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temp. Jac. I. Norwich. Witches probably accused for illness of a child. Possibly Mother Francis was one of them. Cooper, ibid. , "Epistle Dedicatorie."

1626. Taunton, Somerset. Edmund Bull and Joan Greedie accused. Brit. Mus., Add. MSS., 36,674, fol. 189; Wright, Narratives of Sorcery and Magic, II, 139-143. See also Richard Bernard, Guide to Grand Jurymen,

"Epistle Dedicatorie."

1627. Durham. Sara Hathericke and Jane Urwen accused before the Consistory Court. Folk-Lore Journal (London, 1887), V, 158. Quoted by Edward Peacock from the records of the Consistory Court of Durham.

1627. Linneston, Lancaster. Elizabeth Londesdale accused. Certificate of neighbors in her favor. Hist. MSS.

Comm. Reports, XIV, pt. 4 ( Kenyon MSS. ), 36.

1628. Leepish, Northumberland. Jane Robson committed. Mackenzie, History of Northumberland (Newcastle, 1825), 36. Mackenzie copies from the Mickleton MS.

1630. Lancaster. A certain Utley said to have been hanged for bewitching Richard Assheton. E. Baines, Lancaster (ed. of 1868-1870), II, 12.

1630. Sandwich, Kent. Woman hanged. Wm. Boys, Collections for an History of Sandwich in Kent (Canterbury, 1792), 707.

c. 1630. Wilts. "John Barlowes wife" said to have been executed. MS. letter of 1685-86 printed in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1832, pt. I, 405-410.

1633. Louth, Lincolnshire. Witch alarm; two searchers appointed. One witch indicted. Goulding, Louth Old CHAPTER XIV.


Corporation Records, 54.

c. 1633. Lancaster. The father and mother of Mary Spencer condemned. Cal. S. P., Dom., 1634-1635, 79.

1633. Norfolk. Woman accused. No arrest made. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, X, pt. 2 ( Gawdy MSS. ), p. 144.

1633-34. Lancaster. Several witches, probably seventeen, tried and condemned. Reprieved by the king. For the many references to this affair see above, chap. VII, footnotes.

1634. Yorkshire. Four women of West Ayton presented for telling "per veneficationem vel incantationem"

where certain stolen clothes were to be found. Thirsk Quarter Sessions Records in North Riding Record Society, IV, 20.

1635. Lancaster. Four witches condemned. Privy Council orders Bishop Bridgeman to examine them. Two died in gaol. The others probably reprieved. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, XII, 2 ( Cowper MSS. , II), 77, 80.

1635. Leicester. Agnes Tedsall acquitted. Leicestershire and Rutland Notes and Queries, I, 247.

1635. ----. Mary Prowting, who was a plaintiff before the Star Chamber, accused of witchcraft. Accuser, who was one of the defendants, exposed. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1635, 476-477.

c. 1637. Bedford. Goodwife Rose "ducked," probably by officials. Wm. Drage, Daimonomageia (London, 1665), 41.

1637. Staffordshire. Joice Hunniman committed, almost certainly released. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, II, App., 48 b.

1637-38. Lathom, Lancashire. Anne Spencer examined and probably committed. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, XIV, 4 ( Kenyon MSS. ), 55.

1638. Middlesex. Alice Bastard arraigned on two charges. Acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 112-113.

1641. Middlesex. One Hammond of Westminster tried and perhaps hanged. John Aubrey, Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme (Folk-Lore Soc.), 61.

temp. Carol I. Oxford. Woman perhaps executed. This story is given at third hand in A Collection of Modern Relations (London, 1693), 48-49.

temp. Carol, I. Somerset. One or more hanged. Later the bewitched person, who may have been Edmund Bull (see above, s. v. 1626, Taunton), hanged also as a witch. Meric Casaubon, Of Credulity and Incredulity (London, 1668), 170-171.

temp. Carol. I? Taunton Dean. Woman acquitted. North, Life of North, 131.

1642. Middlesex. Nicholas Culpepper of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 85.

1643. Newbury, Berks. A woman supposed to be a witch probably shot here by the parliament forces. A Most certain, strange and true Discovery of a Witch ... 1643; Mercurius Aulicus, Oct. 1-8, 1643; Mercurius Civicus, Sept. 21-28, 1643; Certaine Informations, Sept. 25-Oct. 2, 1643; Mercurius Britannicus, Oct. 10-17, 1643.



1644. Sandwich, Kent. "The widow Drew hanged for a witch." W. Boys, Collections for an History of Sandwich, 714.

1645 (July). Chelmsford, Essex. Sixteen certainly condemned, probably two more. Possibly eleven or twelve more at another assize. A true and exact Relation ... of ... the late Witches ... at Chelmesford (1645); Arthur Wilson, in Peck, Desiderata Curiosa, II, 76; Hopkins, Discovery of Witches, 2-3; Stearne, Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft, 14, 16, 36, 38, 58, etc.; Signes and Wonders from Heaven (1645), 2; "R. B." The Kingdom of Darkness (London, 1688). The fate of the several Essex witches is recorded by the True and Exact Relation in marginal notes printed opposite their depositions (but omitted in the reprint of that pamphlet in Howell's State Trials). "R. B.," in The Kingdom of Darkness, though his knowledge of the Essex cases is ascribed to the pamphlet, gives details as to the time and place of the executions which are often in strange conflict with its testimony.

1645 (July). Norfolk. Twenty witches said to have been executed. Whitelocke, Memorials, I, 487. A Perfect Diurnal (July 21-28, 1645) says that there has been a "tryall of the Norfolke witches, about 40 of them and 20

already executed." Signes and Wonders from Heaven says that "there were 40 witches arraigned for their lives and 20 executed."

1645. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Sixteen women and two men executed Aug. 27. Forty or fifty more probably executed a few weeks later. A very large number arraigned. A manuscript (Brit. Mus., Add. MSS., 27,402, fol. 104 ff.) mentions over forty true bills and fifteen or more bills not found. A True Relation of the Araignment of eighteene Witches at St. Edmundsbury (1645); Clarke, Lives of Sundry Eminent Persons, 172; County Folk-Lore, Suffolk (Folk-Lore Soc.), 178; Ady, A Candle in the Dark, 104-105, 114; Moderate Intelligencer, Sept. 4-11, 1645; Scottish Dove, Aug. 29-Sept. 6, 1645.

Stearne mentions several names not mentioned in the True Relation--names probably belonging to those in the second group of the accused. Of most of them he has quoted the confession without stating the outcome of the cases. They are Hempstead of Creeting, Ratcliffe of Shelley, Randall of Lavenham, Bedford of Rattlesden, Wright of Hitcham, Ruceulver of Powstead, Greenliefe of Barton, Bush of Barton, Cricke of Hitcham, Richmond of Bramford, Hammer of Needham, Boreham of Sudbury, Scarfe of Rattlesden, King of Acton, Bysack of Waldingfield, Binkes of Haverhill. In addition to these Stearne speaks of Elizabeth Hubbard of Stowmarket. Two others from Stowmarket were tried, "Goody Mils" and "Goody Low." Hollingsworth, History of Stowmarket (Ipswich, 1844), 171.

1645. Melford, Suffolk. Alexander Sussums made confession. Stearne, 36.

1645. Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. At least nine women indicted, five of whom were condemned. Three women acquitted and one man. Many others presented. C. J. Palmer, History of Great Yarmouth, I, 273-274. Hist.

MSS. Comm. Reports, IX, App., pt. I, 320 a; Henry Harrod in Norfolk Archæol. , IV, 249-251.

1645. Cornwall. Anne Jeffries confined in Bodmin gaol and starved by order of a justice of the peace. She was said to be intimate with the "airy people" and to cause marvellous cures. We do not know the charge against her. Finally discharged. William Turner, Remarkable Providences (London, 1697), ch. 82.

1645. Ipswich, Suffolk. Mother Lakeland burnt. The Lawes against Witches (1645).

1645. King's Lynn, Norfolk. Dorothy Lee and Grace Wright hanged. Mackerell, History and Antiquities of King's Lynn, 236.

1645. Aldeburgh, Norfolk. Seven witches hanged. Quotations from the chamberlain's accounts in N. F. Hele, Notes or Jottings about Aldeburgh, 43-44.



1645. Faversham, Kent. Three women hanged, a fourth tried, by the local authorities. The Examination, Confession, Triall and Execution of Joane Williford, Joan Cariden and Jane Hott (1645).

1645. Rye, Sussex. Martha Bruff and Anne Howsell ordered by the "mayor of Rye and others" to be put to the ordeal of water. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, XIII, pt. 4, 216.

1645. Middlesex. Several witches of Stepney accused. Signes and Wonders from Heaven, 2-3.

1645-46. Cambridgeshire. Several accused, at least one or two of whom were executed. Ady, Candle in the Dark, 135; Stearne, 39, 45; H. More, Antidote against Atheisme, 128-129. This may have been what is referred to in Glanvill's Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt. ii, 208-209.

1646. Northamptonshire. Several witches hanged. One died in prison. Stearne, 11, 23, 34-35.

1646. Huntingdonshire. Many accused, of whom at least ten were examined and several executed, among them John Wynnick. One woman swam and was released. John Davenport, Witches of Huntingdon (London, 1646); H. More, Antidote against Atheisme, 125; Stearne, 11, 13, 17, 19, 20-21, 39, 42.

1646. Bedfordshire. Elizabeth Gurrey of Risden made confession. Stearne says a Huntingdonshire witch confessed that "at Tilbrooke bushes in Bedfordshier ... there met above twenty at one time." Huntingdonshire witches seem meant, but perhaps not alone. Stearne, 11, 31.

c. 1646. Yarmouth, Norfolk. Stearne mentions a woman who suffered here. Stearne, 53.

1646. Heptenstall, Yorkshire. Elizabeth Crossley, Mary Midgley, and two other women examined before two justices of the peace. York Depositions, 6-9.

1647. Ely, Cambridgeshire. Stearne mentions "those executed at Elie, a little before Michaelmas last, ... also one at Chatterish there, one at March there, and another at Wimblington there, now lately found, still to be tryed"; and again "one Moores wife of Sutton, in the Isle of Elie," who "confessed her selfe guilty" and was executed; and yet again "one at Heddenham in the Isle of Ely," who "made a very large Confession" and must have paid the penalty. Stearne, 17, 21, 37; Gibbons, Ely Episcopal Records (Lincoln, 1891), 112-113.

1647. Middlesex. Helen Howson acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 124.

1648. Middlesex. Bill against Katharine Fisher of Stratford-at-Bow ignored. Middlesex County Records, III, 102.

1648. Norwich, Norfolk. Two women burnt. P. Browne, History of Norwich (Norwich, 1814), 38.

1649. Worcester. A Lancashire witch said to have been tried; perhaps remanded to Lancashire. A Collection of Modern Relations. The writer says that he received the account from a "Person of Quality" who attended the trial.

1649. Middlesex. Elizabeth Smythe of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 191.

1649. Middlesex. Dorothy Brumley acquitted. Ibid.

1649. St. Albans. John Palmer and Elizabeth Knott said to have been hanged for witches. The Divels Delusion (1649).



1649. Berwick. Thirty women, examined on the accusation of a Scotch witch-finder, committed to prison.

Whitelocke, Memorials, III, 99; John Fuller, History of Berwick (Edinburgh, 1799), 155-156, giving extracts from the Guild Hall Books; John Sykes, Local Records (Newcastle, 1833), I, 103-105.

1649. Gloucester. Witch tried at the assizes. A Collection of Modern Relations, 52.

1649-50. Yorkshire. Mary Sykes and Susan Beaumont committed and searched. The former acquitted, bill against the latter ignored. York Depositions, 28.

1649-50. Durham. Several witches at Gateshead examined, and carried to Durham for trial; "a grave for a witch." Sykes, Local Records, I, 105; or Denham Tracts (Folk-Lore Soc.), II, 338.

1649-50. Newcastle. Thirty witches accused. Fourteen women and one man hanged, together with a witch from the county of Northumberland. Ralph Gardiner, England's Grievance (London, 1655), 108; Sykes, Local Records, I, 103; John Brand, History and Antiquities of Newcastle (London, 1789), II, 477-478; Whitelocke, Memorials, III, 128; Chronicon Mirabile (London, 1841), 92.

1650. Yorkshire. Ann Hudson of Skipsey charged. York Depositions, 38, note.

1650. Cumberland. A "discovery of witches." Sheriff perplexed. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1650, 159.

1650. Derbyshire. Ann Wagg of Ilkeston committed for trial. J. C. Cox, Three Centuries of Derbyshire Annals, II, 88.

1650. Middlesex. Joan Roberts acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 284.

1650. Stratford-at-Bow, Middlesex. Witch said to have been apprehended, but "escaped the law." Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt. ii, Relation XX.

1650. Middlesex. Joan Allen sentenced to be hanged. Middlesex County Records, III, 284. The Weekly Intelligencer, Oct. 7, 1650, refers to the hanging of a witch at the Old Bailey, probably Joan.

1650. Leicester. Anne Chettle searched and acquitted. Tried again two years later. Result unknown.

Leicestershire and Rutland Notes and Queries, I, 247; James Thompson, Leicester (Leicester, 1849), 406.

1650. Alnwick. Dorothy Swinow, wife of a colonel, indicted. Nothing further came of it. Wonderfull News from the North (1650).

1650. Middlesex. Elizabeth Smith acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 284.

c. 1650-60. St. Alban's, Herts. Two witches suspected and probably tried. Drage, Daimonomageia (1665), 40-41.

1651. Yorkshire. Margaret Morton acquitted. York Depositions, 38.

1651. Middlesex. Elizabeth Lanam of Stepney acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 202, 285.

1651. Colchester, Essex. John Lock sentenced to one year's imprisonment and four appearances in the pillory.

Brit. Mus., Stowe MSS., 840, fol. 43.

1652. Yorkshire. Hester France of Huddersfield accused before the justice of the peace. York Depositions, 51.



1652. Maidstone, Kent. Six women hanged, others indicted. A Prodigious and Tragicall History of the Arraignment ... of six Witches at Maidstone ... by "H. F. Gent.," 1652; The Faithful Scout, July 30-Aug. 7, 1652; Ashmole's Diary in Lives of Ashmole and Lilly (London, 1774), 316.

1652. Middlesex. Joan Peterson of Wapping acquitted on one charge, found guilty on another, and hanged.

Middlesex County Records, III, 287; The Witch of Wapping; A Declaration in Answer to several lying Pamphlets concerning the Witch of Wapping; The Tryall and Examinations of Mrs. Joan Peterson; French Intelligencer, Apr. 6-13, 1652; Mercurius Democritus, Apr. 7-14, 1652; Weekly Intelligencer, April 6-13, 1652; Faithful Scout, Apr. 9-16, 1652.

1652. London. Susan Simpson acquitted. A True and Perfect List of the Names of those Prisoners in Newgate (London, 1652).

1652. Worcester. Catherine Huxley of Evesham, charged with bewitching a nine-year-old girl, hanged.

Baxter, Certainty of the World of Spirits (London, 1691), 44-45. Baxter's narrative was sent him by "the now Minister of the place."

1652. Middlesex. Temperance Fossett of Whitechapel acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 208, 288.

1652. Middlesex. Margery Scott of St Martin's-in-the-Fields acquitted. Ibid. , 209.

1652. Scarborough, Yorkshire. Anne Marchant or Hunnam accused and searched. J. B. Baker, History of Scarborough (London, 1882), 481, using local records.

1652. Durham. Francis Adamson and ---- Powle executed. Richardson, Table Book, I, 286.

1652. Exeter, Devonshire. Joan Baker committed. Cotton, Gleanings ... Relative to the History of ... Exeter (Exeter, 1877), 149.

1652. Wilts. William Starr accused and searched. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, Various, I, 127.

1652-53. Cornwall. A witch near Land's End accused, and accuses others. Eight sent to Launceston gaol.

Some probably executed (see above, p. 218 and footnotes 24, 25). Mercurius Politicus, Nov. 24-Dec. 2, 1653; R. and O. B. Peter, The Histories of Launceston and Dunheved (Plymouth, 1885), 285. See also Burthogge, Essay upon Reason and the Nature of Spirits (London, 1694), 196.

1653. Wilts. Joan Baker of the Devizes makes complaint because two persons have reported her to be a witch.

Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, Various, I, 127. Is this the Joan Baker of Exeter mentioned a few lines above?

1653. Wilts. Joan Price of Malmesbury and Elizabeth Beeman of the Devizes indicted, the latter committed to the assizes. Ibid.

1653. Yorkshire. Elizabeth Lambe accused. York Depositions, 58.

1653. Middlesex. Elizabeth Newman of Whitechapel acquitted on one charge, found guilty on another, and sentenced to be hanged. Middlesex County Records, III, 217, 218, 289.

1653. Middlesex. Barbara Bartle of Stepney acquitted. Ibid. , 216.

1653. Leeds, Yorkshire. Isabel Emott indicted for witchcraft upon cattle. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, IX, pt. 1, 325 b.



1653. Salisbury, Wilts. Anne Bodenham of Fisherton Anger hanged. Doctor Lamb Revived; Doctor Lamb's Darling; Aubrey, Folk-Lore and Gentilisme (Folk-Lore Soc.), 261; Henry More, An Antidote against Atheisme, bk. III, chap. VII.

1654. Yorkshire. Anne Greene of Gargrave examined. York Depositions, 64-65.

1654. Yorkshire. Elizabeth Roberts of Beverley examined. Ibid. , 67.

1654. Wilts. Christiana Weekes of Cleves Pepper, who had been twice before accused in recent sessions, charged with telling where lost goods could be found. "Other conjurers" charged at the same time. Hist. MSS.

Comm. Reports, Various, I, 120. See above, 1610, Norfolk.

1654. Exeter. Diana Crosse committed. Cotton, Gleanings ... Relative to the History of ... Exeter, 150.

1654. Wilts. Elizabeth Loudon committed on suspicion. Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, Various, I, 129.

1654. Whitechapel, Middlesex. Grace Boxe, arraigned on three charges, acquitted. Acquitted again in 1656.

Middlesex County Records, III, 223, 293.

1655. Yorkshire. Katherine Earle committed and searched. York Depositions, 69.

1655. Salisbury. Margaret Gyngell convicted. Pardoned by the Lord Protector. F. A. Inderwick, The Interregnum, 188-189.

1655. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Mother and daughter Boram said to have been hanged. Hutchinson, An Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, 38.

1656. Yorkshire. Jennet and George Benton of Wakefield examined. York Depositions, 74.

1656. Yorkshire. William and Mary Wade committed for bewitching the daughter of Lady Mallory. York Depositions, 75-78.

1657. Middlesex. Katharine Evans of Fulham acquitted. Middlesex County Records, III, 263.

1657. Middlesex. Elizabeth Crowley of Stepney acquitted, but detained in the house of correction. Middlesex County Records, III, 266, 295.

1657. Gisborough, Yorkshire. Robert Conyers, "gent.," accused. North Riding Record Society, V, 259.

1658. Exeter. Thomas Harvey of Oakham, Rutlandshire, "apprehended by order of Council by a party of soldiers," acquitted at Exeter assizes, but detained in custody. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1658-1659, 169.

1658. Chard, Somerset. Jane Brooks of Shepton Mallet hanged. Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus (1681), pt. ii, 120-122. (Glanvill used Hunt's book of examinations). J. E. Farbrother, Shepton Mallet; notes on its history, ancient, descriptive and natural (1860), 141.

1658. Exeter. Joan Furnace accused. Cotton, Gleanings ... Relative to the History of ... Exeter, 152.

1658. Yorkshire. Some women said to have been accused by two maids. The woman "cast" by the jury. The judges gave a "respite." Story not entirely trustworthy. The most true and wonderfull Narration of two women bewitched in Yorkshire ... (1658).



1658. Wapping, Middlesex. Lydia Rogers accused. A More Exact Relation of the most lamentable and horrid Contract which Lydia Rogers ... made with the Divel (1658). See app. A, § 5, for another tract.

1658. Northamptonshire. Some witches of Welton said to have been examined. Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus (1681), pt. ii, 263-268.

1658. Salisbury, Wilts. The widow Orchard said to have been executed. From a MS. letter of 1685-86, printed in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1832, pt. I, 405-410.

1659. Norwich, Norfolk. Mary Oliver burnt. P. Brown, History of Norwich, 39. Francis Blomefield, An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk (London, 1805-1810), III, 401.

1659. Middlesex. Elizabeth Kennett of Stepney accused. Middlesex County Records, III, 278, 299.

1659. Hertfordshire. "Goody Free" accused of killing by witchcraft. Hertfordshire County Sessions Rolls, I, 126, 129.

1659-1660. Northumberland. Elizabeth Simpson of Tynemouth accused. York Depositions, 82.

1660. Worcester. Joan Bibb of Rushock received £20 damages for being ducked. Gentleman's Magazine, 1856, pt. I, 39, from a letter of J. Noake of Worcester, who used the Townshend MSS.

1660. Worcester. A widow and her two daughters, and a man, from Kidderminster, tried. "Little proved."

Copied from the Townshend MSS. by Nash, in his Collections for the History of Worcestershire (1781-1799), II, 38.

1660. Newcastle. Two suspected women detained in prison. Extracts from the Municipal Accounts of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in M. A. Richardson, Reprints of Rare Tracts ... illustrative of the History of the Northern Counties (Newcastle, 1843-1847), III, 57.

1660. Canterbury, Kent. Several witches said to have been executed. W. Welfitt ("Civis"), Minutes of Canterbury (Canterbury, 1801-1802), no. X.

c. 1660. Sussex. A woman who had been formerly tried at Maidstone watched and searched. MS. quoted in Sussex Archæol. Collections, XVIII, 111-113; see also Samuel Clarke, A Mirrour or Looking Glasse both for Saints and Sinners, II, 593-596.

1661. Hertfordshire. Frances Bailey of Broxbourn complained of abuse by those who believed her a witch.

Hertfordshire County Sessions Rolls, I, 137.

1661. Newcastle. Jane Watson examined before the mayor. York Depositions, 92-93.

1661. Newcastle. Margaret Catherwood and two other women examined before the mayor. Ibid. , 88.

1663. Somerset. Elizabeth Style died before execution. Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt. ii, 127-146.

For copies of three depositions about Elizabeth Style, see Gentleman's Magazine, 1837, pt. ii, 256-257.

1663. Taunton, Somerset. Julian Cox hanged. Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt. ii, 191-198.

1663-64. Newcastle. Dorothy Stranger accused before the mayor. York Depositions, 112-114.

1664. Somerset. A "hellish knot" of witches (Hutchinson says twelve) accused before justice of the peace CHAPTER XIV.


Robert Hunt. His discovery stopped by "some of them in authority." Glanvill, Sadducismus Triumphatus, pt.

ii, 256-257. But see case of Elizabeth Style above.

1664. Somerset. A witch condemned at the assizes. She may have been one of those brought before Hunt. Cal.

St. P., Dom., 1663-1664, 552.

1664. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Rose Cullender and Amy Duny condemned. A Tryal of Witches at ... Bury St. Edmunds (1682).

1664. Newcastle. Jane Simpson, Isabell Atcheson and Katharine Curry accused before the mayor. York Depositions, 124.

1664. York. Alice Huson and Doll Dilby tried. Both made confessions. Copied fo