The Challenge of Prosecuting Organised Crime in South Africa with Reference to Abalone (Haliotis Midae) Poaching by Ivy Chen - HTML preview

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  • Biodiversity Act 2004 (Act 10 of 2004). South Africa National Biodiversity framework March of 2007.
  • Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977.
  • Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) Green Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biological Diversity 1996.
  • Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. 2003. Policy for the allocation of commercial fishing rights in the abalone fishery: 2003. South Africa.
  • DEAT, 2004. Transformation and the South African Fishing Industry: The TAC controlled Fisheries. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) Act 18 of 1998.
  • Maritime Zones Act 15 of 1994.
  • Ministry of Trade and Industry, (2010).
  • Prevention of Organized Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA).
  • Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Fisheries.


  • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CITES).
  • The Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • United Nations (Third) Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III).


  • Andre Pretorius and One Other against the State Case No. A 434/2003 in the High Court of SA (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division), Judgment delivered on 30 April 2003.
  • Kroese,M. Director: Fisheries Operations, Pacific Island Fisheries Forum Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands; previously Director: Monitoring and Surveillance, Marine and Coastal Management.
  • Packereysammy v The State 2004(2) SACR 169(SCA).
  • Peschak,T. personal comment ,well known marine biologist writer and photographer, whose research for this doctoral thesis was severely handicapped by study samples vanishing overnight and ending up on a plate in china. As this is based on the recollection of an oral remark, the compilers take responsibility for a scientific inaccuracies.
  • Standard format used for the identification of abalone. This system was put in place by Phil Snijman and Mongezi Nqoro, both consultants to MCM and prosecutors at the Environmental Court at Hermanus under delegation of the DPP, and Bernard Liedemann and Keith Thompson, both of the Specialised Investigative Unit of MCM. The Exhibit Register was drafted by André Reynecke and Phil Snijman of MCM.
  • Regulations relating to Qualification Criteria, Training and Identification of, and Forms to be used by Environmental Management Inspectors, GNR494 of GG28869 of 2 June 2006.
  • State vs. Rui wei, Frank Barends and 29 others Cape High Court Case No. SS 47/12.
  • South African Police Service, Annual Report, April 1 2000 to March 31 2001, Pretoria, p 47.
  • TRAFFIC report 6 4 2010. "Removal of trade controls signals bleak future for abalone".
  • 1 UNDOC Issue Paper (2011) UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, "Transnational Organized Crime in the Fishing Industry".
  • Worldfish Report, No. 301, 18 October (2007).




  • Abbott, R. T. and Dance, S. P. (1991) Compedium of seashells. A color guide to more than 4200 of the world's marine shells. Charles Letts & Co. Ltd., London.
  • Burchell, Jonathan and Milton, John (2005) Principles of Criminal Law Juta, Third Edition.
  • Du Toit et al, (2003) Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Act, Juta, Kenwyn.
  • Fuggle, RF and Rabie, MA (editors) (1992) Environmental Management in South Africa, Juta, (Chapter 3 by Stauth, RB and Baskind, P.H).
  • Glazewski, Jan, (2005) Environmental Law in South Africa, Butterworths, Second Edition.
  • Hague (2005) Principles of International Criminal Law (English/Chinese Version).
  • Burchell J. and Milton J.(2006) Principles of Criminal Law.
  • Kidd M (199 ) " Environmental Law, A South Africa guide".
  • Prof. M. Leon Hugo (2004) "Environmental Management, An ecological Guide to Sustainable living in South Africa".
  • Thomos J. Bernard. book reviews (1989)"Contemporary Crisis".
  • Van der Linde, Morne(editor) (2006) "Compendium of South African Environmental Legislation", Pretoria University Law Press.


  • Abbott,R.T. and Dance,S.P. (1991) Compedium of seashells. A color guide to more than 4200 of the world’s marine shells. Charles letts &Co. Ltd., Lodon.
  • Allen, W.L. To, Billy C.H. Hau and Samuel K.H. Lee (2006) A Study on the Trade in Dried Abalones in HongKong. TRAFFIC Bulletin 21 (1): 25-34.
  • Allen, et al. (2006) The international trade in abalone is primarily driven by Asia. The main importers of abalone are Hong Kong, China, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan with Hong Kong being the largest importer.
  • Naudé,B.C., former regional magistrate at the Environmental Court in Hermanus, at a presentation delivered at the first national training course for prosecutors
  • Bouwer, A. prosecutor in the Mandara Trust illegal waste case, then Director, SHG forensics, currently Manageing Director, Nexus Forensic Services. The same sentiment has been expressed by Andrew Lauterback (fn 15) and Phil Snijman (fn 16)
  • Boyd, A.J. and Shillington, F.A. (1994) Physical forcing and circulation patterns on the Agulhas Bank. South African Journal of Science. 90: 114-122.
  • Brick,K. Muchapondwa, E. and Visser, M. (2009) "Abalone poaching, methamphetamine use, criminal activity in South Africa and the associated implications for resource management" Research Fellows, Environmental Policy Research Unit (EPRU), School of Economics, University of Cape Town.
  • Bürgener, M. (2008) The illegal trade in South African abalone (Haliotis midae). TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa.
  • Bürgener, M. (2006) Information Document: Proposed Listing of Abalone (Haliotis midae) on Appendix III of CITES. Background Information Document for the Proposed Listing of Abalone on CITES Appendix III. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa.
  • Bürgener, M. (2010) The CITES Appendix III Listing of Abalone (Haliotis midae) Impact on Illegal Harvest and Trade, TRAFFIC Bull., 23. TRAFFIC International, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Bürgener, Markus. (2011) ‘An estimation of the international trade in illegally harvested Haliotis midea, 2000-2010", TRAFFIC East/South Africa, cape town June 2011.
  • Clarke, S. (2004) Understanding pressures on fishery resources through trade statistics: a pilot study of four products in the Chinese dried seafood market. Fish and Fisheries, 5:53-74.
  • Clarke, S. (2002) Trade in Asian dried seafood: characterization, estimation and implications for conservation. WCS working paper No. 22.92 pp.
  • Cook, P. A. (1990) Perlemoen farming in South Africa. Mariculture Association of Southern Africa, Cape Town.56 pp.
  • Cook, P. A. (1998) The current status of abalone farming in South Africa. Journal of Shellfish Research, 17 (3): 601-602.
  • Cook, P. A. and Sweijd, N. A. (1999) Some genetic considerations of shellfish ranching: a case study of the abalone, Haliotis midae in South Africa, International conference on shellfish restoration, September 29-October 2, 1999.Abstracts, Cork, Ireland.
  • De Waal, S. and Cook, P. (2001) Quantifying the physical and biological attributes of successful ocean seeding sites for farm-reared juvenile abalone (Haliotis midae). Journal of Shellfish Research, 20 (2): 857-861.
  • de Waal, S. W. P., Branch, G. M., and Navarro, R.,(2003). Interpreting evidence of dispersal by Haliotis midae juveniles seeded in the wild. Aquaculture 221, 299–310.
  • Fourie E. (2009) of the DEAT The definition of the EMI is almost taken verbatim fro Fuggle, R.E. and Rabie M.A. (1999) "Environmental management in South Africa "111.318-25.
  • Feike Natural Resource Management Advisers, n.d, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, 2006. The state of world fisheries and aquaculture. Rome, Italy: FAO, United Nations.
  • Gastrow, P. (1998) Organised crime in South Africa: an assessment of its nature and origins. Institute for Security Studies Monograph Series 28. ISS, Halfway House. 74 pp.
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  • Gordon, H. R. and Cook, P. A. (2003) Opening speech: 5th International Abalone Symposium, Quingdao, China October 2003, Fishtech Inc, San Rafael, California.
  • Gordon, H.R. and Cook, P.A. (2004). World abalone fisheries and aquaculture update: supply and market dynamics.Journal of Shellfisheries Research, 23(4):935-939.
  • Godfrey, B.P. (2003). The Potential of Abalone Stock Enhancement in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa M.Sc. thesis, Rhodes University, South Africa.163 pp
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