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Chapter 5: About Extreme Content Sites

What is extreme content? Don’t worry—it’s not adult

content, or graphic violence, or even anything terribly controversial.

“Extreme content” refers to very large sites ranging in size from

1,000 to 10,000…even 300,000 pages.

Now why on earth would anyone go to the trouble to create

anything that huge, other than trying to get into the Guinness Book

of World Records? They do it in order to have a ton of pages that

will result in a massive saturation upon the search engines.

Let’s look at it this way: say you’ve got a nice little ten-page

site. Those ten pages give you ten chances to get listed somewhere

in a search engine’s rankings. Contrast that with an extreme

content site of 1,000 pages. That site has 1,000 chances of getting

listed in the rankings, which means some of their pages will no

doubt get listed up near the very top.

Of course, not all of the 1,000 pages will rank in the top 10—

there’s not room, by definition—but you’ve got a better chance that

some of them will. And when you get all that traffic streaming into

your site, you can direct them to your main site by using pop-

unders or links and articles on those pages.

Of course, you can also use them to make big bucks by

putting Google ads on these pages using Google AdSense.

However, keeping track of thousands of pages requires a

good organizational scheme. You’ll want to use a service like

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index-55_1.png or the Overture keyword tool to find out the most

popular keywords. Once you’ve figured those out, use a tool like to build a huge site.

So what all do you put in an extreme content site?

 Articles – be sure and organize them by categories.

Otherwise, it’ll be like trying to find a needle in a

haystack. And it’s critical that they be SEO keyword-


 Web forums – people love forums where they can

discuss things, so give them a place to vent and have

their little flame wars.

 Polls – people also love to be asked their opinions, so

give them a place to express it, even if it’s just a

multiple-choice poll.

 Games – a huge number of people love to play games.

So what sort of strategy do you use to create an extreme

content site? Well, for one thing, you don’t try to do it at once.

Having said that, though, if you think you want to go extreme, make

sure you set up a basic structure that allows for expansion.

Start small, but leave room to grow. For instance, start out

with a ten-page site that stays on one topic. Then, once you get

Google AdSense going and the checks are coming in, use the tools

discussed in this book to determine the hottest keywords of the

month and use the other tools we talk about to build your keyword-

rich content.

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Before you know it, you’ll be up to thirty, sixty, even a

hundred pages. Then you’ll just need to make a commitment to add

a certain number of pages each month.

So now that you’ve got the gameplan, get going!

Another great way to build a quick content site is with other peoples

articles using a tool like Article Site Builder.

This tool builds content pages by pulling articles from article site

directories like and

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