A Guide to Naturalization by U.S. Department of Homeland Security - HTML preview

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The Oath of Allegiance

United States when required, USCIS also

considers the following three things when

I hereby declare, on oath,

determining if you are truly willing to

that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all

serve the United States:

allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince,

potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I

(1) Selective Service — If you are male,

have heretofore been a subject or citizen;

you generally need to register with the

Selective Service System before applying

that I will support and defend the Constitution and

for naturalization. If you are male and lived

laws of the United States of America against all

in the United States (in any status other

enemies, foreign and domestic;

than as a lawful nonimmigrant) during ages

that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;

18 through 25, you must be registered with

the Selective Service System. If you are

that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States

male and entered the United States after

when required by the law;

you turned 26 years old, you do not have

that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed

to register with the Selective Service.

Forces of the United States when required by the


that I will perform work of national importance under

civilian direction when required by the law; and

that I take this obligation freely without any

mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help

me God.


If you were required to register, you will

(2) Alien Discharge from the U.S. Armed

need to provide your Selective Service

Forces If you ever received an

number to USCIS when you apply. You

exemption or discharge from the U.S.

may get your Selective Service number by

Armed Forces because you are an alien,

calling 1-847-688-6888. For men born prior you may not be eligible for naturalization.

to 1960, this information can be obtained

by writing the Selective Service, Records

(3) Desertion from the U.S. Armed

Division at:

Forces If you were ever convicted of

desertion from the U.S. Armed Forces, you

Selective Service System

are not eligible for naturalization. Desertion

National Headquarters

means that you left military service before

Arlington, VA 22209-2425

you were discharged.

If you have not registered, you must

register at a United States Post Office or

on the Selective Service System’s Internet

site to receive a Selective Service number.

The Selective Service System Internet site

can be reached at www.sss.gov or through

the USCIS Internet site at www.uscis.gov.

You must have a Social Security number to

register on the Internet.

If you were required to register, but did not

register before you turned 26, you must do

the following:

• Call 1-847-688-6888 or register

online at www.sss.gov and complete

the Selective Service System’s

Questionnaire Form. Note that

registering online may speed up the


• Receive a “status information” letter

from the Selective Service; and

• Send the “status information” letter

with your application.

A Guide to Naturalization


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