A History of Witchcraft in England by Wallace Notestein - HTML preview

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Gloucester, 208, 407

Gloucester, Duchess of, 4, 8

Gloucester, Richard of, 9



Glover, Mary, 138, 355, 395

Glover, Stephen, cited, 396

Godbolt, John, 178, 192

Godfrey, Agnes, 393, 397

Goldsmith, Mr., 332

"Good Witches," 21-27, 29, 220, 229, 259-260

Goodcole, Henry, 112, 359

Gooderidge, Alse, 76-78, 349, 392

Gooding, Elizabeth, 169-170

Gough, Richard, 375

Goulding, R. W., cited, 396, 401

Gordon, Rev. Alexander, cited, 317 n., 319 n.

Grainge, William, 360

Grame, Margaret, 391

"Grantam's curse," 88

Grantly, Anne, 419

Great Staughton, 186-187

"Great T.," "Mother W. of," 395

Great Yarmouth, 181, 386. See also Yarmouth

Greedie, Joan, 401

Green, Ellen, 399

Greene, Anne, 410

Greene, Ellen, 133 n.

Greenleife, Mary (of Alresford), 170-171

"Greenliefe of Barton," 404

Greenslet, Ferris, cited, 286 n.



Greenwel, Thomas, 371

Greenwich, 154

Grevell, Margaret, 44

Griffiths, Sarah, 419

Grimes, Mr., 332

Grimston, Sir Harbottle, 167 n.

Grindall, Edmund, Bp. of London, then Abp. of Canterbury, 15 n.

Guildford, 322

Guilford, Baron. See Francis North

Gunpowder Plot, 123, 232

Gurney, Elizabeth, 406

Guy, Mary, 418

Gyngell, Margaret, 225, 410

Habakkuk, transportation of, 97

Hackett, Margaret, 390

Hackney, 415

Haigh, 414

Hale, Sir Matthew, 67, 261-268, 283, 304, 321, 334, 336, 337, 339 n., 367

Hale, William H., cited, 10 n., 21 n., 22 n., 29 n., 385

Halifax, Marquis of, opinion of, 341

Hall, John, 352

Hall, Joseph, Bishop, 180

Hall, Mary, 256, 257

Halliwell-Phillips, J. O., 142 n., 306 n.

Hallybread, Rose, 362, 376

Hallywell, Henry, 303 and n., 304, 307



Hamilton, A. H. A., cited, 417

Hammer, 404

Hammersmith, case at, 323 n.

Hammond, of Westminster, 402

Hampstead, 396, 398

Hampton Court, 13

Handford, Abigail, 418

Hanover, Susanna, 419

Hansen, J., cited, 3 n.

Harington, Sir John, 140 n.

Harland and Wilkinson, cited, 419

Harmondsworth, 386

Harris, Alice, 132 n.

Harris, Eleonora, 417

Harris, Elizabeth, 201 n.

Harris, Marie, 417

Harris, Susannah, 419

Harrison, Mr., 44

Harrison, Henry, 388

Harrison, Johanna, of Royston, 108-109, 111, 135, 383, 396

Harrison, Margaret, 356

Harrison, William, 367

Harrod, H., cited, 182 n., 386, 389, 390, 405

Harrogate, 360

Harrow, Weald, 390

Harsnett, Samuel, later Abp. of York, 12, 51, 85-92, 138, 227, 233, 349, 353-356. Cited, 390-393



Hart, 389

Hart, Anne, 418

Hart, Prudence, 170

Hart Hall, Oxford, 57

Hartis, 418

Hartley, Edmund, 52, 79-80, 392

Harvey, Gabriel, 69 n.

Harvey, Joane, 400

Harvey, Thomas, 411

Harvey, William, 154, 160-162

Harwood, Goodwife, 256

Hatfield Peverel, 41

Hathaway, Richard, 322-324, 371

Hathericke, Sara, 401

Hatsell, Sir Henry, 323

Haverhill, 404

Hazlitt, W. C., cited, 350-352, 368

Heddenham, 406

Heddon, Margaret, 415

Hele, N. F., cited, 183 n., 191 n., 200 n., 405

Hemloke, Sir Henry, 324

Hempstead, 404

Hengler, Elizabeth, 417

Henry IV, 4, 7

Henry VI, 4, 7

Henry VIII, 20, 30, 58 n. See also Statutes.



Heptenstall, 406

Herbert, Sir Edward, 311 n.

Herd, Annis, 44, 388

Hereford, Bishop of, 12, 15 n.

Hertford, trials at 134-135, 314, 324-330, 383, 394, 396, 419

Hertfordshire, 118, 367, 374, 391, 392, 408, 412, 414, 417

Hertfordshire County Sessions, Rolls, cited, 21 n., 221 n., 391, 412, 414

Hewitt, Katherine, 383

Heylyn, Peter, cited, 143 n.

Heyrick, Robert, 141, 398

Heywood, Oliver, 256, 307, 316, 319. Cited, 416

Heywood, Thomas, 306 n.; play of, 158-159; opinions expressed in play of, 244-245. Cited, 244 n.

Hicke, Mr., 379

Hinchcliffe, Joseph, 416

Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, cited, 114 n., and passim thereafter Hitcham, 404

Hitchin, 367

Hoarstones, 148, 156

Hobart, Sir Henry, 134

Hobbes, Thomas, 241, 246-249, 291, 307

Holborn, 393, 398

Hole, Elizabeth, case of, 324

Holinshed, cited, 54-55, 59 n., 350, 387, 388, 390

Holland, Henry, 72 n.

Hollingsworth, A. G., cited, 183 n., 404

Holt, Sir John, 267; nullified statute of James I; gave repeated acquittals, 320-323; his ruling on the water ordeal, 332



Homes, Nathaniel, opinions of, 240. Cited, 240 n.

Hooke, William, 45 n.

Hopkins, James, 164

Hopkins, Matthew, 164-205, 339, 376, 378

Hopwood, Mr., 79 n.

Horace, 89

Horner, Elizabeth, 321-322, 418

Hott, Jane, 201 n., 405

Houghton, Lord, 359

Housegoe, Elizabeth, 393

Howard, Henry, later Earl of Northampton, 352

Howell, James, 180, 195, 245

Howell, T. B. and T. J., cited, 116 n., 144 n., 233 n.

Howsell, Anne, 405

Howson, Helen, 406

Hubbard, Elizabeth, 404

Huddersfield, 408

Hudson, Ann, 407

Hughes, Lewis, 355, 395

Hulton, John, 209

Humphrey, of Gloucester, Duke, 8

Hunnam, Anne, 409

Hunniman, Joice, 162 n., 402

Hunt, widow, 45 n.

Hunt, Joan, 383, 398

Hunt, Robert, 260, 273, 411, 413



Hunter, Joseph, cited, 92 n., 256 n., 413

Huntingdon, 49-51, 185 n., 200 n., 237 n., 314 n., 348, 362, 375, 383, 419

Huntingdonshire, 47-51, 185-187, 192, 236, 348, 375-383, 405

Huson, Alice, 413

Hutchinson, Francis, 175, 195-198, 313, 321, 331, 340-343, 355, 375, 380, 381. Cited, 11 n., 179 n., 321-323

n., 328 n., 395, 411, 413, 416, 418

Huxley, Catherine, 216, 409

Ilkeston, 407

Images, alleged use of in witchcraft, 6, 59-60, 109-110, 125-127

Incendiarism ascribed to witchcraft, 282-283, 333

Inderwick, F. A., cited, 201 n., 225 n., 226 n., 268 n., 269 n., 270 n., 311 n., 333, 376, 410, 414-419

Ipswich, 164, 175, 182, 320, 394, 405, 414, 417, 418

Jackson, Elizabeth, 138, 355, 395

James I, 69, 90 n., 93-119, 130, 132, 134, 137-145, 146, 165, 189, 203, 227, 228, 229 n., 232, 234, 241-242, 247, 250, 254, 255, 260, 267, 276, 312, 314, 331. His Scottish experience, 93-96; his Dæmonologie, 97-101; his statute and its effect, 101-109; distribution of witchcraft in his realm, 118-119; his changing attitude, 138-145

James II, 308

James, G. P. R., cited, 340 n., 342 n.

Jeffreys, George, Baron, 311 n.

Jeffries, Anne, 405

Jenkinson, Helen, 383

Jennings, Lady, 400

Jeopardy, neglect of legal restriction on, 128 and n., 145 n.

Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 15-17

Joan of Arc, 230

Johnson, Margaret, 154, 156, 157, 159

Johnson, W. S., cited, 244 n.



Johnstone, James, 341

Jollie, Thomas, 316-319, 329, 372-373

Jones, J. O., cited, 164 n., 181 n., 182 n., 188 n.

Jonson, Ben, 91-92, 244, 387

Jordan, Jane, 393

Jorden, Dr. Edward, 138, 355, 395

Jourdemain, Margery, 7-9

Jurdie, Jone, 396

Keiston, 185

Kelly, William, cited, 141 n., 398

Kelyng, Sir John, 265, 267, 305

Kemp, Ursley, trial of, 41, 43

Kennet, Elizabeth, 412

Kent, 21 n., 54, 57, 60, 119, 201, 255, 350, 383, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 401, 403, 405, 408, 412, 416, 418

Kent, Holy Maid of. See Barton, Elizabeth

Kerke, Anne, 394

Kerke, Joan, 51

Kidderminster, 412

Kimbolton, 186

King, of Acton, 404

King, Peter, 380

King's Lynn, 54, 116-117, 183, 231, 358, 384, 389, 391, 393, 399, 405

Kingston, 419

Kingston-upon-Hull, 389

Kittredge, G. L., cited, 298, 301, 383

Knipp, Agnes and John, 415



Knott, Elizabeth, 208 n., 407

Knowles, Sir William, 154

Knumerton, Dewnes, 417

Lake, Sir Thomas, 115 n., 396

Lakeland, Mother, 182, 200 n., 381, 405

Laleham, 387

Lambe, Dr., 211

Lambe, Elizabeth, 410

Lambeth, 354

Lanam, Elizabeth, 408

Lancashire, 52, 78-81, 92, 108-113, 115-116, 118, 120-130, 146-160, 307, 314-319, 393, 399, 402, 406, 414, 416, 419; Starchie affair, 78-81, 92; trials of 1612, 120-130; trials of 1634, 146-156; Dugdale affair of 1689, 315-319

Lancaster, 120, 151, 156, 158, 171, 224, 229 n., 273, 383, 392, 397, 401, 402

Lancaster, chancellor of the Duchy of, 152 n.

Landgate, 414

Landis, Margaret, 362, 376

Land's End, 217-218, 409

Langton, Walter, 6

Lathom, 402

Latimer, John, cited, 400

Latton, 414

Launceston, 218 n., 409, 418

Lavenham, 404

Law, John, 111 n.

Law, T. G., cited, 74 n., 87 n., 353

Lawe, Alison, 389



Lea, H. C., his definition of a witch, 4. Cited, 3 n., 99 n.

Leach, Jeffrey, 389

Lecky, W. E. H., 196

Lee, Dorothy, 405

Leech, Anne, 170, 174, 379

Leeds, 219, 410

Leepish, 401

Legge, cited, 138 n., 225 n.

Leicester, 54, 119 n., 120, 140-141, 218, 330-331, 384, 392, 398, 399, 402, 408, 419

Leicester, Records of the Borough of, cited, 54 n.

Leicestershire, 51, 118, 133 n., 146, 359, 397

Leicestershire and Rutland, Notes and Queries, cited, 218 n., 399, 402, 408, 419

Levingston, Anne, 214

Lewes, 387

Lichfield, Bishop of (Walter Langton), 6; (Thomas Morton), 141-142, 152

Liebermann, F., cited, 2 n.

Lincoln, 118, 119 n., 120; trials of 1618-1619, 132, 383, 399

Lincoln, Bishop of, 7, 8, 12, 49, 50

Lincolnshire, 396, 401

Lingwood, Joan, 389

Linneston, 401

Linton, Mrs. Lynn, cited, 29 n., 95 n., 386

Lister, Mr., 111 note, 112, 129

Little Gaddesden, 256

Liverpool, 414

Lloyd, Temperance, 271-272, 368-369, 416



Lloyd, William, Bishop of Worcester, 340

Lloynd's wife, 150

Lock, John, 408

Locke, John, 340

Lodge, Edmund, cited, 139 n.

Lodge, Sir Oliver, 238

Londesdale, Elizabeth, 401

London, 9, 25, 26, 30 n., 51, 59, 154, 159, 160, 173, 177, 210 n., 216, 277-278, 309, 320, 322, 323, 329, 384, 385, 394, 395, 399, 409, 416

London, Bishop of, 8, 9 n., 12, 30 n., 84, 384, 387. See also Grindall, E.; Bancroft, R.

London Post, cited, 419

Long, Sir James, 268

Longwitton, 279, 416

Lords' Journal, cited, 102 n., 103 n.

Lord's Prayer, testing of witches by, 40, 80, 271, 282, 326

Lothbury, 30 n., 88 n.

Loudon, Elizabeth, 410

Louth, 396, 401

Low, Goody, 404

Lower, M. A., cited, 386

Lowes, John, case of, 165 n., 175-179, 197, 378, 379

Lowestoft, 262, 263

Lowndes, cited, 347, 350, 359, 364, 386, 390, 392

Loy, Margaret, 414

Lucas, Hugh, 112

Lucas, Jane, 110 n., 112

Luther, Martin, attitude of, towards exorcism, 87 n.



Lyme, 385

Lynn. See King's Lynn

Mackenzie, E., cited, 259 n., 401, 416

Mackerell, Benjamin, cited, 391, 393, 399, 405

Mackie, S. J., cited, 386

Magazine of Scandall, cited, 176 n., 197 n.

Magick, Dorothy, 398

Maidstone, cases at, 215-216, 238, 241, 283, 408, 412

Maitland, S. R., cited, 353

Malborne, Sir John, book of, 63

Maldon, 41, 54, 70 n.

Malking Tower, meeting of witches at, 113, 123-129, 147, 148, 383

Mallory, Lady Elizabeth, 223, 411

Malmesbury, alarm at, 269-270, 409, 417

Malter, wife of, 385

Manchester, 79

Manners, Francis, Earl of Rutland, 132-134, 359

Manners, Lord Francis, 133, 134 n.

Manners, Lord Henry, 134 n.

Manners, Lady Katherine, 134 n.

Manningtree, 164, 165, 173, 193, 194

Mansfield, 75

Manship, cited, 182 n.

Manwood, Sir Roger, 56

Marchant, Anne, 409

Margaret, Mother, 28 n.



Marks, use of as a test of witchcraft, 36, 40, 45, 77, 99, 108, 151, 154-155, 156-157, 167, 190, 218, 229, 230, 242, 243, 264, 284, 330

Martin, Dr., 323

Mary I, 14, 15 n., 52

Mary, Queen of Scots, 18, 25, 26, 53

Mascon, Demon of, 306, 337 n.

Mason, of Faversham, 54

Mason, James, and his opinions, 229 n.

Massachusetts, trials in, 50, 264, 316, 382

Mathers, the (Cotton and Increase), 316, 336

Matthews, Grace, 216-217

Mayhall, John, cited, 395

Meakins, Bridget, 399

Meere, John, 390

Melford, 404

Melton, Elizabeth, 393

Mercurius Aulicus, cited, 403

Mercurius Civicus, cited, 360, 403

Mercurius Democritus, cited, 213 n., 251 n., 408

Mercurius Politicus, cited, 218 n., 409

Mereweather, Jone, 413

Merlin, 230

Merril, Goodman, 171 n.

Merriman, R. B., cited, 74 n.

Mersam, Rose, 396

Mewkarr Church, 396

Middlesex, 51, 74, 118, 146, 174, 201, 208 n., 220, 224, 225, 278, 383-387, 389-394, 396-400, 402, 403, CHAPTER XIV.


405-412, 415, 419

Middlesex County Records, cited, 21 n., 220 n., 386, and passim thereafter Middleton, Thomas, 244

Midgley, Mary, 406

Midwife as a witch, 21 and n., 41, 258-259

Milburne, Jane, 279

Milburne, Margaret, 415

Miller, Agnes, 399

Mills, Elizabeth, 415

Mills, Joan, 414

Milner, Ralph, 117, 396

Milnes, R. Monckton, 102 n., 359

Mils, Goody, 404

Milton, John, 241, 278

Milton, Miles, 398

Mistley-cum-Manningtree, 164 n.

Mob law, 117, 315

Moderate Intelligencer, its opinion of the Bury executions in 1645, 179-180. Cited, 177 n., 180 n., 404

Molland, Alicia, 417

Mompesson affair, 273, 276, 310

Mondaye, Agnes, 385

Montague, James, Bp. of Winchester, 97 n.

Montgomery, 387

Moone, Margaret, 170 n.

Moordike, Sarah, case of, 322-324, 419

Moore, wife of, 189 n., 406



Moore, Ales, 395

Moore, Ann, 418

Moore, Mary, 363

Moore Rental, The, cited, 414

Morduck, Sarah. See Moordike

More, George, 81, 84-85, 353, 354. Cited, 78 n., 79 n., 80 n., 392

More, Henry, 238-240, 243, 262, 286, 297, 303, 307, 309, 310. Cited, 211 n., 239, 394, 396, 405, 410

More, Sir Thomas, 59 n.

Mortimer, Jane, 52 n., 392

Morton, Margaret, 408

Morton, Thomas, Bishop of Lichfield, 141 n., 142, 152

Much, Barfield, 387

Muggleton, Lodowick, and witchcraft, 295, 298, 307, 309. Cited, 295 n.

Munnings, Mother, trial of, 321, 418

Muschamp, Mrs., 210, 218, 253, 363

Muschamp, George, 209, 210

N., N., 318 n., 372

Nall, J. G., cited, 181 n.

Napier, Dr., 400

Napier, Barbara, 96

Nash, J. R., cited, 412

Nash, Thomas, cited, 69 n.

Navestock, 385

Naylor, Joane, 394

Needham, 404

Nelson, Richard, 394



Nevelson, Anne, 395

New England. See Massachusetts

New Romney, 59

Newbury, 403

Newcastle, 201, 207-208, 259, 279, 281, 407, 412, 413, 414

Newell, Sir Henry, 27, 28

Newgate, 183 n., 400

Newgate, A True and Perfect List of the Prisoners in, cited, 409

Newman, Ales, 45 n.

Newman, Elizabeth, 410

Newman, William, 45 n.

Newmarket, 134, 161

Newton, Isaac, 308

Nicholas (or Nickless), Jane, 417

Nichols, John, cited, 134 n., 141 n., 399

Nicholson, Brinsley, 58, 62, 70 n.

Nicolas, Sir Harris, cited, 8 n.

Noake, J., 412

Noal, Jane, 417

Norfolk, 193, 200 n., 231, 253, 337, 356, 386, 389-391, 394, 395, 397, 399-401, 403-406, 410, 412, 414

Norfolk Archæology, cited, 182, 386, 390, 405

Norrington, Alice, 59, 386

Norrington, Mildred, 59, 62

North, Francis, Baron Guilford, 269 n., 271, 272, 278, 305, 311

North, Roger, 267. Cited, 261 n., 269 n., 271 n., 278 n., 403, 416, 417

North Allerton, 400



North Riding (of Yorkshire), 117

North Riding Record Society, 114 n., 117 n., 162 n.

Northampton, 106-112, 115, 118, 119 n., 120, 130-132, 184, 229, 230, 255, 314 n., 357, 375-383, 415, 419

Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, 352

Northamptonshire, 184, 200 n., 282, 331, 405, 411

Northamptonshire Handbook, 381-382

Northamptonshire Historical Collections, 381

Northfield, Thomas, 7

Northfleet, 394

Northumberland, 52, 146, 208 n., 209, 210, 220, 224, 282, 390, 395, 401, 407, 412, 414, 415, 416

Norton, mother and daughter, 330, 333, 419

Norwich, 7 n., 400, 401, 406, 412

Norwich, Bishop of, 7 n., 8, 15 n., 89

Notes and Queries, cited, 164 n., 321 n., 380, 418, 419

Nottingham, 75, 81-86, 118, 315, 389, 393, 394

Nottingham, Records of the Borough of, cited, 394

Nottinghamshire, 51, 234

Nowell, Roger, 123

Nutter, Alice, trial of, 113, 116, 126-127, 383

Nutter, Christopher, 127

Nutter, Robert, 128

Oakham, 411

Ogle, Henry, 208, 209, 259 n.

Old Bailey, 108 n., 213

Oliver, Mary, 412

Onslow, Speaker, 268



Orchard, widow, 412

Orchard, N., 296 n.

Oriel College, Oxford, 294

Orme, W., cited, 337 n.

Osborne, Francis, 143-144, 245-246, 291. Cited, 141 n., 143, 246 n.

Owen, John, cited, 287 n.

Owen, and Blakeway, cited, 21 n., 387

Oxford, Samuel Parker, Bishop of, 308, 309

Oxford, 15, 63, 146 n., 216, 285, 402

Oxford University, 131, 216, 285; Hart Hall, 57; Oriel College, 294; Trinity College, 131-132

Pacy, Mr., 265

Padiham, 150 n., 399

Padston, 388

Palmer, C. J., cited, 182 n., 389, 390

Palmer, John, 208 n.

Pannel, Mary, 383, 395

Paracelsus, 286

Paris, University of, formulated theory concerning pacts with Satan, 3

Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, 30, 88 n.

Parker, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, 308, 309

Parker, Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, 314, 320, 330-331, 332 n., 380

Parkhurst, John, Bishop of Norwich, 15 n.

Parle, M., 417

Parliamentary History, cited, 12 n., 102 n.

Peacock, a schoolmaster, tortured, 115 n., 399

Peacock, Edward, 401



Peacock, Elizabeth, 269, 270, 414, 415, 417

Pearson, Margaret, 397

Pechey, Joan, 45 n.

Peck, Francis, cited, 172 n., 403

Peckham, Sir George, 74 n.

Pelham, 151 n.

Pellican, cited, 15 n.

Pemberton, Sir Francis, 277

Pembroke, Simon, 387

Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 89

Pendle Hill, or Forest, 121, 147, 315, 397

Pepper, Mrs., 259, 413

Pepys, Samuel, 309

Pereson, Jennet, 385

Perfect Diurnal, A, cited, 403

Perkins, William, 227-230, 240, 241, 242, 243

Perry, William, the "boy of Bilston," 140-142

Peter Martyr, 16 n.

Peter, R. and O. B., cited, 218 n., 409

Peterson, Joan, case of, 213-215, 408

Petty treason, its penalty not to be confused with that of witchcraft, 182

Phillips, Goody, 183

Phillips, John, 346, 351

Phillips, Mary, 382

Phippan, Honora, 417

Pickering, Gilbert, 47, 131 n.



Pickering, Sir Gilbert, 131 n.

Pickering, Henry, 48

Pickering, Thomas, 228 n.

Pickerings, the, 348

Pico della Mirandola, 286

Piers, Anne, 388

Pike, L. O., cited, 7

Pillory, punishment of, 30, 55, 104, 114

Pilton, Margaret, 398

Pinder, Rachel, 30 n., 59, 88, 351, 386

Pitcairn, Robert, cited, 95 n.

Plato, 238

Pleasant Treatise of Witches, A, 296

Plummer, Colonel, 328 n.

Poeton, Edward, cited, 400

Pole, Arthur, 25

Pole, Edmund, 25

Pollock and Maitland, cited, 6 and n., 7 n.

Popham, Sir John, 354

Potts, Thomas, 112, 113, 116, 125, 129, 130, 249, 357-358, 361. Cited, 105-128 n., passim, 397, 398

Powell, Sir John, 272 n., 314, 320, 324, 327-328, 329, 330, 335, 374

Powell, Lady, 214-215

Powell, William, 346

Powle, ----, 409

Powstead, 404

Pregnancy, plea of, in delay of execution, 50, 96



Prentice, Joan, 348

Presbyterian party, its part in Hopkins crusade, 195-201

Prestall, John, 25, 387, 397

Preston, Jennet, 111 n., 112, 129, 249, 383, 398

Price, Joan, 409

Privy Council, its dealings with sorcerers, in the later Middle Ages,