Terrible Lies/ Terrible Truths


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Book Description

The American and Israeli people are free and have influence, but we do not control our countries. Our countries are controlled by war plutocrats who are the only existential threat to our democracies, not terrorists or foreign states. - The Oded Yinon Plan 1982 called for the balkanization of the Middle East by and for the benefit of Israel (Section 1.1). Paragraph 23 describes what Bush and Cheney accomplished with the intentional destruction of Iraq (Ch. 3). - Bush and Cheney in December 2001 intentionally allowed bin Laden to escape Tora Bora, Afghanistan (Ch. 2). - Bush and Cheney in the fall of 2002 called off the kill/capture operation against Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the primary founder of al Qaeda in Iraq (Ch.2). - We can stop a US Iran war with the truth about the Iraq war.

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John F Scanlon

John F Scanlon is a mere Irish-American and a former Marine. He has a BA in Business Economics from UC Santa Barbara, 4 years experience as a bank loan officer, 13 years experience as a bank examiner, and 70+ years of life experience. He has been politically active off and on since lobbying against Contra aid in the 1980s. His highest allegiance is to the truth then God, family, and country.