A History of Witchcraft in England by Wallace Notestein - HTML preview

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Adams, W. H. Davenport, cited, 188 n., 376

Adamson, Francis, 409

Addison, Joseph, 340-341

Ady, Thomas, 238, 241-242, 310. Cited, 180, 184 n., 225 n., 404

Agrippa, Cornelius, 62

Aikin, Lucy, cited, 143 n.

Aldeburgh, 182, 183, 191 n., 193, 200 n., 405

Alene, case of, 13

Alfred the Great, 2

Allen, Joan, 408, 414

Alnwick, 390, 408

Altham, Sir James, 112, 113, 125

Anderson, Sir Edmund, 51, 56 n., 78, 84, 102, 350, 354, 355

Andrews, William, cited, 137 n., 396

Anne, Princess of Denmark, her marriage to James I, 94

Annual Register, cited, 141 n., 398

Archæologia, cited, 10 n., 391

Archæologia Cantiana, cited, 21 n., 29 n., 385, 389, 392, 393

Archer, John, 273, 282; conducts Cox trial, 260-261

Armstrong, Ann, 281-282, 415

Arnold, Mother, 386

Ashmole, Elias, cited, 216, 365, 408

Ashmolean Museum, at Oxford, 216

Ashton, John, cited, 188 n., 351, 366, 376

Ashwell, John, 7

Aspine, Martha, 107



Assembly, the witch. See Sabbath

Assheton, R., 158 n., 401

Atcheson, Isabell, 413

Aubrey, John, his credulity, 306. Cited, 162 n., 212 n., 365, 402, 410

Audley, vicar of, 326

Autobiography of Edward Underhill, cited, 13 n.

Avery, "Master," 110, 130-132, 357, 384

B., R. See Burton, Richard.

Bacon, Francis, 246-247. Cited, 246 n., 247 n.

Baddeley, Richard, 141 n., 142 n., 359

Bailey, Frances, 412

Bailey, the Old, 108 n.

Baines, Edward, cited, 147 n., 149 n., 150 n., 158 n., 392, 401, 419

Baker, Alexander, 154

Baker, Anne, 133 n., 399

Baker, J. B., cited, 409

Baker, Joan, of Devizes, 217, 409

Baker, Joan, of Exeter, 409

Baker, Mother, 59-60

Bakewell, affair of, 137, 384, 396

Baldock, 417

Bamfield, Ellen, 389

Bamford, James, 353

Bancroft, Richard, as Bishop of London, 84-89; as Archbishop of Canterbury, 88 n., 89, 233, 346, 353

Bangor, Bishop of, 397

Barber, Mary, 383



Bark, Ellen, 394

Barking, 386

Barlowe, wife of John, 401

Barnet, 392

Barringer, Joan, 390

Barrow, Dr., of Cambridge, 47

Barrow, Isaac, 308 and n., 311

Barrow, James, 256-237

Barrow, John, 256

Bartell, Elizabeth, 389

Bartham, Doll, 350

Bartham, Oliffe, 394

Bartle, Barbara, 410

Barton, 404

Barton, Elizabeth, the "Holy Maid of Kent," 58

Basel, 15 n.

Bastard, Alice, 402

Batcombe, 34, 236

Bate, William, 397

Bates, Dr., cited, 337 n.

Bateson, Mary, cited, 392

Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 162 n.

Bath and Wells, chancellor of the Bishop of, 235

Batte, 38

Baxter, Richard, 196, 316, 336-339. Cited, 216 n., 337 n., 409, 418

Beaumont, John, 336, 339. Cited, 273 n., 275 n.



Beaumont, Susan, 407

Beaver, Anne, 400

Bedford, Duchess of, 4, 9, 49

Bedford, trials at, no, 117, 135-136, 383, 398, 402, 404

Bedfordshire, 107, 115, 118, 119, 179 n., 187, 200 n., 406

Bee, Jesse, 349

Beeman, Elizabeth, 409

Beigel, H., 346

Bekker, Balthazar, 339

Bel and the Dragon, book of, 97

Belcher, Elizabeth, 130-132, 230, 357, 384

Belvoir Castle, witchcraft at, 132-134

Bennett, Elizabeth, 42-43

Bennett, Gervase, 219

Bentham, Thomas, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 15 n.

Bentley, Alice, 394

Benton, George, 411

Benton, Jennet, 411

Beriman, Helen, 387

Berkhampstead, 257

Berks, 387, 403

Bernard, Richard, 165, 234-236, 241, 293, 303 n., 361, 401. Cited, 398

Berrye, Agnes, 384, 399

Berwick, 201, 206, 207, 209, 252 n., 253, 391, 393, 407

Beverley, 410

Bexwell, Rosa, 52 n., 394



Bibb, Joan, 412

Bill, Arthur, 106-107, 132 n., 383

Bilson, boy of. See Bilston

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 234

Bilston, boy of, 140, 141-142, 151, 152, 323, 400

Binkes, Anne, 192 n., 404

Bishop Burton, 394

Bishop's Cannings, 413

Blackburne, Launcelot, 321, 418

Blackmail, charge of, 149, 153

Blagrave, Joseph, cited, 414

Blomefield, Francis, cited, 412

Bodenham, Anne, trial of, 210-213, 363, 410

Bodine (Bodin), 69 n.

Bodmin, 405

Bohemia, Queen of, 158

Bokes-wharfe, 394

Bolingbroke, Roger, 8, 9

Boram, mother and daughter, 411

Boram, wife of, 385

Boreham of Sudbury, 404

Bottesford, 134 n.

Boulton, Richard, 336, 339-340, 348

Bourne, John, 390

Bovet, Richard, 303 and n.

Bower, Edmond, 212, 216, 364, 365



Bowes, Lady, 356

Bowes, Sir Thomas, 167 n.

Boxe, Grace, 410

Boyle, Sir Robert, 337 and n.; opinions of, 305-306 and n.

Boys, the Rev. Mr., 331-332

Boys, William, cited 401, 403, 418

Bracton, cited, 128 n.

Bradley, Alice, 396

Bradwell, Stephen, cited, 395

Bragge, Francis, 325-336, 373-375

Bramford, 404

Branche, Anne, 399

Brand, John, cited, 208 n., 321 n., 407

Brandeston, 175, 179 n., 379

Braynford, 392

Brerely, Alice, 393

Brereton, Sir William, 158. Cited, 158 n.

Brewton, 418

Bridewell, 419

Bridge, widow, 414

Bridgeman, Henry, Bishop of Chester, 152-157, 402

Bridges, Agnes, 30 n., 59, 88 n., 351

Brightling, 282

Brinley, John, 303

Bristol, 118, 392, 400

Britannicus, 252



Britton, 5, 6. Cited, 128

Brome, Richard, 159, 244, 306

Bromley, Sir Edward, 113, 125, 134

Brooks, Jane, 221, 222, 411

Brown, Agnes, trial of, 35, 36, 110, 115, 357, 384

Brown, Joan, 130, 131, 132, 357

Browne, Margaret, 386

Browne, P., cited, 406

Browne, Richard, 183 n.

Browne, Sir Thomas, 266-267, 305, 311

Broxbourn, 412

Bruen, Philippa, 415

Bruff, Martha, 405

Brumley, Dorothy, 406

Bucer, Martin, 15 n., 88 n.

Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 134 n.

Buckinghamshire, 74, 388, 415

Bulcock, Jane and John, 383

Bull, Edmund, 401, 402

Bullinger, 15 n.

Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, 19 n., 25 n., 27

Burman, Charles, cited, 216 n.

Burnet, Bishop Gilbert, 248 n. Cited, 268 n.

Burnham-Ulpe, 356

Burntwood, 386

Burr, George L., cited, 3 n.



Burthogge, Richard, 340. Cited, 218 n., 409

Burton, Richard ("R. B."), 339 n. Cited, 395, 403

Burton, Robert, 245

Burton, boy of, named by Ben Jonson, 92. See also Darling, Thomas Burton-upon-Trent, 76, 85, 392

Bury, Thomas, 380

Bury St. Edmunds, 177-181, 192, 194, 200, 204, 261-267, 305, 321, 361, 378, 379, 393, 394, 404, 411, 413, 418

Bush, of Barton, 404

Buske, Mother, 385

Butcher, Elizabeth, 389

Butler's Hudibras on Matthew Hopkins, 165, 194

Butts, Joan, trial of, 277, 416

Byett, William, 46 n.

Byles, Andrew, 35

Byrom, Margaret, 52

Bysack, of Waldingfield, 404

Calamy, Edmund, the elder, 178

Calendar of Patent Rolls, cited, 7 n.

Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for the Advance of Money, cited, 164 n.

Calendars of State Papers, cited, 26 n. and passim

Calvin, 64, 65, 87 n.

Cambridge, 139, 179 n., 279, 396

Cambridge University, 48, 89, 228, 229, 235, 238, 276, 374; Queen's College, 143, 348; Christ's College, 227; Emmanuel College, 228 n.; Trinity College, 308

Cambridgeshire, 111, 184, 200 n., 331, 405, 406, 416

Camfield, Andrew, 399



Camfield, Benjamin, 303, 307

Canterbury, 201, 255, 385, 386, 412

Canterbury, Archbishop of. See Warham, William; Cranmer, Thomas; Parker, Matthew; Grindall, Edmund; Whitgift, John; Bancroft, Richard; Abbot, George

Carbury, John, Earl of, 339 n.

Cariden, Joan, 201 n., 405

Carnarvon, 118, 397

Carr, Robert, 232

Carrier, Elizabeth, 418

Carrington, John, 317, 319 n., 372

Carshoggil, laird of, 96

Carter, Richard, 170 n.

Casaubon, Meric, 238-240, 293-299, 307. Cited, 240 n., 293 n., 294 n., 403

Cason, Joan, trial of, 54, 390

Castleton, 393

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley. See Burghley

Celles, Cystley, 45

Certaine Informations, cited, 403

Chalmers, Alexander, cited, 328 n.

Chamberlain, letter of, 115 n.

Chambers, widow, 418

Chandler, Alice, case of, 38 n., 385

Chandler, Elizabeth, 187 n.

Chandler, Mary, 185

Chandler, R., 212

Chandos, daughter of Lady, 385

Chapbook, the witch, 33



Chard, 221, 411

Charles I, 146, 152, 154, 158, 161, 199, 234, 323; growth of skepticism as to witches in his reign, 162-163

Charles II, 248, 254, 262, 276, 306; witchcraft in his reign, 255

Charlewood, J., 350

Chatterish, 406

Chattox, Anne, 109, 121-122, 126 n., 127, 383

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 89

Chauncy, Arthur, 327

Chauncy, Sir Henry, 324, 326, 375

Chelmsford, 34-41, 43, 46, 166-174, 178, 188 n., 200, 204, 346, 363, 376, 378, 385, 387, 390, 400, 403; trials of 1566 at, 34-38, 385; trials of 1579 at, 38-40, 387; trials of 1589 at, 40, 390; trials of 1645 at, 166-174, 403

Cherrie, of Thrapston, case of, 184-185

Cheshire, 118, 232 n.

Chester, Bishop of. See Bridgeman, Henry

Chettell, "Mistress," 385

Chettle, Anne, 218, 408

Chichester, Bishop of, 12. See also Harsnett, Samuel

Chinting, 387

Chishull, the Rev. Mr., 328

Chittam, Henry, 387

Chowbent, 419

Christ's College, Cambridge, 227

Chronicon Mirabile, cited, 208 n., 407

Church, the trials for sorcery under, 6-8; statute of Henry VIII not aimed to limit, 10; state ready to reclaim jurisdiction from, 24; penalties under, 28, 30; gradual transfer to state of witchcraft cases, 30-31

Clarke, of Keiston, 185-186

Clarke, Ann, 415, 417



Clarke, Elizabeth, 166-175

Clarke, Helen, 169

Clarke, Jane, 141-142, 419

Clarke, Sir Robert, 54

Clarke, Samuel, cited, 177, 307, 361, 404, 412

Clarke, William, his letter to Speaker Lenthall, 225 n.

Clarkson, Mary, 416

Clerkenwell, 389

Cleves, Pepper, 397, 410

Cleworth, 52, 149 n.

Clinton, Lord, 12

Clouues, William, 24 n.

Clutterbuck, Robert, cited, 328 n.

Cobbett, William, cited, 102 n.

Cobham, Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester, 4, 8

Cobham, Lord, 12

Cock, Susan, 362, 376

Cocwra, Samuel, 387

Coke, Sir Edward, 102, 152, 228. Cited, 128 n., 396

Colchester, 388, 389, 391, 408

Cole, Henry, Jewel's controversy with, 16 n.

Cole, Thomas, 34, 346

Coleman, John, 388

Collection of Modern Relations, 279, 339 n. Cited, 146 n., 181 n., 402, 406, 407, 413

Collingham, 393

Coman, widow, case of, 331-332



Commission of Oyer and Terminer, 178, 192, 200

Committee of Both Kingdoms, 200

Commons' Journal, cited, 17 n., 103 n.

Conyers, Robert, 411

Cooke, Elizabeth, 397

Cooke, Mother, 392

Coombes, Margaret, 418

Cooper, C. H. and T., cited, 356

Cooper, John, 82 n.

Cooper, Thomas, 227, 231-232, 242. Cited, 398, 401

Corbet, 413

Corbolt. See Godbolt

Cornwall, 217, 218, 221, 224, 254, 276-277, 279, 320, 388, 405, 409, 415, 416, 417, 418

Cornwall, Henry, 170 n.

Cosyn, Edmund, 25

Cotta, John, 227, 229-231, 235, 237, 243. Cited, 130 n., 230 n., 231 n.

Cotton, William, cited, 217 n., 221 n., 224 n., 409, 410, 411

Council of State, 215, 219, 225, 226

Council Register, cited, 152 n., 154 n., 155 n.

"Countess" (Margaret Russel), 400

County Folk Lore, Suffolk, cited, 165 n., 176 n., 179 n., 194 n., 392, 404

Court of High Commission, 84, 86-87

Coventry, 232 n., 400

Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of. See Bentham, Thomas

Coverdale, Miles, 15 n.

Coverley, Sir Roger de, 341



Cowper, Earl and Countess of, 328 n.

Cox, John Charles, cited, 137 n., 219 n., 324 n., 396

Cox, Julian, trial of, 260-261, 273, 282, 292, 310, 413

Cox, Richard, 15 n.

Coxe, Francis, trial of, 31 n., 351, 385

Cranbourne, Viscount, 115 n., 396

Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 12, 58 n.

Crearey, Elizabeth, 400

Creeting, 404

Cricke, 404

Criminal Chronology of York Castle, cited, 224

Cromwell, Sir Henry, 48, 50

Cromwell, Lady, 48

Cromwell, Oliver, 48 n., 207, 212 n., 215, 219, 226, 237 n., 275

Cromwell, Richard, 220, 226

Cromwell, Thomas, 19

Crosse, Diana, 223-224, 410

Crossley, Elizabeth, 406, 411

Crossley, James, cited, 124 n., 147 n., 357, 380

Crouch, Nathaniel, 339 n.

Crump, Hannah, 257

Cruther, Joseph, 282

Cudworth, Ralph, 307

Cullender, Rose, 262, 310, 413

Culpepper, Nicholas, 403

Cumberland, 220, 224, 225, 407



Cunny, Joan, 347

Curry, Katharine, 413

Cushman, L. W., cited, 244 n.

Damages awarded accused, 324

Danvers, Sir John, 215

Darcy, Brian, 41, 42, 44 n., 45, 46 n., 348

Darling, Thomas, 76-78, 80, 85

Darrel, John, 74-87, 92, 138, 255, 315, 349, 352-356. Cited, 391, 392, 393, 394

Davenport, John, 187 n., 362

Daventry, 251

Davies, J. S., cited, 8 n.

Davis, Ralph, 375, 382

Daye, Mary, 418

Daye, Susannah, 416

Deacon, John, 353, 354

Dee, John, 52-53, 79

Deir, Mrs., 390

Dekker, Thomas, 244. Cited, 112 n., 359

Del Rio, 234

Demdike, Old (Elizabeth Southerns), 121-128

Denham, 74 n.

Denham, Sir John, 235

Denham Tracts, cited, 30 n., 219 n., 389, 390, 407

Denison, John, 78 n., 349

Denton, 360

Derby, 392



Derby, Archdeacon of, 83

Derby, Earl of, 392

Derbyshire, 52, 81, 118, 137, 219, 324, 390, 392, 396, 407

Descartes, 238

Devell, Mother, 28 n.

Device, Alizon, 111 n., 384

Device, Elizabeth, 108 n., 122-126, 383

Device, James, 126-127, 383

Device, Jennet, 113, 126-127

Devizes, 217, 409, 414

Devonshire, 254, 277, 409, 414-419

Dewse, Mrs., 390

Diary, A, or an Exact Journall, cited, 174 n.

Dickonson, Frances, 147, 152-160

Dilby, Doll, 413

Distribution of witchcraft, 118-119, 146, 224, 254-255

Doctrine of Devils, The, 296-297, 302 n.

Dodgson, Nathan, 256

Dodson, Jane, 416

Doncaster, 396

Dorrington, Doctor, 50 n.

Dorset, 385, 390, 417, 419

Dorset, Marquis of, 12

Drage, William, 367. Cited, 256-258 n., 279 n., 402, 408, 417

Drew, widow, 403

Ducke, Elizabeth, 386



Dugdale, Richard, 315-320, 329, 373

Duncane, Geillis, torture of, 95

Dungeon, Mother, 386

Dunne, Christiana, 418

Duny, Amy, trial of, 262-267, 310, 413

Durham, 119, 146, 210, 218, 219 n., 388, 389, 395, 401, 407, 409, 414, 415

Durham, Bishop of, 12; his Injunctions, cited, 388

Durham, Depositions ... from the Court of, cited, 21 n., 29 n., 385

Durham, vicar-general of the Bishop of, 117

Dutten, Mother, 28 n.

E., T., "Maister of Art," 388

Earle, Katherine, 223, 410

East Anglia, 51, 119, 184, 197, 255

Eburye, Elizabeth, 414

Eckington, 390

Edlingham, 416

Edmonds, Mr., 235 n.

Edmonton, 108, 112, 136 n., 383, 391, 400

Edward I, 6

Edward IV, 4, 9

Edward VI, 12, 88

Edwards, Richard, 169-170

Edwards, Susanna, 271-272, 368-369, 416

Elford, Johanna, 415

Elizabeth, 35-92, 93; number of executions in her reign compared with number under James, 105-106; spectral evidence in her reign, 110; distribution of witch cases, 118

Ellyse, Joan, 386



Elnore, Margaret, 418

Ely, 189, 279, 406, 416

Ely, Bishop of, 12, 15 n., 234

Emerson, a priest, 387

Emerson, Ann, 388

Emott, Isabel, 410

Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 228 n.

Endor, witch of, Scot's explanation of, 62; Filmer's explanation of, 241; Muggleton's explanation of, 295; Webster's explanation of, 298

Enfield, 384, 393, 399

Enger, Master, 110-111, 117, 118 and n., 135-136

Essex, 26, 41, 70 n., 90 n., 119, 146, 158, 166-174, 192, 195, 228 n., 331-332, 337, 385, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 394, 403, 408

Essex, Countess of, 144 n., 232-234

Essex, Earl of, 234

Ettrick, Anthony, 365

Evans, Katharine, 411

Evesham, 409

Exeter, 31 n., 216, 221, 223, 270-272, 278, 320-321, 409, 410, 411

Exeter, Bishop of, 418

Exeter College, Oxford, 285

Eye, witch of, 4

F., H., 172, 361

Fairclough, Samuel, 166 n., 177, 178

Fairfax, Edward, 111, 144-145, 249-250, 358, 359. Cited, 102 n., 142 n., 250 n., 395, 400

Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 360

Faithful Scout, The, cited, 213 n., 216, 365, 408



Falmouth, 415

Farbrother, J. E., cited, 411

Farington Papers, cited, 155 n.

Farnworth, Richard, 240 n.

Farrier, Elizabeth, 118

Faversham, 54, 201, 390, 405

Female juries, 108, 113, 171, 264, 271, 279, 330

Fenner, Edward, in Warboys trials, 49-50

Fenwick, Elizabeth, 279, 416

Ferris, Sibilla, 393

Fian, Dr., 94-96

Filmer, Sir Robert, 238, 241. Cited, 241 n.

Finchingfield, 228 n.

Finchley, 399

Fisher, Katharine, 406

Fisherton-Anger, 211, 410

Fishwick, cited, 372

Fize, Henry, 388

Flagellum Dæmonum, 79 n.

Fleta, 5

Flower, Joan and her daughters (Margaret and Philippa), case of, 115, 119 n., 132-134, 383, 399

Fludd, Robert, 286

Foljambe, Mrs. See Bowes, Lady

Folk Lore Journal, The, cited, 24 n., 401

Folkestone, 386

Ford, John, 359



Fortescue, Sir Anthony, case of, 25

Fortescue, Sir John, 34, 346

"Foscue, Master." See Fortescue, Sir John

Fossett, Temperance, 409

Foster, Ann, trial of, 282, 415

Fowles, Susanna, case of, 323 n.

Foxcroft, H. C., cited, 341 n.

France, Hester, 408

Francis, Elizabeth, her two trials, 35-40, 385

Francis, Mother, 400, 401

Frankfort, 15 n.

Frankland, Richard, 316, 319

Fraunces, Margaret, 394

Free, Goody, 412

Freeman, Alice, 84, 393

Freeman, Mary, 83

French Intelligencer, cited, 213 n., 215 n., 408

Fulham, 411

Fuller, John, cited, 207 n., 407

Fuller, Thomas, cited, 90 n., 139 n., 140 n., 143, 144

Fustis Dæmonum, cited, 79 n.

Gabley, Mother, 389

Gaddesden, Little, 256

Gairdner, James, cited, 9 n.

Gallis, Richard, 347

Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs., 324



Gardiner, the Rev. Mr., 375

Gardiner, Catherine, 132 n.

Gardiner, Ralph, cited, 208, 209 n., 407

Gargrave, 410

Garve, Mother, 387

Gaskin, Emmy, 414

Gateshead, 210, 219 n., 407

Gaule, John, 165, 174-175, 186-187, 192, 196, 236-237, 241, 242

Gee, John, cited, 139 n.

Geneva, 14, 15, 87 n., 233

Gentleman's Magazine, cited, 95 n., 143 n., 160 n., 269 n., 279 n., 359, 367, 389, 396, 401, 412, 413, 415, 417

Gerard, Sir Gilbert, 34, 346

Gerish, W. B., cited, 375

Gibbons, A., cited, 189 n., 406

Gibson, "Coz.," 222

Gifford, George, 54, 57 n., 70-72, 242, 243. Cited, 390, 394, 395

Gill, Helena, 390

Gilston, 328 n.

Gilston, Matthew, 335

Gisborough, 411

Glance of a witch, instances of, 111, 112, 135

Glanvill, Joseph, 101, 196 n., 238, 273-276, 285-293, 297, 299, 300, 303, 306, 307, 309, 310, 314, 327, 336, 337. Cited, 221 n., 222 n., 251 n., 260 n., 308 n., 405, 408, 411, 413

Globe theatre, The, 159