked the ball up by his hands and ran to the gates. It’s prohibited! It is a violation of the rules!


What Bison is doing? Where is referee?


Even blind Australian referee Duckbill opened his eyes. There is a game in Australia that is played by hands – it’s called “rugby”.


But what Bison is doing, he doesn’t obey the referee!




Bison has got a red card and was sent off.


Even the appeal of Mr. Condor didn't help the Bison. The American coach offered big sums of money, but Duckbill was stern and incorruptible. Americans continued the game in minority.

That’s right! We don’t need such football!


It was not simple for the Americans to play with the strong team of Asia in the minority.




The Americans have made a big mistake by putting the little Lemming as a goalkeeper. Even if he caught the ball, he flew into the gate with it.


Then Lemming was changed to North American Lynx. It was good decision of the coach.


Some behaved on field not the most cultural image and should delete their too.

The gradually Americans started got used to this unusual play for them …


... and they tried to organize the counterattack. But the wolf from Siberia interrupted the attack of Americans.


He did it very rough. What are big his claws!

They can easily cripple.


The wolf already was noticed in rough play. This wolf was exiled to the Siberia from France for the attempt of crime to the old grandmother and her granddaughter in red cap.


And just now the Duckbill noticed the violation. The yellow card!


What the wolf is doing? He is threatening the referee! But the sly fox saves the situation. Fox can persuade anyone.

And not only persuade ... of naive Americans!



Because of the wolf, the referee ordered the penalty kick in the gates of Asians.

Stupid Americans put a little opossum to punch the penalty. They don't find nobody more smallish?!


Although perhaps the Americans are not so stupid. The Indian elephant was stupid.

Mowgli changed the elephant by orangutang.


But what orangutang is doing? He’s sleeping, fingering his rosary.


But not, does not sleep.



The Asians have a third goalkeeper. It is a gibbon.

He is a lad with whim too.

The North American team playing in minority couldn’t create more dangerous moments. The Asian footballers are more professional players. Americans don’t have enough experience and playing skills.

The final score was 3 - 1 in favor of Asian team.


The best Asian player became Sherkhan that scored two goals.