A Guide to Naturalization by U.S. Department of Homeland Security - HTML preview

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Attachment to the Constitution

(1) Renounce Foreign Allegiances. As

All applicants for naturalization must be

stated in the oath, you must renounce

willing to support and defend the United

all foreign allegiances to become a U.S.

States and our Constitution. You declare


your “attachment” to the United States and

our Constitution when you take the Oath of (2) Support the Constitution. You must Allegiance. In fact, it is not until you take

also be willing to support and defend the

the Oath of Allegiance that you actually

principles of the Constitution and the laws

become a U.S. citizen. If you are unwilling of the United States.

or unable to take the Oath of Allegiance

in its entirety please see Page 38 for more

(3) Serve the United States. When


required by law, you must be willing to

(a) fight in the U.S. Armed Forces, (b)

What does the Oath require? When you

perform noncombatant service in the

take the oath, you must promise to do

U.S. Armed Forces, and (c) perform

three things:

civilian service for the United States.

What else will USCIS consider about

my promise to serve the United States?

In addition to your promise to serve the