Astronomy for Young Folks by Isabel Martin Lewis - HTML preview

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It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the atmosphere to all forms of life upon the surface of the earth. If there were no atmosphere there would be no life, because it is through the agency of the water-vapor, carbon-dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere that all life-processes are maintained.

If there were no atmosphere there would not only be no life upon the earth; there would be also none of the beautiful color effects produced by the passage of sunlight through the atmosphere. There would be no blue skies, no beautiful sunrise and sunset effects, no twilight, no rainbows, no halos, no auroral displays, no clouds, no rains, no rivers nor seas, no winds nor storms. The heavens would be perfectly black except in the direction of the heavenly bodies which would shine as brilliantly by day as by night.

To understand how the atmosphere produces color effects such as blue skies, sunrise and sunset tints, rainbows and halos, as well as the twinkling of the stars, and numerous other phenomena, we must know something of the nature of light itself.

Light moves outward from any source, such as the sun, in all directions radially, or along straight lines (so long as it does not encounter a gravitational field) with the unimaginable velocity of 186,000 miles per second. As it advances it vibrates or oscillates back and forth across its path in all directions at right angles to this path, unless it is plane polarized light, in which case its vibrations are confined to one plane only.

These vibrations or oscillations of light take the form of a wavelike motion, one wave-length being the distance passed over in the time of one vibration, measured from crest to crest or from trough to trough of adjacent waves.

We may consider that a beam or ray of sunlight is made up of a great number of individual rays of different wave-lengths and different colors. The average wave-length of light, the wave-length of the green ray in sunlight, is about one-fifty-thousandth part of an inch, that is, it would take about fifty-thousand wave-lengths of green light to cover a space of one inch. Now, since light makes one vibration in passing over a distance of one wave-length, it makes fifty thousand vibrations, while advancing one inch, and since it advances one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles in one second we can easily figure out that a ray of sunlight of average wave-length makes about six hundred trillion vibrations (600,000,000,000,000) in a single second!

The chief colors of which sunlight or white light is composed are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, though there are an infinite number of gradations of color which blend into one another, gradually producing the intermediate tints and shades. The colors just mentioned are called the primary colors of the solar spectrum, which can be produced as a band of light of variegated colors, arranged in the order named by passing a ray of ordinary sunlight through a glass prism. The individual rays of different color and wave-length that make up a beam of sunlight, or white light, then separate out in the order of the wave-lengths. The red rays vibrate the most slowly and have the longest wave-length of all the rays of the visible spectrum. About four hundred trillion vibrations of red light reach the eye in one second. Violet rays, on the other hand, vibrate the most rapidly of all the visible rays and have the shortest wave-length. About eight hundred trillion vibrations of violet light reach the eye every second. The wave-lengths of the intermediate colors decrease in length progressively from the red to the violet and, of course, the frequencies of their vibrations increase in the same order. All sunlight is made up of these rays of different colors and different vibration frequencies, and of other rays as well, to which the human eye is not sensitive, and which, therefore, do not appear in the visible spectrum. Among these invisible rays are the infra-red rays which come just below the red of the visible spectrum, and which are of longer wave-length than the red rays, and the ultra-violet rays, which lie beyond the violet rays of the visible spectrum, and are of shorter wave-length than the violet rays.

Now a ray of ordinary sunlight is separated into the rays of various colors, which form the solar spectrum when it passes from a medium of one density obliquely to a medium of another density, as when it passes from air to glass, or from air to water, or from outer space into the earth's atmosphere. Under such circumstances its velocity is slowed down when it passes from a rare to a denser medium, and the waves of different wave-lengths are bent from their former course, or refracted, by different amounts. The red rays, of longest wave-length, are bent from their former course the least, and the violet rays, of shortest wave-length, are bent the most upon passing from a rare to a denser medium. As a result the ray of sunlight is spread out or dispersed into its rays of different wave-length and color upon entering a medium of different density. It is this refraction and dispersion of sunlight that produces many color effects in the earth's atmosphere.

The atmosphere is not of uniform density throughout. At high altitudes it is extremely rare. That is, there is little of it in a given volume. Close to the earth's surface, however, it is comparatively dense. Half of all the atmosphere is within three and one-half miles of the surface and half of the remainder lies within the next three and a half miles. We may consider it as made up, on the whole, of layers of different densities, strongly compressed near the surface.

Imagine a ray of sunlight entering the earth's atmosphere from without. If it comes from a point in the zenith its course is not changed upon entering the atmosphere, because light passing from a certain medium—as space—into a medium of different density, is not bent from its course, or refracted, provided it enters the new medium in a direction perpendicular to the surface. If it enters the atmosphere (which is the new medium of greater density) obliquely, refraction, or bending of the ray, takes place, and as the ray advances toward the earth, through layers of increasing densities, it is bent from its former course more and more. As the advancing rays of different colors and wave-lengths in the beam of sunlight are slowed down in the new medium, the red rays are turned from their course the least and the violet rays the most and the entire advancing wave-front of the beam of sunlight is bent down more and more toward the horizon, as it proceeds through the atmosphere. As we on the earth's surface see the ray not along its bent course through the atmosphere, but in the direction in which it finally enters our eyes, the effect of refraction upon a ray of light passing through the atmosphere is to displace the object in the direction of the zenith or increase its distance above the horizon. As a result of refraction we see the sun—or moon—above the western horizon after it has really set, and above the eastern horizon before it has really risen.

The oval shape that the sun, or moon, often presents on rising or setting, is due to the fact that the light from the lower limb is passing through denser air than the light from the upper limb, and so is refracted more. As a result the lower limb is lifted proportionately more than the upper limb. This distorts the form of the solar or lunar disk, making it appear oval instead of circular.

The familiar twinkling or scintillation of stars and, more rarely, of the planets, is a result of interference of light waves due to irregular and variable refraction in air that is not uniform in density, owing to the presence of constantly rising and descending atmospheric currents of different densities. This also produces the shimmering or unsteadiness of star images in the telescope, that interferes so greatly with accurate measurements of angles or observations of planetary markings.

One may ask why it is, if light from an object, say a star, is bent from its course and separated into rays of various colors upon entering the earth's atmosphere, that we do not see the object drawn out into a band of spectral colors. It is because the angular separation of the various colors is so slight under ordinary circumstances that light from one point is blended with light from a neighboring point of complementary color to produce white light again. Under certain circumstances, however, beautiful color effects may be seen in the earth's atmosphere as a result of the refraction of sunlight.

The blue color of the sky and its brightness is caused by the scattering of the rays of shortest wave-length, the violet and blue rays, by the oxygen and nitrogen in the upper atmosphere. The molecules of these gases interfere with the passage of these rays, powerfully scattering and dispersing them, and thus increasing the length of their path through the air and diffusing their color and brightness in the upper atmosphere, while permitting rays of longer wave-length, the red and orange, to pass on practically undisturbed.

When an object in the heavens lies close to the horizon, the rays of light from it have to travel a longer path through the atmosphere than when the object is overhead, and that too through the densest part of the atmosphere, which lies close to the earth's surface, and in which are floating many dust particles and impurities from the earth's surface. All these particles, as well as the increased density of the atmosphere, interfere with the free passage of the rays, especially of shorter wave-lengths. The violet and blue rays are sifted out and scattered in their long journey through the lower strata of air, far more than when they come to us from an object high in the sky. Even the red and yellow rays are more or less scattered and bent aside—diffracted—by these comparatively large particles near the surface. The reddish color of the sun, moon and even of the stars and planets, when seen near the horizon, as well as the beautiful sunset tints, in which reds and pinks and yellows predominate, are due to the fact that the rays of longer wave-length are more successful in penetrating the dense, dust-laden layers of the lower atmosphere. It is to be free of the dust and impurities as well as the unsteadiness of the lower atmosphere, that observatories are built at high altitudes whenever possible.

When there have been unusually violent volcanic eruptions, and great quantities of finely divided dust have been thrown into the upper atmosphere, the effect upon the blue and violet rays from the sun is very great. The volcanic dust particles are so large that instead of scattering these rays of shorter wave-length, as do the oxygen and nitrogen in our atmosphere, they reflect them back into space and so decrease the amount of light and heat received from the sun. For this reason the general temperature of the earth is lowered by violent volcanic eruptions. Unusually cold periods, that lasted for months, followed the terrible eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 and of Katmai in 1912.

At times when much dust is present in the atmosphere, the sky is a milky white color by day as a result of the reflection of sunlight from the dust particles. Sunrise and sunset colors are then particularly gorgeous, with reds predominating. At such times the blue and violet rays are almost completely shut out, and the red, orange and yellow rays are powerfully diffracted and scattered by the dust particles in the air.

The twilight glow that is visible for some time before sunrise or after sunset is, of course, entirely an atmospheric effect caused by the reflection of sunlight to our eyes from the upper atmosphere, upon which the sun shines, while it is, itself, concealed from our view below the horizon. The atmosphere extends in quantities sufficient to produce twilight to an elevation of about sixty miles.

When all the rays of which sunlight is composed are reflected in equal proportions we get the impression of white light. Dust and haze in the air reflect all rays strongly and give a whitish color to an otherwise blue sky. Brilliant white clouds appear white, because they are reflecting all rays equally. Clouds or portions of clouds appear black when they are in shade or, at times, by contrast with portions that are more strongly illuminated, or when they are moisture-laden and near the point of saturation, when they are absorbing more light than they reflect. At sunrise and sunset, when the light that falls upon the clouds is richest in red and orange and yellow, clouds reflect these colors to our eyes, and we see the brilliant sunset hues which are more intense the more the air is filled with dust and impurities.

The familiar and beautiful phenomenon of the rainbow is produced by refraction, reflection and interference of sunlight by drops of falling water, such as rain or spray. As the ray of sunlight enters the drop of water, which acts as a tiny glass prism, it is refracted or bent from its course and spread out into its spectral colors. Reflection of these rays next takes place (once or twice, as the case may be) from the inside of the drop and a second refraction of the reflected ray takes place as it leaves the drop. The smaller the drops the more brilliant is the rainbow and the richer in color. The most brilliant rainbows are produced by drops between 0.2 and 0.4 millimeters in diameter. In addition to the primary bow, which has a red outer border with a radius of 42°, there is the secondary bow with a radius of about 51° and with colors reversed, the red being on the inner border; the supernumerary bows which are narrow bands of red, or green and red, appear parallel to the primary and secondary bows along the inner side of the primary bow and the outer side of the secondary bow. No rainbow arches ever appear between the primary and secondary bows, and it can be shown in fact, that the illumination between these two bows is at a minimum.

The primary, secondary and supernumerary bows all lie opposite the sun in the direction of the observer's shadow and the observer must stand with his back to the sun in order to see them. The primary and secondary rainbow arches take the form of arcs of circles that have their common center on the line connecting the sun with the observer at a point as far below the horizon in angular distance as the sun is above the horizon. It is, therefore, never possible to see a rainbow arch of more than a semicircle in extent unless the observer is at an elevation above the surrounding country, under which circumstances it might be possible to see a complete circle formed by the rainbow.

The highest and longest arch appears when the sun is on the horizon, and the greater the altitude of the sun the smaller and lower the visible arch. As the angular radius of the primary bow is 42° and of the secondary bow 51° and as the common center of the two circles is always as far below the horizon as the sun is above, it is never possible to see either primary or secondary rainbow when the altitude of the sun is over 51°, or the primary bow when the altitude is over 42°. For this reason rainbows are rarely seen at or near noon in mid-latitudes, since the sun is usually at an elevation of more than 42° at noon, especially in the summer season, which is also the most favorable season for rainbows, owing to the great likelihood of rain and sunshine occurring at the same time.

The light which comes to an observer from the primary bow is once reflected within the drop, and that which comes from the secondary bow is twice reflected within the drop. The sharper and brighter light therefore comes from the primary bow of 42° radius. The space between the two bows is particularly dark, because it can be shown that the drops there do not reflect any light at all.

The rainbow colors are rarely pure or arranged in spectral order, owing to interference of light waves. It is the interference of light waves from different parts of the same drop that produces the bands of alternate maximum and minimum brightness, that lie below the primary bow and beyond the secondary bow. The red or green and red bands of maximum brightness produced thus by interference, are called the supernumerary bows, and they are always found parallel to the primary and secondary bow within the former and above the latter.

The distance of the rainbow from the observer is the distance of the drops that form it. A rainbow may be formed by clouds several miles distant or by the aid of the garden hose on our lawn. No two observers can see exactly the same rainbow because the rainbow arch encircles the surface of a cone whose vertex is at the observer's eye and no two such vertices can exactly coincide. Two observers see rainbows formed by different drops.

Refraction of light by ice-crystals in clouds produces many beautiful color effects, such as halos of various types around sun or moon, vertical light pillars, circumzenithal arcs, and parhelia—"sun-dogs"—or paraselenæ—"moon-dogs"—which are luminous spots at equal altitudes with sun or moon—one to the left the other to the right, at an angular distance of 22°.

The most usual form of halo is that of 22° radius. This is a luminous ring of light surrounding sun or moon, with the inner edge red and sharply defined and the spectral colors proceeding outward in order; red is frequently the only color visible, the remainder of the ring appearing whitish. Since the halo is produced by refraction of light by ice-crystals, which exist in clouds of a certain type gathering at high altitudes, it is always a very good indicator of an approaching storm.

Coronas are luminous rings showing the spectral colors in the reverse order, that is, with the inner edge blue instead of red. They are usually of very small radius, scarcely two degrees, closely surrounding sun or moon and are produced—not by refraction—but by diffraction or a bending aside of the rays as they pass between—without entering—very small drops of water in clouds. As in the case of refraction, the red rays are turned from their course the least and the violet rays the most.

Many of these phenomena—halos, luminous spots, vertical pillars and arcs of light may, at times, be seen simultaneously, when clouds of ice-crystals are forming around the sun or moon. They then present a very complex and beautiful outline of luminous circles, arches and pillars that have a mysterious and almost startling appearance when the cause is not clearly understood.

We have found then that sunlight is made up of rays of many different wave-lengths and colors and that the atmosphere acts upon these rays in various ways. It reflects them or turns them back on their course; it refracts them as they pass through the gases of which the atmosphere consists, or through the water-vapor and ice-crystals suspended in it, thus sifting out and dispersing the rays of different colors and wave-lengths and producing beautiful color effects; it diffracts them or bends them aside as they pass between the fine dust particles and small drops of water in the air, again sifting out the rays of different colors and producing color effects similar to those produced by refraction; it also scatters and disperses, through the action of the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in the upper strata, the blue and violet rays of shorter wave-length and thus produces the blue color and brightness of the sky; it produces beautifully colored auroral streamers and curtains and rays of light through the electrical discharges resulting when the rarefied gases in the upper air are bombarded by electrified particles shot forth from the sun.

It is our atmosphere, then, that we have to thank for all these beautiful displays of color that delight our eyes and give pleasure to our existence, as well as for the very fact of our existence upon a planet that without its presence would be an uninhabitable waste, covered only with barren rocks.