The Challenge of Prosecuting Organised Crime in South Africa with Reference to Abalone (Haliotis Midae) Poaching by Ivy Chen - HTML preview

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1 Fuggle, R.E. and Rabie, M.A. (1999:318-25).

2 3 Fuggle, R.E.and Rabie, M.A. (1999:318-325). Tarr, R.J.Q. (1992: 438-447).

4 Tarr, R.J. Q, Williams, P.V.G and MacKenzie, A.J. (1997:319-323); Hauck, M. (1997:285).

5 Raemaekers, S. J -P.N. Peter J. Britz. (2005:211).

6 "In 1999, live unshucked abalone fetched some R192 (US$32.00) per kg whole mass in the Far East (which translates to approximately R580 per kg for the meat). Although the value varies according to the type of processing, the fishery has a minimum annual gross value of around R70 million and employs some 300 people directly.6 Recent reductions in the total allowable catch (TAC) of around 100 tons represent a loss of at least R13 million to the fishing industry. The high value of abalone, together with the fact that it lives in the shallow intertidal, makes it a prime target for illegal exploitation." See www.icesjms.oxfordjornels.or (last accessed on 23 October 2012).

7 Burger, A. (2007). ‘Of Abalone, Drugs, Dwindling Populations & Economic Empowerment’ accessed on 10 August 12 ). A report in the Cape Argus in 2007 stated the following: "There are presently 302 rights holders (40 legal entities and 262 individual divers in the form of close corporations) functioning in the sector with about 800 jobs, including the individual divers. These are families and people this decision will impact on the most." Burger, A (2007). See "Of Abalone, Drugs, Dwindling Populations & Economic Empowerment" accessed on 10 August 2012).

8 See Status from South Africa Reserve Bank accessed on 11Nov. 2012).

9 Raemaekers, S. Britz, P.J. (2009:183-195).

10 UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, "TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME IN THE FISHING INDUSTRY " See (last accessed13/09/2012).

11 The main importers were Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan (Province of China).

12 Randi E, Tabarroni C. and Rimondi S. (2002:5).

13 Michael W. Lodge, Andersan, D. Løbach, T. Munro, G. Sainsbury, K. Willock, A. (2007:1-160) Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations.See: papersandpublications 393 429 .pdf (last accessed on 11 Dec.2011).

14 Abensperg-T. M. (2011: 1-5-176) "CITES and CBNRM - European Commission" See: (Last accessed on 11 Dec.2011).

15 Hoare A. (2007) The Growth and Control of International Environmental Crime. See (last accessed on 15 July 2012).

16 TRAFFIC Bulletin report on Abalone, See: (last accessed on 10 Feb 2012). Feike: natural resource management advisor.

17 UNDOC Issue Paper (2011)"Transnational Organized Crime in the Fishing Industry"See: (last accessed on 23 March 2012 ).

18 See (last accessed on 25 Feb 2013).

19 TRAFFIC (2010).

20 Groenewald,Y (2009) SA 'losing abalone war' Mail and Guardian; (last accessed on 25 July 2012).

21"United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, opened for signature" Apr. 29, 1958, 17 U.S.T. 138.

22 See Craig, supra note 7.

23 See Segar, supra note 4, at 22.

24 "Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: Final Act, opened for signature Dec.10,1982.

25 American Society of International Law (1985:24).

26 Charlotte de Fontaubert (1996:23).

27 See UNCLOS III, supra note 18, arts. 61-70.

28 Holmila ,E.(2004). "Common Heritage of mankind in the law of the sea" See: (last accessed on 15 Aug 2012). 29 See UNCLOS III, supra note 18, arts. 56, 57.

30 David, C. H. (1983:11).

31 UNCLOS III, supra note 18, art. 61.

32 Rodney V. Salm, John R. Clark, Erkki Siirila (2000). "Marine and Coastal Protected Areas" See: (last accessed on 20 Sept. 2012).

33 "Convention

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