Astronomy for Young Folks by Isabel Martin Lewis - HTML preview

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If a small, freely suspended compass needle is moved over a highly magnetized steel sphere, it will be seen that it constantly changes its position both horizontally and vertically so as to lie always along the "lines of force" of the sphere.

There will be one point on the sphere which we will call the North Magnetic Pole, where the north-seeking end of the needle will point vertically downward or make a "dip" of 90° with the tangent plane. At the diametrically opposite point on the sphere, called the South Magnetic Pole, the opposite end of the compass, the south-seeking end, will point vertically downward; while at a point midway between the magnetic poles of the sphere the needle will lie parallel to the diameter connecting the two poles and there will be no dip.

The total intensity of the magnetic field surrounding the sphere will be found to be greatest in the vicinity of the magnetic poles and least, midway between the poles.

Now, a freely suspended compass needle carried to all parts of the earth will behave very much in the same manner as the needle moved over the magnetized steel sphere. There are two points on the earth's surface, known as the North and South Magnetic Poles, where the needle points vertically downward and approximately midway between is the Magnetic Equator where the compass needle places itself in a perfectly horizontal position and the "dip" of the needle is zero. In other words, the earth acts as a huge magnet and possesses a magnetic field with lines of force converging towards its poles similar to the lines of force of the steel sphere.

There are, however, some very important differences between the sphere of steel and our earth. The matter of which the earth is composed is not homogeneous. It is believed to possess an iron core of considerable size, it is true, but its outer shell is composed of heterogeneous masses that in certain regions cause very appreciable local deflections of the needle. It is surrounded, moreover, by an atmosphere permeated by electrified particles of matter shot forth from the sun, which we now know is a still greater magnet surrounded by a magnetic field that is of the order of 50 gausses at the poles and about eighty times more powerful than that of the earth.

It is now a well-established fact that the sun's magnetic field exerts a powerful influence over the condition of the earth's magnetic field, and that vast solar disturbances affect very materially the direction and intensity of the lines of force.

It is thus little wonder that this non-homogeneous and rapidly rotating terrestrial globe, surrounded by an electrified atmosphere and subject to the action of a still more powerful magnet, the sun, should not behave in a manner exactly analogous to a uniformly magnetized steel sphere.

The earth's magnetic poles are neither symmetrically placed nor absolutely fixed in position. There is every reason to suspect that they shift about from year to year, and possibly fluctuate irregularly in position in the course of a few days or hours under the influence of disturbing forces. The position of the earth's North Magnetic Pole, last visited by Amundsen in 1903, now lies approximately in Latitude 70° N. Longitude 97° W. The position of the South Magnetic Pole, according to the latest determinations, is, in round numbers, in Latitude 73° S. and Longitude 156° E. of Greenwich. It is evident, therefore, that the magnetic poles of the earth are not symmetrically placed and that they lie fully 30° from the geographical poles. The chord connecting the magnetic poles passes 750 miles from the earth's center, and it is about 1,200 miles from the geographic pole to the nearest magnetic pole. There exist, moreover, in high latitudes local magnetic poles, due possibly to heavy local deposits of ore. One such pole was discovered at Cape Treadwell, near Juneau, Alaska, during Dr. L. A. Bauer's observations there in 1900 and 1907. In the center of the observing tent at this point the needle pointed vertically downward and the compass reversed its direction when carried from one side of the tent to the other.

It is a well-known fact that there are very few points on the earth's surface where the compass needle points either to the true geographical pole or to the magnetic pole, and if it does chance to do so, it is a transient happening. The "variation of the compass" or the declination of the needle, as it is called, is the angle that the compass needle makes with the true north and south line or the meridian. It is an angle of greatest importance to navigators and explorers, for it gives them their bearings, yet it is unfortunately subject to ceaseless variations of a most complicated nature, since it depends on the constantly pulsating and never ceasing magnetic changes that sweep over the surface of the earth and through its crust. It is affected by long period or secular changes, as they are called, progressing more or less regularly in obscure cycles of unknown period. It is subject to a diurnal change that depends on the position of the sun relative to the meridian, and that varies with the seasons and with the hour of the day. It is affected by the sun spot cycle of 11.3 years which has a direct effect upon the intensity of the earth's magnetic field. The intensity of the magnetic field in sun spots is, according to Abbot, sometimes as high as 4,500 gausses or 9,000 times the intensity of the earth's field. At times of maximum spottedness of the sun the intensity of the earth's magnetic field is reduced.

Moreover, when great and rapidly changing spots appear upon the sun, electrified particles are shot forth from the sun with great velocity and in great numbers, and are drawn in towards the magnetic poles of the earth. Meeting the rarefied gases of the earth's upper atmosphere, they illuminate them as electric discharges illuminate a vacuum tube. Some of these electrons are absorbed by gases at high elevations, other descend to lower levels. The most penetrating rays have been known to descend to an altitude of twenty-five miles which is about the lowest limit yet found for auroral displays. It is the passage of these rays through the atmosphere that cause the magnetic disturbances known as magnetic storms, that are associated with the appearance of great sun spots and auroral displays. At such times sudden changes take place in the intensity of the earth's magnetic field that cause the compass needle to shiver and tremble and temporarily lose its directive value. These magnetic storms have been known to produce great temporal changes in the intensity of the earth's field. According to Dr. L. A. Bauer, Director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, the earth's intensity of magnetization was altered by about one-twentieth or one-thirtieth part by the magnetic storm of September 25, 1909, which was one of the most remarkable on record, and the earth's magnetic condition was below par for fully three months afterwards as a result.

In addition to these various regular and irregular changes in the variation of the compass, or declination of the needle, due to changes in the earth's magnetic field as a whole, there are local effects due to restricted regional disturbances of the earth's magnetic field or to local deposits of ore, or to volcanoes or other local causes. The effect of all these disturbances upon the declination of the needle must be determined by continual magnetic surveys of all portions of the earth's surface.

As a whole the earth's magnetic field is more uniform over the oceans than over the land, with all its disturbing topographical features. Yet this advantage is offset largely in navigation by the fact that every steel ship that sails the seas is a magnet, with its two magnetic poles and its neutral line where the two opposite magnetic forces are neutralized, as is the case with every magnet. The direction in which a steel ship lies with reference to the earth's magnetic field while it is being built determines the position of the magnetic poles in its hull and the position of its neutral line and this distribution of magnetism over a ship's hull must be taken account of in the installation of its standard compass. Every piece of horizontal and vertical iron aboard ship has an effect upon the variation of the compass and compensation must be made for such disturbing forces. The direction of sailing, the position in which a ship lies at dock, storms encountered at sea, the firing of batteries (on warships) are some of the factors that are operative in producing changes in the variation of the magnetic compass aboard a ship.

Every ship must undergo at frequent intervals magnetic surveys for the purpose of determining its magnetic constants and its "Table of Deviations of the Compass."

The direction in which the compass needle points aboard ship is the resultant of the effect of the earth's magnetic field and the magnetic field of the ship, and both fields are subject to continual and complicated variations from year to year, from day to day, and even from hour to hour!

The elements of the earth's magnetic field are determined for any one epoch by long-continued magnetic surveys carried on to a greater or less extent by the various nations of the world, and the results are published in the form of magnetic charts for land and sea, showing the values of the three magnetic elements, declination of the needle, dip or inclination, and horizontal intensity of the earth's field for a definite period. So rapid are even the long-period changes in the earth's magnetic field that a magnetic chart can be relied upon for only a very few years and fresh data for the construction of these charts that are so valuable to navigators and explorers must be gathered continually.

The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institute of Washington is engaged in continual magnetic surveys of the earth by land and sea that are of the highest value not only to navigators but also to scientists interested in solving the great and mysterious problem of the underlying causes of the earth's magnetism.

To give an idea of the extent and scope of the work of this department it may be mentioned that its non-magnetic ship Carnegie made in the period 1909-1918 a total run of 189,176 nautical miles, nearly nine times the earth's circumference, with an average day's run of 119 nautical miles. Magnetic observations were made practically every day at a distance of 100 to 150 miles apart. In this nine-year period five cruises were made. On her first cruise the Carnegie sailed from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Falmouth, England, over practically the same course followed by the famous astronomer, Halley, in the Paramour Pink two centuries earlier to determine the variation of the compass. In her fourth voyage the Carnegie circumnavigated the world in sub-antarctic regions in 118 days—a record time. She has traversed all oceans from 80° North to the parallel of 60° South and has crossed and recrossed her own path and the path of her predecessor, the Galilee, many times, thus making it possible to determine for the points of intersection the secular changes in the magnetic elements.

After a thorough overhauling in 1919 and the installation of a four-cylinder gasoline engine, made of bronze throughout, to take the place of the producer-gas engine used on earlier cruises, the Carnegie started on her sixth cruise with a crew of twenty-three officers and men on October 9, 1919. A cruise of 61,500 miles was planned in the South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans to last approximately two years. Unsurveyed regions in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean were to be covered and the route was planned so as to obtain a large number of observations of the progressive changes that have taken place in the magnetic elements. This is accomplished as stated above by intersecting former routes and obtaining new values of the element at the points of intersection.

In addition to its ocean magnetic surveys the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism also carries on extensive land surveys in all parts of the globe. In 1919 special expeditions were sent out by the Department to observe the total solar eclipse of May 29th at stations distributed over the entire zone of visibility of the eclipse and immediately outside. At Dr. Bauer's station in Liberia the total phase was visible in a cloudless sky for more than six minutes, which is very close to the maximum length of phase that can possibly be observed. Unmistakable evidence was gathered at all stations of an appreciable variation in the earth's magnetic field during a solar eclipse, which variation is the reverse of that causing the daylight portion of the solar diurnal variation of the needle.

In addition to the magnetic survey work on land and sea which is the chief work of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, atmospheric-electric observations are carried on continually on land and sea and experiments have been carried on at Langley Field, Va., lately, in the development of methods and instruments for determining the geographical position of airplanes by astronomical observations. There has also been recently formed under this department a Section of Terrestrial Electricity.

The cause of the earth's magnetic field is still one of the greatest unsolved problems of astro-physics. The theory that has been advanced by Schuster that all large rotating masses are magnets as a result of their rotation has received considerable attention from astrophysicists, and attempts have been made to prove this experimentally.

It has been found that iron globes spun at high velocities in the laboratory do not exhibit magnetic properties. This may mean simply that the magnetic field is too weak to be detected in the case of a comparatively small iron sphere spun for a limited period under laboratory conditions. It must be remembered that the earth has been rotating rapidly on its axis for millions of years and is, compared to terrestrial objects, an extremely large mass. Yet it has been shown that as a whole our earth is an extremely weak magnet, and that if it were made entirely of steel and magnetized as highly as an ordinary steel-bar magnet, the magnetic forces at its surface would be a thousand times greater than they actually are.

If it is true that all rotating bodies are magnets, then all the heavenly bodies, planets, suns and nebulæ are surrounded by magnetic fields. We know nothing to the contrary. In fact, we know this to be true for the earth and sun, and strongly suspect that it is so in the case of the planets Jupiter and Saturn.

When we understand more about the properties of matter, the nature of magnetism, as well as of gravity, may be revealed to us.