Research Transactional Sex Amongst Young People in Rural Northern Tanzania: an Ethnography by JoyceWamoyi, Daniel Wight, MaryPlummer, - HTML preview

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The gifts reported to be commonly given in sexual

hinting at the need for a loan. Others did not refer to

encounters were sugarcane, peanuts, soap, body lotion,

material exchange at all but delayed agreeing to have sex

underwear and underskirts. If money was exchanged it

until they were given, or were promised, money or gifts.

was generally between Tsh 200 to Tsh 1,500, though occa-

Sexual negotiation sometimes involved explicit bar-

sionally the range extended from Tsh 100 to Tsh 5,000.

gaining between potential sexual partners.

Several informants reported that the amount acceptable

"When I told the girl that I wanted to have sex with

had recently fallen due to general economic circum-

her, she told me to give her Tsh 2,000. I told her that I


did not have that amount of money and the girl said I

"For many, now that money has become scarce, even

should then give her Tsh 1,500. I told the girl that I did

Tsh 200 is enough [laugh]." (Young woman: PO-99-C-

not have that amount, but I could give her Tsh 700.

8-2f )

The girl said that the money was not enough, and

The type of gift or amount of money exchanged varied

after long negotiations we agreed that I should give

from one encounter to another according to negotiation.

her Tsh 1,000". (Young man: PO-01-C-2-1 m)

We will first describe the process of negotiation and then

Payment was not always made before sex took place.

the factors affecting the actors' bargaining power.

For example, when a girl asked a male informant for Tsh

Process of negotiation

1,000 before they had sex, he told her:

Explicit sexual negotiation was almost always initiated by

"I don't do such business, I only give money after the

men, although females may have actively encouraged it.

act [having sex]". (PO-99-C-5-2f )

The statement ' nakupenda' ('I love/like you') was often

In this case he did pay as requested. In on-going rela-

accompanied with some reference to material exchange,

tionships sex was sometimes provided on credit, young

since men believed this to be a good way to persuade a

women being understanding of their partners' financial

girl/woman to have sex:


Interviewer: What are the first words you use when

"If the boy doesn't have money and the girl demands

making arrangements for making love?

it, the boy asks the girl to lend it to him, that is, he

Respondent (16 yr old school boy, Std 7): The main

makes love with her and gives her money on another

words which are used to induce a girl is simply to give

day. In fact after some days or a week, the boy pays

her money.

the girl her money. Usually due to adverse life situa-

Interviewer: Mmh?

tions, girls are given very little money, like Tsh 50, Tsh

Respondent: I tell her: 'If you agree, I shall give you a

100 or less than Tsh 1,000". (Young man: PO-00-I-4-

certain amount of money'. And this is due to her lust

4f )

for money, in order to buy some necessities so that

It was generally considered disreputable for a woman to

she can look like her friends. (II-99-I-42-1 m)

explicitly solicit sex. Formal prostitution (umalaya) was

According to many women, men sometimes asked a

condemned and women suspected of it were the subject

girl/woman to specify how much money she wanted for

of gossip. A malaya was a woman who openly had sex

sex immediately after they approached her.

with many partners in exchange for money/gifts, not

If the man did not mention gifts in his seduction some

maintaining the discretion and at least appearance of

girls/women raised it themselves. For example, women

monogamy of respectable women.

frequently asked for a soda, not meaning literally a soft

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Intermediaries: "Posta"

she had AIDS since ...when she came to [Village 4] she

The vast majority of young men reported that they had, at

was ready to have sex for small amounts of money

some point, involved intermediaries in their sexual nego-

between 200/- to 300/- shillings.' (PO-02-I-4-1 m)

tiation (also common in Kilimanjaro [25]). Intermediaries Nearly all informants reported that newcomers to the

were referred to as posta (literally 'post office' or 'mail')

village, of both sexes, were perceived as highly attractive

and were individuals close to either the male pursuer or

sexual partners. These newcomers may have been com-

the woman being sought (e.g. close relatives, friends, or

plete strangers or may have emigrated from the village

fellow members of work teams). The posta encouraged

but occasionally returned on celebration days. Having sex

the girl/woman to like a particular man, and facilitated

with a newcomer was prestigious, especially if s/he had

him giving her gifts. The female researchers were them-

come from a town. It was observed and reported that

selves sometimes approached by posta, as happened to

urban girls and women usually had 'good clothes', had

this 25 year old fieldworker: '... she asked me whether I

'nicely made hair' (chemically softened), and were cleaner

would also like to have a lover. She told me that if I took a

than most village women. Men competed with each other

lover, he would help me meet my daily requirements.'

to be the first to have sex with a female newcomer, some-

(PO-99-C-5-2f )

times offering her as much as Tsh 5,000. The four female

Posta could weaken or strengthen the girl/woman's bar-

researchers experienced this themselves during partici-

gaining position, which usually depended on his or her

pant observation, with some men offering as much as Tsh

relationship to the two parties. If related to the boy/man,

10,000 for sex. However, the sexual attractiveness of new-

the posta was likely to encourage the girl to agree to sex

comers was likely to wane as soon as they were known to

for only limited money or gifts, while if related to the girl,

have been seduced locally, and if they came to be seen as

the posta was likely to help her negotiate more money or

having had several partners they rapidly acquired the sta-


tus of wasimbe, with limited bargaining power.

Posta's efforts, and others who helped facilitate an

The most important attribute shaping the desirability

encounter, were sometimes rewarded with small gifts

of a male partner was his perceived earning capacity.

from the man. The fieldworkers noted several examples

Schoolboys had the least to offer, in contrast to young

of a younger sibling/relative being given money for keep-

men with small businesses or who were farming, and

ing silent, unlocking a door for a girl to return from hav-

adult men.

ing sex, and/or having to share a room in which a couple

"Most girls prefer villagers [not at school] to school

had sex.

boys [as sexual partners], because villagers give them

Relative bargaining power: attributes

more money than school boys. Schoolboys give Tsh

The amount of money or kind of gift exchanged was

200 and at most Tsh 500, while a villager gives Tsh

shaped by the relative bargaining power of the sexual

1,000 to a girl." (17 yr old Sukuma woman, at school

partners. Several factors influenced this, relating to each

Std 4: PO-99-I-1-2f )

partner's general attributes and particular circumstances.

Furthermore, a few girls said that schoolboys not only

The main attributes that made a girl or young woman

offered very little for sex, but frequently failed to pay what

desirable, and therefore able to demand greater remuner-

they promised. Men with little income were likely to have

ation, were her physical attractiveness, in particular light

few partners.

skin colour and large buttocks, her appearance in terms

It was reported that the men most favoured as sexual

of clean, smart clothes and elaborately made up hair, her

partners were those with a steady, relatively high income,

respectability and her prestige as a newcomer.

such as teachers, government employees (e.g. village

The greater a young woman's respectability, the more

authorities) and business people, and a few women

desirable she was to her potential partner and the more

reported relationships with such men. Young women

she had to lose by agreeing to sex, which usually meant

with sexual partners who owned shops or kiosks said that

that more valuable gifts were exchanged. Meanwhile one

they went there to select whatever item they wanted

of the characteristics of less sexually reputable women,

without paying, or to ask for money.

primarily wasimbe, was that they were said to be less dis-

Personal attractiveness, whether in terms of "good

criminating about their sexual partners, caring less about

behaviour" ( tabia nzuri) or appearance, seemed to be less

their age or marital status, and they agreed to sex for very

important for a man to win sexual partners than "the

low prices (as little as Tsh 100). Women defined by men

weight of his pockets". There was a common saying that:

as "bad" for being disrespectful ( kiburi) or wahuni,

"There are no unattractive/ugly men, and if there are,

attracted less sexual partners and received very little for

then they are those without money". However, if a man

sex. Furthermore, young women who agreed to sex for

was perceived to be attractive a young woman might

minimal reward were sometimes suspected of having

accept a more modest payment for sex, while if unattract-

AIDS. 'He said that it seems that the girl was aware that

ive he was likely to be refused unless he offered a lot

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more. The following fieldnote shows how girls sometimes

bargaining skills. Schoolgirls in their early teens usually

demanded a price clearly intended to avoid sex, though

only received sugarcane or peanuts from sex with school-

we cannot tell why: 'K2-m (a 23 yr old man) said they

boys, as a male recent school leaver said: "I mean, there at

were coming from the well where they had followed some

school, girls are finished for just peanuts." However, older

girls. ...the girls had told them that if they wanted to have

girls, and girls who had out-of-school lovers, could

sex with them, they should give them Tsh 10,000. They

demand and receive larger gifts, partly because their part-

said they were not ready to give the girls that amount of

ners had more money, but in some cases because they

money to have sex with them only once...they could have

argued that they had less parental support and therefore

sex with lots of other girls for a small amount of money.'

greater needs.

(PO-00-I-4-1 m)

The dry, harvest period was a festive time with tradi-

Like female newcomers, male newcomers to the village

tional drumming, dancing competitions and little farm

were particularly valued as sexual partners. This was pri-

work. Farmers were at their most affluent shortly after

marily because of their perceived affluence, but also the

harvest when they sold their cash crops, and their avail-

prestige of their presumed modern urban lifestyle. The

able money then dwindled until the next harvest, unless

male researchers were thus also sought as potential sex-

they found employment as labourers during the planting

ual partners, although less directly than were the female

season. Consequently the frequency of sex, and payment

researchers, for instance women tried to get the female

accepted for sex, varied seasonally. During the rainy sea-

researchers to act as intermediaries to access male

son, it could often be as little as Tsh 200, while after har-

researchers. Women known as wasimbe, or reputed to be

vest this frequently increased to as much as Tsh 1,000.

wahuni, preferred newcomers who were ignorant of their

Similarly, fishermen were more likely to agree to pay

sexual reputations which might have undermined their

large sums for sex when they had just returned from a

bargaining power.

fishing trip and had ready cash. In lakeshore villages a few

There were occasional evening video shows in the vil-

young women targeted fishermen when they had just

lages, brought from the district capitals by young men.

returned from a catch, by strolling about on the beach in

Some young women got a man to pay their Tsh 100

tight fitting dresses. These women were said to ' kuchuna

entrance fee, agreeing to have sex afterwards with their

mbuzi' , literally 'skin the goat', meaning lure the fisher-

benefactor. Frequently this was one of those running the

men into having sex for money.


As a relationship developed, bargaining power tended

"The young men who come to show videos in the vil-

to increase for the man/boy. It was widely reported that

lage usually have sex with village girls, because they

more money or gifts were necessary to seduce a girl or

allow them to enter free of charge and are also seen as

woman into starting a sexual relationship than to have sex

having money and thus being potential providers."

on subsequent occasions:

(Male attendee at video show: PO-99-I-1-2f )

"In the beginning of a relationship the man gives rela-

Relative bargaining power: circumstances

tively more money. But as the relationship continues

Whatever their attributes, partners' current circum-

he reduces it, or even becomes sly so as to have sex for

stances also shaped their bargaining power, in particular

free... [When] I met my boyfriend for the first... [sex-

women's immediate material needs, men's access to ready

ual encounter] he gave me Tsh 1,500; this was

cash, and the stage of their relationship.

reduced to Tsh 1,000 the second time." (Sukuma

In general, the more affluent a girl or woman was, the

schoolgirl, Std 7: PO-01-I-1-2f )

greater payment she was likely to demand before agreeing

Several reasons may combine to explain why less was

to have sex. As an msimbe observed, to the affirmation of

exchanged for sex after first intercourse within a relation-


ship (also found in Durban, South Africa [8]). The young

"If a man realises that a girl has no source of income

woman might have become less desirable to her partner,

he takes advantage of her and can even have sex with

the prestige of seduction having been achieved and fanta-

her for Tsh 100.... Men take advantage of a woman

sies of sexual contact realised. Meanwhile the woman's

who does not have her own source of income. If you

respectability had been undermined by her succumbing

just wait for men they make fun of you, like goodness

to his pressure to have sex. Furthermore, most men were

knows what. They will really show you contempt. It is

unable to maintain the gifts offered for first sex. Several

better that you have your own small source of income,

young people reported that consequently young women

and if a hawara (lover) adds to your capital, you just

often ended relationships after a few sexual encounters,

continue with it". (19 yr old Sukuma woman: PO-99-

to find more lucrative ones:

C-5-2f )

Respondent (14 yr old Sukuma school girl) It was me

However, the amount given for sex was also shaped by

who rejected him.... I was asking for money and he

the male partner's access to money and the girl/woman's

refused, I asked for body oil and he refused

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Interviewer: Now, that [new boyfriend], does he give

repeated several times they would seek a new partner. A

you money?

young female informant bitterly described her boyfriend

Respondent: He gives me money. I buy body oil, exer-

as "sly":

cise books and pencils

"He tells you, 'Tomorrow, when tomorrow comes.' He

Interviewer: About how much money does he give

says, 'Tomorrow', like that, and you continue to have


sex with him. Eventually a month is over without

Respondent: Tsh 1,500. (II-99-C-51-2f )

being paid your money". (PO-99-C-5-2f )

Exchanging sex for gifts or money thus gave women an

Failure to fulfil such promises could lead to consider-

incentive to change partners, although it encouraged men

able animosity, especially in situations where the young

to keep them.

woman's relatives knew about it, and particularly if they

Bullying, tricks and deception

benefited from the sexual exchange. Men were some-

There were various ways in which men sometimes

times compelled to honour promises of payment, some-

manipulated women or girls' circumstances to strengthen

times surreptitiously:

their bargaining position. Physical coercion in sex was

"When a boy agrees he will give a girl money if they

generally condemned, and sometimes resulted in fines by

make love, and then afterwards he doesn't give it, that

the village authorities, but cases rarely reached that level,

girl goes to tell her grandmother. The grandmother

and then usually only if there was evidence of extreme

gets very annoyed that the boy makes a fool of her

violence, the girl was very young, and/or there was no

grandchild by not giving her anything. The grand-

prior gift-giving [53]. It was difficult to ascertain the prev-mother looks for local medicines to make the boy

alence of coercive sex, but threats seemed more common

'become a woman' [impotent], that is ... he loses the

than actual violence, which was primarily associated with

power of making love.... After some time the man dis-

heavy drinkers. Threats were generally made when a

covers the change and immediately goes to a tradi-

young woman was thought to be reneging on an explicit

tional healer for divination. The traditional healer

or implicit agreement to have sex in return for a gift. For

tells him the truth, that he did not give the girl her

instance, young women reported that if they refused to

money after making love with her. That boy goes to

have sex after consuming a gift at festivals, men often

seek forgiveness from the girl and gives her much

threatened to beat them or snatch away their kanga (cloth

more money than they had agreed previously."

tied like a skirt). They said that they agreed to have sex to

(Young woman: PO-00-I-4-4f )

avoid such embarrassment.

Men were said sometimes to bully women into agreeing


to sex by fabricating stories about prior gifts. One female

The Christian holidays and national festival days were

informant reported:

important in the villages and eagerly awaited, villagers

"He gives her, like, Tsh 20 for sugar cane, then he

saving up money and gifts for these occasions. Much

wants to beat her if she refuses [sex]. If asked by peo-

greater license than normal was given to young people,

ple why he wants to beat her, he says she ate [took] his

and young women with strict parents had a rare opportu-

money worth Tsh 2,000". (13 yr old Sukuma school-

nity to hang about in the evening and talk to friends.

girl, Std 5: PO-99-C-5-2f )

Young women were very concerned that their clothes

Young women sometimes agreed to sex in such cases to

should be as smart and new as possible on these celebra-

avoid embarrassment and protracted disputes.

tion days. They often used their savings to this end, or if

A common trick was for a man to use an intermediary

necessary borrowed from their friends or boyfriends. For

to get a young woman to accept a gift indirectly. For

instance as Christmas approached a 17 yr old schoolgirl

instance, a few food kiosk owners reported that men

(Std 5) 'was thinking of asking her boyfriend to give her

sometimes told them to serve food to a particular

Tsh 1,000 so that she can add to what she has and go to

woman, suggesting it was the kiosk owner's gift. The man

Geita [district capital] to buy shoes' (PO-99-I-1-2f ), or in

then paid the bill, putting him in a strong position to

July a young woman said:

negotiate having sex with the woman, since she was

"I was given money by my partner in order to buy

indebted to him. However, most women were aware of

socks for the choir at the Sabasaba inauguration".

such tricks:

(PO-00-I-4-4f )

"A man buys you tea or soda, he gives you money, he

On these days there was more sexual negotiation and

cunningly pleases you. He can cater for your costs

activity, and transactional sex was much more explicit,

first before propositioning you." (Young Sukuma

usually taking the form of " halleluya" exchanges, deriving woman, out of school: PO-99-C-8-2f )

from 'alleluia' meaning praise and thanks to God. If some-

Some girls and women described being deceived with

one greeted another person with the word " Halleluya"

false promises of future payment, though if this was

they expected to be given a gift or money. Most young

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women preferred to ask men for halleluya gifts because

that they were not getting good value for their money

they gave more, but the women knew that they were

with a condom:

likely to have to reciprocate by having sex, since most

"Most men who give money to their lovers don't agree

quickly spent the money or consumed the food or drinks

to use condoms. When it happens that a woman

given. Men generally demanded to have their gift back, or

insists on using a condom, they refuse and demand to

to have sex with the recipient, once they were s