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Chapter 4: About Specific Keyword Density


With the decline of meta-tags, keyword density ranges have

become very important. They’ve also become very controversial.

Here’s the thing: you want a high enough keyword density—at least

7%--that your keywords rank highly in the bigger search engines,

such as Google, Yahoo, DogPile, and HotBot.

But, as we discussed, you don’t want your keyword densities

so high that they turn your content into over-hyped gobbledygook,

nor do you want to raise a red flag when the spiders come crawling

over your content. If your keyword density is 20% or more, the

search engine will most likely red-flag you for “keyword stuffing”

and penalize you by moving you down in the search results.

Thus, keyword density ranges are controversial. To make

things worse, different search engines have different algorithms.

One of them might thing an SEO keyword density of 18% is fine,

another may not.

The only way a search engine can figure out just what your

page is about is to search for the keywords you use. Those keywords

don't necessarily have to be right there on the page—they can be in

the title and in links that will lead to the page. Having said that,

though, keywords that appear on your page are certainly the most

common way that search engines use to decide what your page is all

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about. Keyword density refers to the ratio of keywords to the total

number of words on the page.

Now I want you to look again at the paragraph above. There

are 95 words total, and I used the word "keywords" exactly five

times. The keyword ratio for the paragraph, then, is 5 divided by 95

times 100, or about 5.26%. Easy math, correct? You bet.

But how much does that stuff matter?

Well, it’s not a matter of life and death, but it’s pretty

important. You see, when a search engine compares two pages to

figure out which one ought to rank higher, keyword density will

factor into it—usually pretty significantly. In fact, all other factors

being equal (which is pretty much impossible, but let's pretend), the

page with the higher keyword density will generally rank higher.

However, simple as Keyword Density is, it can also get really

complex in a hurry. Do plurals or other stemmed variations of your

keyword count as keywords? Should stop words, which are those

common words you see all the time like "a" or "the," be ignored

when calculating density?

Should you include off-page content, like meta tags and

titles, in your calculations? What about keyword frequency or

keyword proximity or keyword prominence? And like I’ve said

before, bear in mind that if your keyword density gets too high,

search engines just might realize it and penalize your page.

But now, hold on. Even though keyword densities are

getting to be a complex science with lots of complicated algorithms,

you can do it!

Keyword densities really are not rocket science, so don’t fall

into the trap of making things more complicated than they need to

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be. Go to Google and search on "keyword density." The first three

pages should be ones that provide about 20 or 25 different tools for

calculating KWD.

Now all you have to do is pick one that feels user-friendly to

you and use it to optimize your web page, noting the results. Now

try something else: run a Google search on your keyword, and run

the analysis on the first ten sites. Take a good hard look at the

results. From this, you should get a good idea how your page will

compare with the ten top ranking pages in Google, at least in terms

of keyword density.

Here’s the thing that frustrates people, though: if you go and

do that with three or four different KWD tools, you will no doubt

come up with different numbers, but the graph of those numbers

will look very similar. Don’t worry about it, because the numbers

aren’t the most important thing. You only care how they compare

to each other.

Something else you'll probably discover is that keyword

density is not a very good indicator of rank. The top ranking page

may have a much lower density than the page at number ten, for


Why does this happen, when you work so hard to get your

keyword density high? It happens because KWD is only one factor

among many. It's important to a good ranking, but it's not the be-all

and end-all of a good ranking. What you really want to know from

your analysis is the range of density values that rank well. Chances

are good that if your page is below that range, getting on page one

to compete with the big dogs will be tough, and if you're above that

range, the search engines may think you’re “keyword stuffing” and

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you’ll be penalized. Just remember, though, the numbers are

guidelines you should know, not carved-in-stone rules that forever

define your fate. Experiment!

You may hear self-proclaimed website gurus say that

keyword density should always run between two and eight percent

or whatever the current numbers being quoted in forums across the

Internet happen to be. That’s partly true. Those numbers are

probably fairly accurate for most keywords. They’re based on

averages and it’s always good to stick close to an average.

But there’s a problem. Here’s how the problem goes: the

most commonly used letter in English is the letter “E.” If you wrote

a ten word sentence, it would be much easier to use the letter E five

times in that sentence than it would be to use, say, the letter Z five

times. Letters aren’t an even distribution. Neither are keyword. Big

shock, huh?

Remember what I said earlier about not sounding awkward

in your content? Well, the biggest thing about keyword density is

that it must read well and sound very natural to a user. It’s useless

to get a page one ranking if your content is very lame.

Like the letter E, some keywords are easy to use a lot of while

still sounding natural. For instance, if your keyword was “grass” on

a site about lawn care, it wouldn’t be hard to use “grass” a lot.

But some keywords just don’t lend themselves to being used

a lot—like “quince.” (It’s a type of fruit.) Here’s the choice to be

made: you can use an average range, which will work well most

times, or you can spend time analyzing the top ten pages to find the

best range for that particular keyword and be sure you're not trying

to optimize for a Z or a quince.

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Frustrated? Don’t be! It isn’t that hard. If you’re still

confused, check out a competitor's page in Google's cache (which

highlights the keywords for you) to get a good visual feel for density.

Another good tip is to perform a “real person sanity check”

on your content. Reading your optimized content out loud several

times, and try to get a natural flow that will make the copy draw

users who will come back. Then take a hard look at your content. If

you can substitute a keyword for a pronoun without loosing your

flow, do it.

For instance, if your keyword is “hammock”, instead of a

sentence saying, “I love to lie in it,” say, “I love to lie in my


4.1 Do-it-Yourself SEO

There are a ton of free online SEO tools available on the

internet. Most feature some very impressive statistics and

information to help you optimize your website, analyze search

engine positions, research your competitors, and lots of other


There are two ways you can use these free online SEO tools:

(1) If you’re new to SEO, these tools provide excellent

insight on how a website is performing and ranking.

Use them to highlight issues and trends with your

website and provide indicators for where optimization

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work is necessary.

(2) If you’ve had some experience with SEO, these

tools will act as a complement to the more specialized

SEO tools, like WebPosition Gold or SpyderOpts. You

can also use them to supplement an SEO’s internal

knowledge base and experience.

Here are some choice tools for both new SEO users and more

experience SEO users:

Keyword Research Tool

Use this to research appropriate words and phrases to include in

your webpage's body text so that you’ll rank higher. It’s easy to use.

You just enter the word or phrase you want to be found under, then

the tool suggests additional words and phrases for you to consider

using. You also have the option to select from a range of top search

engines, e.g. Google, Yahoo, MSN, Teoma, etc.

Keyword Analyser Tool

This one will read the body of the page and give you a report on

what words are used and how many times they are used.

Since most engines rank sites depending on that site’s keyword

density (which typically ranges between 3% and 9%), this is a really

good tool to have.

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Search Engine Position Checker Tool

This tool checks to see if your website appears in the first fifty

results in major search engines for your designated keyword or

phrase. If your URL is present, the tool outputs what position it

occupies. This tool also lets you know if any other URLs from your

domain appear in the search results.

Link Popularity Tool

This tool will measure the total number of links or "votes" that a

search engine finds for your website. One of the best feature is that

besides tabulating data, it also produces a very cool graph of the

resulting data. One other nice feature is the ability to compare your

website to your competitors to help you with your overall marketing


Meta Tag Generator

This automatically generates a Meta Keyword tag by reading the

page you specify, removing common words from it, and picking the

most used words on the page. Extra weight is given to words in a

heading tag (etc.)

Search Term Suggestion Tool

This one tells you how many times a certain keyword was searched

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for at It will also show all related searches for that

keyword. It’s a good thing to use to determine search frequency

among related keyword phrases

Search Engine Optimization Tool

This is a tool with a lot of power. It tests the performance of a web

site by analyzing a page by important criteria such as title and

content. Then it ranks the page against the criteria that the top

search engines use. And as if that isn’t enough, it also provides SEO

advice to improve your overall ranking. The report it puts out is well

laid out and easy to read.

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