Learning and Other Essays


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Book Description HTML

An expert on Greek Art chanced to describe in my hearing one of the engraved gems in the Metropolitan Museum. He spoke of it as ‘certainly one of the great gems of the world,’ and there was something in his tone that was even more thrilling than his words. He might have been describing the Parthenon or Beethoven’s Mass,—such was the passion of reverence that flowed out of him as he spoke. I went to see the gem afterwards. It was badly placed, and for all artistic purposes was invisible. I suppose that even if I had had a good look at it, I should not have been able to appreciate its full merit. Who could?—save the handful of adepts in the world, the little group of gem-readers, by whom the mighty music of this tiny score could be read at sight. Nevertheless it was a satisfaction to me to have seen the stone. I knew that through its surface there poured the power of the Greek world; that not without Phidias and Aristotle...

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Reader Reviews
  • User image  
    Reply for amazing human!
    25 Aug 2023
    Thank you so much. I appreciate your pure, kind and honest words. I'm sending you my love... Thank you! Beata
  • User image   Boygene Borice
    A captivating book
    23 Aug 2023
    I have red each poem and I just love the way you have poured all the mixed feelings of brokenness in each poem. Some poems made a drop a tear, because I felt they were directly speaking to me. However, I noted a few errors in grammar, which made it a bit difficult to comprehend certain poems. Despite of that, you are on the way of being one of the incredible writers.
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