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Little Things Make a Big Difference

00008.jpgIgnoring Grammar Boosted Our CTR 110%


We want to share a surprising finding with you that would make your English teacher flinch. Sometimes it pays off to ignoring grammar while writing your Google AdWords ads.

In fact, as a rule of thumb we would say it’s always better to write ads that sound the best. Obviously, what sounds best is subjective. But it is worth testing different iterations, even iterations that ignore grammar.

Nearly everyone can pick the grammatically correct sentence of the following two;


a) “Here are 7 quick tips”


b) “Here is 7 quick tips”


The correct answer is ‘a’. However, if you test these two iterations in your Google AdWords ad, you might get very different results.


We certainly did in the following example. In fact, we boosted the CTR of our Google AdWords ads by 100% and our ROI by 20% by going with, “Here is 7 Quick Tips.”


00014.jpgWhat works best in Google ads, may not please your old English teacher

Perhaps “Here is 7 Quick Tips” just has a better ring to it. Whatever it is, it got us dramatically better results and we are glad that we now know that ignoring grammar can be another powerful way to further optimize our Google AdWords campaigns.

Should You Capitalize Small Words Such as; ‘To’? Answer = NO


Check out the following test and see how we boosted the CTR of our Google AdWords ad by 42% by not capitalizing the word ‘to.’


We are big believers in testing. And strongly believe that no test that is too small.


00004.jpgMost people don’t spend enough time testing different ad copy for their Google AdWords ads - especially when it comes to the tiny things.

But that’s an advantage to those of us that do test. Because we’ll blow every other Google AdWords advertiser out of the water - by getting more clicks, converting more leads, all while spending less on every click!

Check out the following Google AdWords test:


00015.jpgBe careful where you use capital letters


What this test clearly shows is that a tiny change can have a HUGE impact on results. Here is the good news; making tiny changes takes absolutely no time.


So, when you don’t feel inspired to write some great new copy, just test something small and you may be amazed at the huge difference it makes.


Pay Attention to the End of Your Ad Copy


We all want to get better results from our Google AdWords ads. Well, here’s one idea that we strongly recommend testing to further boost your Google AdWords ROI.


For this campaign, we were able to more than double our results! What was the trick? We tested the smallest variations at the end of our ad copy.


What were the three options? Just take a look at the three add variations we tested below.


00016.jpgThe difference in punctuation is so slight…yet the difference in CR is huge


As you can see, the only change in the above ad copy was the end. The three variations we tested were:

1) Results. 2) Results! 3) Results

While the ad copy differences are minute, the differences in CTR and CR are astonishing!


Finishing with a period (.) caused a HUGE increase in the CTR.

Why? We honestly don’t know. Even more surprising, none of these visitors ended up converting into leads so the ROI saw a huge drop. The second variation had a far lower CTR (0.84% vs. 2.40%) but it did show a huge increase in the CR.


What You Need to UNDERSTAND: Even the smallest changes can have a huge impact on your results. You need to pay attention to everything, in order to keep

boosting the results of your Google AdWords campaigns.


Discover more profit-boosting web marketing secrets and tactics at; www.MindValleyLabs.com



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