The Big Shiny Prison by Ryan Bartek - HTML preview

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The squat is a sliver of a residence that is directly connected to all the other houses on the

block. What little patches of grass exist are overgrown, and there’s a pile of rotten black trash

bags on the porch. The stench of wet dogs ranks from inside. We walk in and immediately stomp

up a rickety flight of stairs. There is no carpeting, and the house has the sharp smell of termites

and rotted wood. I take a piss in the scariest bathroom in America -- the toilet is filled with a dark

auburn blood-piss, used condoms are scattered around its edges, and the bathtub is filled with

long-standing green water that’s growing algae.

 No one is here right now except for Action Jackson and Frankie, who tells me I can leave

my shit in his closet and no one will fuck with it. He says I can squat any time and not to worry

about the ruthless dogs. Once they know my scent, they are harmless.

 Frankie & Action Jackson take off to who knows where, and I end up in the only room

with a TV watching U-571 with an older punk in his mid-40’s. He’s very friendly and we discuss

the awesomeness of Harvey Keitel. He falls asleep not long after, and I lie down on top of a

moldy, wet sleeping bag. It’s 45 degrees in the room because the window is busted out, and the

drift keeps me shaking throughout jangled, confusing half-nightmares…



I wake up displaced, uneasy -- too many new memories have organized themselves after such a

deep sleep. But I’ve yet to move or open an eye. I slowly lift a lid, and my pupil focuses on the

half-burnt & shredded upside down American flag sloppily nailed to the wall. In the middle of it

is a choker chain with padlock encircling a glossy photo of what appears to be GG Allin. 

Is that where I am? Is Frankie Helvis a literal ex-band member of The Scumfucks? I get

up to investigate, but the mirage is false. It’s not GG, but someone who could easily pass for a

clone. I creep the squat. Downstairs it’s not a living room, but a garage from a 1930’s floor-plan

with the stench of carbon oxide emissions still resonated on the cement floor; torn couches are

strewn about, Pyrates of the Caribbean & Devils Rejects posters. It’s tomb-like and dirty, sludged

dog shit over the ground. The back door opens to a run-down, skinny-yet-lengthy backyard with

sideways trees, branches shooting everywhere. It’s overgrown like a jungle and the BBQ area is

pure dirt with black ash bonfire pit.


 The Harvey Keitel fan is still passed out upstairs, and there is little in that room except

for a broken old tube TV from the 60’s. It was top of the line luxury once upon a time, now it’s

dead with a skeleton face cutout taped to the screen in a room with missing floorboards. 

10am, Frankie and Chaos are up early in the kitchen with an exposed, tile expunged floor.

The sink is a wooden, tetanus husk of a 1920’s bath tub propped up by rusted piping and copper.

It’s got green water in it with all silverware and dishes sunk at the bottom. They have the oven

wide open and are using it to make cheese bread. They have a stale loaf someone dumpster dived,

and are layering Kraft singles atop them.

 Frankie is in a peaceful Zen and isn’t into doing his interview just yet. He says it’ll be an

intense one when the moment comes. He tells me to talk to Mike, the Keitel guy on the couch. He

was the drummer from Whorehouse of Representatives.

Whorehouse were one of the oldschool hardcore punk bands from the early to late 90’s

that Maximum Rock N Roll frequently pimped. They broke up some time ago, but stormed

Europe and North America with a dozen splits, vinyls and LPs. Gina packs a bowl and grabs my

arm, leading me to Mike. A little wake and bake session with the fellow, and he tells me his


 For one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet in oldschool hardcore, it just breaks your

damned heart that Mike Doodie is in the hellish limbo he faces. When the guitarist of

Whorehouse shot himself in 1998, he left the band, got married, and went to family life in LA. It

was his fairy-tale ending that lasted until mid-2006. 

Barely a year ago his daughter drowned, his wife committed suicide in the wake, and

Mike went into the deepest, ugliest heroin abyss imaginable. He was out of his mind for 6 months

until he made the decision to fight back and go clean for his remaining daughter, a 12 year old

Chelsea in SoCal. He’s been drying out here for the past 2 months, laying low, just burning time

and watching movies in the room upstairs.

He’s haunted yet jovial, a laid back pothead at his core that barely drinks. He’s huge into

power metal, and goes off on Iced Earth and Iron Maiden. Amusingly, D.H. Pilegro from Dead

Kennedys is his NA sponsor: “Whorehouse I’d gotten into in Seattle. They formed in 92, I joined

in 94. I was the drummer. After about four months of rehearsing it was steady from thereon. Our

lyrics were pretty much the same shit that’s been done for 25 years. Real political, real pissed off.

But we never tried to shove anything down anyone’s throat. 

What were some of the tours?”

Mike Doodie: “Starting off we did a six week tour with Toxic Narcotic. We did another

US tour with Brother Inferior from San Francisco. We did another six week tour with a band from

Austin called Severed Heads Of State. We went over and did a three week East Coast tour and

played New York, Philadelphia, Connecticut, a ton of places.” 

“What’s the difference between Seattle and San Fran?”

“Actually it’s not all that different. It kind of reminds me of the Seattle scene, or the way

it used to be back in the 90’s. All the bands got along with each other, it was cool. It seems more

open out here. It’s definitely not like that in LA; its real cut-throat there. Here people are real cool

and open-minded, they don’t trip out. It’s how it should be.” 

“Was there a lot of division in Seattle between the punks and the whole grunge


“Everybody was pretty much supportive. It was cool. We had some really great people

come to our shows. Eddie Vedder and Chris Novaselic, I saw them a few times.”  

“Tell me some crazy stories.” 

“After I left Whorehouse I went with them as a roadie when they toured with Varukers

from England. It was supposed to be six weeks, but the guitar player killed himself on tour. He

shot himself. That was in ’98.”

“Was that the end of the band?”


Oh yeah, totally. But we kept touring because we were with the Varukers. Afterwards I

just drove back to Seattle and stayed there.”

“So growing up in Los Angeles you saw the whole evolution of West Coast punk”…

“Oh yeah. I was in my first band in ‘79 called Gumby Riot. I was the singer… We played

with Blood Scare, Bad Actor, The Atoms, Angry Samoans. The bass player from Samoans

actually helped get us our start and out first few shows.” 

“What do you think about the East Coast scene? It a whole different world then


“Yeah, it’s not as friendly (laughs). I noticed you can’t really run around and be a social

butterfly. It was weird.”

What’s the Whorehouse singer up to now?”

“Michelle is working for Max Havoc out in Minneapolis. She’s in a band called Two

Minute Tantrum.” 

 What do you think are some of the best bands from San Fran?

“Born Dead, Social Unrest, Crucifix. Exit Wound, although I’m not sure if they’re still

together. They have a chick singer. But it was like Death metal, it was not punk rock at all.”

Are you into any metal?”

“I’m more of a metalhead than a punk really. That’s why I love playing grindy stuff,

‘cause it’s somewhere in the middle. I grew up on Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and Venom. I really

like the classic Judas Priest and Iced Earth stuff. That’s why I was so surprised when they told me

a guy from Metal Maniacs is crashing on the couch. I thought they were pulling my leg. It’s like,

Here? The Eagles Nest?’ Come on…”

“What’s your personal message to anyone who might read this?”

“Stay off drugs (laughs).”



Chaos and I jump on the BART, which is a sort of above-ground subway that goes everywhere in

the Bay Area for over 100 miles. You can travel anywhere on a $1.50, provided you sneak

through the pay-card exit when it snaps open from the passenger ahead of you. I start explaining

The Villa Winona and we discuss squats we’ve been through, comparing notes & anecdotes…

 At Panhandle Hill Ulysses is puking blood. He wipes the red splotch from the side of his

mouth and gives a loud, “AHH-WOOOO!!!” (his customary way of saying hello). There are 10

street punks hanging out, annoying yuppies walking poodles. A retired scumfuck comes by with a

baby stroller and his girlfriend. He recently bit the bullet and settled down enough to get a part-

time job and apartment. Doesn’t stop him from puking blood either…

Another sublime day in Golden Gate -- booze booze more booze, hot dogs, Johnny Cash

on the hill. Action Jackson and I prowl the early night panhandling, going in and out of record

stores with massive vinyl collections. He’s super-twacked, on one of those ‘yeah man, I know

what you mean, now dig this’ intensity trips. He goes off on juvey, previous mental

incarcerations. We keep battering down vodka, somehow making it back to The Eagles Nest

where Ulysses is jamming ‘Hotel California’ on the stereo.

The crowd is roaring. There are some girls over, from The Numbskull side of the fence.

This one half-Asian chick with a limp and a cane looks real familiar. We’ve seen each other

around somewhere, somehow, in another city we can’t finger. There are three 24 packs of

Milwaukee Beast, and it’s a shouting match for attention. 

 The front door swings open, the dogs freak out, and a lone character stumbles inside. He

says ‘Howdy y’all’ in a gruffly Southern, Cool Hand Luke prisoner drawl. He’s got on a beat-up,

Swiss-cheese cowboy hat; ratty, hole-filled, dirt-filth flannel and brown pants like a Georgian

farmer. He has this insane grin which makes it that much more diabolical since he literally has a

clown smile tattooed on his face like The Joker. Ulysses starts laughing and everyone runs up to

greet him.


This is Jus-Ten Thrasher, a man shrouded in total mystery, except that he grew up in

Louisiana and is a legendary scourge of New Orleans. He vanished one year ago without a trace

on the train-hopping circuit. He is like Huck Finn in a Rob Zombie world, the kind of guy that

keeps his possessions in a polka-dot sack hanging from a stick. He has a mess of tattoos and a

stylized San Fran Scumfuck design on his arm that looks like the doodle David Berkowitz made

of God/Devil/Boy/Girl.

45 minutes later I slip upstairs to hopefully pass out and avoid getting the dreaded ‘Beer

Elf.’ Mike is comatose on the TV room couch and I curl up in the shadow camouflage… My

brain comes into foggy motion. All I hear is Mother Firefly screaming and laughing hectically on

repeat for what must have been an hour. I’m still drunk and fumbling around the room. Devils

Rejects is on the DVD menu screen, replaying itself over and over. 

The Nola Clownlord is asleep next to one of the crustie girls beside me, and other bodies

surround us. I flop my way to the bathroom and check my face in the broken mirror shards and…

good, no green sharpie mustache… I turn to piss and there are six freshly used condoms floating

in the toilet, like squishy landmines on the floor. OK, 5:30am... 

A lonely cigarette on the porch and I come to a blazing focus. I’m wide awake, and for

the first time since I arrived in San Fran my brain has stopped rushing forward in adrenaline

survivalism… Take a breather, find a burrito down the hill… Wherever I am, it’s indisputably

ghetto. Windows are boarded up, iron gates shielding windows, cracked and beaten roads like the

ambience of Death Wish 3



TUESDAY April 10th, 2007, 3:50pm. 20 miles on the BART and two bus shuttles later I’ve

reached an industrial warehouse beneath the off-ramp of a major freeway. This houses

Alternative Tentacles World Headquarters, ex-Dead Kennedy vocalist Jello Biafra’s ground-

breaking and long-running punk label, rooting June 1979.

AT is known for putting out music from a wide array of genres, as well as politically

conscious books and subversive propaganda at large. In the early years the label gained

international attention by introducing the world to artists like Dead Kennedys, Butthole Surfers,

DOA, 7 Seconds, Winston Smith, NoMeansNo, Neurosis. In recent history they’ve released

material from Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Ralph Nader; as well as records by The

Melvins, Thrall, Citizen Fish, Mojo Nixon, Leftover Crack.

Jello, for his part, refuses to use a computer and does not have an email. He is like a

mysterious giant who wanders America secretly, pulling together a massive, endless network of

freaks. He leaves no trace and is always campaigning as an underground politician through

spoken word performances at endless college campuses. 

He always was a polarizing figure. He ran for mayor of San Fran in the early 80’s, was

attacked by the Gore family through the PMRC, the police raided his label and confiscated

everything in the 80’s and destroyed DK masters. He even ran for president of the Green Party

ticket with Mumia Abu Jamal as his running mate in 2000.

AT shares rent with some other magazines and eco-friendly industrial grade type

businesses. The warehouse has been renovated into a multi-business complex on par with a 50

room band rehearsal spot. Publicist George Chen answers the door, and there are only two other

employees hanging out like rats in the back archives…

Explain to me the general label history…”

George Chen: “It started in ‘79 with the Dead Kennedys singles and continued with Jello

signing different bands that he’d met on travels and in the Bay Area. An important part of what

we do is educational art. Musically it’s all over the place, even stuff outside of punk. The cool

thing about Jello being a really deep record nerd is there’s a huge spectrum of tastes. We’re

getting close to 400 records. We’re up to 376 right now. We just had our 25th anniversary in 2004.

We’re really one of the longest standing independent labels in America.”


“How did you arrive in the picture?”