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  • Pay Per View vs. Pay Per Click: The Advantages

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising has become the de facto preference of those who want fast influxes of traffic and who aren’t interested in wrestling with high-effort search engine optimization in order to get it. A PPC campaign can produce a profitable flow of reasonably targeted traffic in a heartbeat.

PPC’s status as a favorite may be in jeopardy, however. Pay Per View (PPV) advertising is proving itself to be a tremendous option and it offers some benefits that PPC just can’t provide.

One of the big advantages of PPV is the lower level of overall competition. PPC has been gaining ground for a long time and is incredibly well known. It seems like everyone from Fortune 500 companies to grannies with blogs about their housecats have dipped their toes into the PPC waters.

It’s become harder than ever to find bargain keywords upon which to bid and if you do discover an opening, it doesn’t take long for others to hop on board.

That’s not the case with PPV. While it would be an exaggeration say that PPV is flying “under the radar,” it doesn’t get the kind of attention that PPC and its high-visibility flagship program, Google Adwords, does.

As a result, the field is less crowded and it’s still possible to find great opportunities for campaigns that can generate staggering ROIs. Many have compared the state of today’s PPV marketplace with the high-profit “glory days” that put PPC on the map several years ago. Those who cashed in on PPC “back in the day” can tell you just how lucrative being in the right place at the right time can be!

Additionally, PPV is less restrictive than PPC. The major PPC

programs make a number of demands on advertisers. There are restrictions in terms of ad content and construction. There are landing page requirements and arbitrary quality assessments that influence keyword bid prices. There are limits on what you can promote and how you can do it. If you’re an affiliate, you’re often prohibited from direct linking to offers. There’s a great deal of red tape with which to content.

That isn’t a factor with PPV. In most cases, PPV companies will give you more latitude to “do your thing.” More flexibility means more profit potential and more room for the kind of creative explorations that can produce those big wins.

If you’re tired of playing by an increasingly lengthy rulebook, you might want to consider PPV as an alternative to your existing PPC efforts. At the very least, you’ll want to experiment with PPV as part of your overall approach.

PPC isn’t disappearing any time soon, but PPV does offer a few impressive advantages over Adwords and similar programs.

The less crowded market space produces more bargain opportunities and the less restrictive environment can make it easy to develop high-profit campaigns with PPV.