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  • The Many Ways To Use PPV Advertising

Pay Per View (PPV) advertising is gaining in popularity. In large measure, that’s due to the flexibility it offers relative to other options. Marketers are discovering that they can do more with PPV and that they can do it without being forced to hack their way through miles of procedural red tape and restrictive rules.

PPV’s primary competition comes from Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. More specifically, it comes from the number one PPC option, Google’s Adwords program. While there are many other PPC programs, Adwords gets the most attention and has the most potential to deliver significant levels of traffic.

Adwords can work well, too. People have made fortunes marketing their products and services with Adwords. However, it’s been getting tougher and tougher to create profitable campaigns in that environment.

That’s because Adwords has become increasingly restrictive over time. Marketers are limited in their ability to direct link to affiliate offers. Google has set up landing page quality guidelines that will influence bid pricing. If you run afoul of those guidelines, you might even lose your account. You need to structure your ads according to Adwords’ rules and limitations. You can’t promote some products. The list goes on and on and on. And it seems to get longer with each passing month.

When you combine that increased regulation with an increasingly crowded market space, it’s easy to see why some people are souring on PPC. It’s also easy to see why PPV is such an attractive alternative.

PPV companies take a different approach to their advertisers. They provide more flexibility and room for experimentation than their PPC counterparts do. It’s a looser environment and that is very attractive to many marketers.

PPV companies will allow marketers to direct link to affiliate offers. That can create some uniquely profitable opportunities in certain niches and with some specific options. Those opportunities aren’t accessible with the PPC alternative.

PPV doesn’t require specific landing page guidelines to be met, in most cases. The companies do have terms of service and rules about certain elements of ad presentation, but they’re far less onerous than what you’d encounter with Adwords. PPV participants have more leeway in terms of message construction and more freedom in terms of product and service offerings.

When you look at the big picture, it’s easy to see why so many people are hopping aboard the PPV train. Pay Per View advertising offers unparalleled flexibility and more room of the kind of creative exploration that can produce high-profit breakthroughs.

If you’re growing tired of the fine print, restrictions and increasingly conservative world of PPC advertising, it makes sense to explore your PPV options. You may just find a better way to do your marketing.