The Big Shiny Prison by Ryan Bartek - HTML preview

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called The PWN House (the pown house), and this rag-tag crew encapsulates the only weirdoes in

the area. Oklahoma is square as you’d expect, and this flophouse is the prime jewel. These guys

have thrown every worthwhile show here for the past decade. They are so die-hard that no one is

allowed to listen to CD’s or iPOD’s in the house. It’s all vinyl or nothing, and rare LP’s & splits

are just lying in piles everywhere.

The huge Indian guy is named Matt Jim, and he’s the big dog of the household. He’s the

guitarist of a local thrash/grind band called Snotrokitz, and goes by many nicknames such as ‘The

Plow,’ ‘The Beastmaster,’ ‘30 Stone,’ ‘Bestiality Plow,’ ‘Matt Jemimah.’ Big Matt explains the

genesis of our current reality: ‘First there was The Skull House. This was back in the dark ages,

before Studio 360 where you’ll be playing tomorrow. The basement was no bigger than

someone’s living room, and half of that was taken up by the stage and equipment. So it was

maybe 40-50 people crammed elbow to elbow, like living cells in a piece of tissue. Just vibrating

and pulsating with all kinds of injuries.” 

“Whenever Hammer from Japan played it was packed. Same with Hero Disown Us from

Finland. After the lease was up we had nowhere to throw shows. Then we found PWN. It’s called

The PWN House ‘cause before we moved in there were a bunch of gamer guys that played lots of

dungeons and dragons and video games. When they’d type ‘you got owned’ on their live link

they’d misspell it as ‘You Got Pwned.’ It just stuck. So for a whole year we had the ability to

bring all kinds of bands to our garage. But then the cops came to one of our shows and said if we

did anymore they would shut off our water and evict us all.”

 No cops on the horizon tonight. Instead we’re playing beer pong, drinking whiskey, and

being fed an endless assault of killer vinyl. This short blonde guy named Tucker with two weird


mullet dreads is in that frantic, ‘Ah ha! But have you heard this?!?’ mode. Shot after shot of

whiskey he keeps jumping on the turntable. I’m shocked to learn the boys are friends with

Catheter from Denver, and that they’ve done multiple shows with Cephalic Carnage. I notice a

flyer that lists Exitium and learn the guitarist will actually be at the show. Somehow another

priority band magically falls into my lap… 



“So I'm at The Pita Pit. This is a few years ago, like 3 am on Saturday Night, and everyone is

coming from the bars. I look over the counter, and I’m thinking, ‘This can’t be real -- no fuckin’

way cause I’m stoned as fuck. But I see the zig-zagged corn-rowed hair and it’s really him -- it’s

Coolio. He buys a Philly steak and expects the extra meat for free.” 

“He looks twacked out like he's been doing meth or coke, and wants to know where he

can get a dime bag. Later some people from the club come on in. I say, ‘Coolio came in tonight.’

And they say, ‘Yeah, he walked on his tab -- I guess he figures since he's Coolio it doesn't matter.’

Then all of us were like, ‘What the fuck is he doing in Oklahoma anyway?”

Tucker chuckles over his rap legend story as we drive to the $1 store. NASUM is blaring

on the stereo, and the phrase ‘THE MERLE HAGGARD MOVEMENT’ is sloppily painted over

the back windshield. He’s never been pulled over for it either, which goes to show how easily

country music can be utilized as police camouflage… Last night was rough. All I remember is

being told the dogs have scabies, and something about wrestling a Marine on the floor after

teaching each other choke-holds… 

Inside the $1 store I get a weird tingle and look down. There is a little girl in a blue dress,

eyes burning a hole through my cranium. She points to the rotting corpse head on my Repulsion

shirt and declares, “Your shirt is scaw-wing me.” I look her in the eyes cut-throat as possible:

GOOD.” I turn to the DVD bin ignoring her completely. Tucker fumbles around with

merchandise trying to act nonchalant for a half minute with the girl still standing there. He cocks

his head back and looks at her staring eyes, then explodes in uncontrollable gut laughter… 


One of the PWN house guys – a skinny, tripped out drunkard named Gene – takes us to the

outreach program of a Christian church to acquire free food. The nice old lady gives us three bags

each, filled with groceries – eggs, bacon, granola bars, pop tarts, the works. Before she lets Neil

take his portion she queries what he does in life. He says, “Oh you know, just trying to take over

the world bit by bit.” Her face shrinks into this hideous, vulture-like scowl. “Well you know Hitler

wanted to take over the world too.”

Back at PWN we gorge ourselves before shooting off to see Grindhouse, which is

incredible. Death Proof is given new meaning when Gene blurts a classic line: ‘Mike’s problems

with women were exacerbated by the scar which also ended his stunt career, propelling him

towards high-octane murder.” I guess you just kinda had to be there…


Finally, my first real spoken word gig; I lead into it with Chuck the Homey, Matt Ratt, Jesus’s

EMINEM terrorism. Onward comes the knockout blow: “So, Oklahoma... This isn’t my first time

here. Anyone heard of a place called Muskogee? What is it, like 3 hours east of here? Oh yeah, I

hear them boo’s. Well, I thought it was mighty apocalyptic too.”

 “We went there for the premier of this little movie we did called DADBOT, this gathering

called the Bare Bones Film Festival. The initial meeting was downtown, so all the filmmakers &

judges are present. People are line-dancing, drinking punch, then these air raid sirens start

wailing like its London being bombed by the Luftwaffe. Outside the sky is pea-green, and there

are 5 huge twisters swirling around us. We’re fucking doomed, you know? Last cigarettes &


“But it can’t end like this, no fucking way. You see, I’ve always been convinced that my

life will end just like ‘Wayne’s World 2.’ As in with my dying breath, the weird naked Indian is


going to show up and take me to the nether-realm. Just he & I & Jim Morrison eating acid in the

desert for eternity, dodging them unruly ‘Beetlejuice’ sandworms.” 

 “We’re all crowded in the bomb shelter, and by random chance the secret guest of the

program is actually – yeah, dead serious here -- the fucking weird naked Indian from ‘Wayne’s

World 2.’ Literally, he’s right there, except in blue jeans & flannel. He’s there tonight promoting

a cameo in ‘Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.’ That one popular out here? No? What about ‘Walker

Texas Ranger?’ Ha ha, that’s right man. Chuck Norris doesn’t get rained on, the rain gets Chuck


 “Anyway, I walk up to the weird naked Indian, look him straight in the eye, and tell him

everything I just told you. Then I ask sincerely: ‘Sir, is it really time? Are you gonna take me to

Jim Morrison now?’ He stood there staring at me like I was completely insane, no idea what to

say. So I just shrugged: ‘Well, um… can I just have an autograph then?’”


I’m outside the venue chatting with a 16 year old Russian Jew on a skateboard. She’s trying to

convince me that she’s a ‘White Commie,’ a die-hard of the socialist sect Lenin wiped out. The

lanky vocalist from the bad nu-metal opening band is in a violent tizzy, rambling about slashing

our tires. Earlier this same terribly unmenacing kid (in an Adidas hat & long-sleeve fishnet shirt

neatly tucked into his blue jeans) ran up to Neil at sound check, throwing his arms in the air:


So this breedbate is freaking outside the venue, gathering his minions for a monkey riot. I

pull him aside: “Look man, I’m the tour manager. What’s going down?” Apparently Neil, drunk

as always, made some comment about the guys’ apparel to Glover. Then Neil was talking about

some fight he got into in high school, and somehow the guy twisted it around and thought it was a

declaration of war. Finally he relaxes, but his goon squad still goes back inside to make a fortified

line of crossed arm heavy metal-scowls, trying to intimidate DTB.

Neil busts into the set with joyousness, shooting lazar beams from his guitar that hits the

disco ball just right. Everyone is digging it, even the jaded crusties: “You know, everyone says

Jesus is a bad guy. But there was this one time I got stuck at the bowl with no toilet paper on the

roll. Oh my god, what a wreck. There’s just shit everywhere, chocolate all over the walls. It’s

dripping like a gelatinous Cosby mess of rocky road. What was I to do? What would you do?” 

“So I start praying, and Jesus floated down on his heavenly cloud. And do you know what

he told me Oklahoma? Do you know what he fucking told me?!? He extended his palm oh so

lovingly and said, ‘Son. To prove you’re a man, you must wipe with MY hand.’” 

“And I did. I shoved Christ’s hand right up my ass, dug it around a bit, removed every

last nudge of chocolate… And then Jesus smiled. Ho ho ho. And I smiled. Ho hum har… And you

know what he did? He grabbed the guy in the stall right before me, looked him straight in the

eyes and said ‘BITCH – it’s all because of you. That poo poo on my shoe. I must confess, I used

my shirt to clean up all this mess [insert badass drum blast here]…” 

 The fishnet rumbler & his entire squad roar with laughter throughout the show, and all

buy merch afterward. When fishnet finally approached Neil he was bracing for a punch to the

head. Instead the guy wanted an autograph. He gave Neil all of their door money ($60) and told

him they were one of the best live bands he’d ever seen. The Exploited does not do this. The

Damned have never done this











Kirk Kirkwood: “Exitium actually just broke up four weeks ago. We started in September 2001,

originally as a joke band. We were named [indecipherable Latin], which was a horrible

misinterpretation. It was meant to be Satan And Friends, but it turned out to be Satan’s

Girlfriends. (Laughs). We decided to get serious and change formats. We practiced and wrote for

6 months then we played our first show. From thereon we started playing shows everywhere in

the metro area.”

Do you think people ‘get’ grind or is it still a small community?”

“It’s a really small community in Oklahoma. Everyone knows each other. In Norman we

have a legitimate grindcore scene. You get to other towns and you get kids that say they play it,

but its metalcore shit. They might claim to be grind on their MySpace, but that doesn’t mean

they’re grind.”

“What’s the touring been like?”

“We’ve done regional tours, but that’s as far as we’ve gone. We’ve played Colorado with

Catheter at their house. It was crazy, there were over 200 kids in this small place. We maintained

a good friendship with them, so they’ll come back and we’ll always play… The first album was

recorded in July 2002, but it wasn’t out until late 2004. It didn’t do that great, but that was

because there was no distribution behind it. We sent it out but no one ever really responded, and

we never really saw any reviews.

 [Tucker charges into the PWN House kitchen in a whiskey whirlwind: “In two minutes

this guys gonna come running in like AAARRGGH!!!” Kirk and I look at each other confused and

keep going]

“What are some of your favorite books?”

I’m a big fan of Kurt Vonnegut… 

[Now we know why. Matt Jim is a butt-naked Goliath, a monstrous, gelatinous shadow

blotting out the overhead light. ‘You wanted a weird naked Indian, you fucking got one!’ He

charges and presses me against the sink with his blubber, and starts disco dancing with his tits in

my face. I feel like The Undertaker battling Yokozuna at Summer Slam ‘94. ‘Ahhh!! Why is this

happening to me?!? There’s a weird naked Indian rubbing his balls all over my chest!!!’ The

entire PWN House is a looney bin. Matt backs off chuckling, and I take a swig of Jack Daniels]

“Well that’s a first for me. I’ve never been attacked by a 300 lbs naked Indian while

doing an interview beforeWell… Ahem… Returning to the interview…”  

[Amazingly he zangs back into his pre-flesh mid-thought]: “This last album is going to be

extremely political, the Grind After Death album. It’s going to be over the top, almost pompous

lyrics. He’s going balls to the wall with this. We’re trying to make the smartest grind album ever


“What happened with the break-up and will time heal all wounds?”

“We decided collectively not to go into detail about what happened. Obviously Exitium

was left with myself and the bass player. You can come up with your own conclusions’ [random

drunk guy wanders past and blurts‘they became Mormons’ before belching].”

 “Tell me about Oklahoma. Are kids here so bored they just want to jump off


“Actually I don’t think so. They’re not as crazy as you might think. Personally I’ve been

looking for people to go skydiving with, but it’s really hard. Everyone says ‘I’m not ready to die

yet.’ Come on, you’ve got to take risks… Our shows have always had a lot of injuries -- broken

teeth, broken fingers, all bloody. Kids splitting their head open…”

“Anything else you’d like to add?”

“I’m finishing Exitium with Grind After Death. It’s going to be about 40 minutes worth

of material by the end of the summer. Any bands out there that might be looking for a guitar