Stem Cell Research: A Science and Policy Overview by Kirstin Matthews - HTML preview

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Chapter 3World Stem Cell Policies

3.1Overview of World Human Cloning Policies*


The information in this section is provided to illustrate the diversity of approaches various different parts of the world are taking with regard to regulation of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research. The brief summary is based on a review of relevant literature and websites and should be considered preliminary.

World policies on human or reproductive cloning range from complete prohibition to no policies on record. Over 30 countries, including France, Germany, and the Russian Federation, have banned human cloning altogether. Fifteen countries, such as Japan, the United Kingdom, and Israel, have banned human reproductive cloning, but permit therapeutic cloning. A few countries such as Hungary and Poland do not explicitly prohibit embryonic stem cell research or therapeutic cloning, partially because their legislation was drafted before embryonic stem cells were first produced (1998). Many other countries, similar to the United States, have yet to pass any official legislation concerning human cloning allowing all types of stem cell and cloning research to occur.

In addition to countries developing their own policies, several international organizations, including the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the European Union, have published human cloning policies and recommendations, which are described below. Several other organizations including the African Union and the Arab Leagues have discussed the issue, but have yet to release a formal declaration. Furthermore, the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) and a group led by Johns Hopkins Phoebe R. Berman Bioethics Institute, known as the Hinxton Group, are working to outline principles for human embryonic stem cell international collaboration and cooperation.

Table 3.1. World Cloning Legislature
 ESC*Ther.Ban**  ESCTher.Ban**
Argentina× × Latvia× ×
Australia× × Lithuania  ×
Austria  × Netherlands× ×
Belgium××  New Zealand×× 
Brazil× × Norway  ×
Canada× × Panama× ×
Chile× × Peru× ×
China××  Poland  ×
Columbia××  Portugal× ×
Costa Rica  × Russian Federation× ×
Czech Republic× × Singapore×× 
Denmark× × Slovakia  ×
Ecuador  × Slovenia× ×
Egypt× × South Africa× ×
Estonia× × South Korea×× 
Finland××  Spain× ×
France× × Sweden×× 
Georgia× × Switzerland× ×
Germany× × Taiwan× ×
Greece× × Thailand×× 
Hungary×   Trinidad & Tobago  ×
Iceland× × Tunisia× ×
India×   Turkey×× 
Iran×   Ukraine×  
Ireland  × United Kingdom×× 
Israel××  United States×× 
Italy  × Uruguay×  
Japan××  Vietnam× ×

*Some prohibit the derivation of embryonic stem cells, but do not specifically prohibit the research using existing lines.