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Cat Tale 21: Turtle Cats


Hmmm. Live to be in my 30s. Would I still have all my fur, or would it mostly have fallen off, as I’ve seen on some of the human heads? Can you imagine that for a cat? What a sight! A bald Freddy, or maybe mostly bald, with just a bit of the original covering left around the edges.


Could I maybe get fur transplants or use those fur growing and regenerating liquids that I see on the television box and then be sprouting out new hairs like how the weeds insistently pop up in my green, grassy yard?


Or if I had a bald body, would my caretakers just put a huge hat on me and leave it on me all the time so they could cleverly conceal the lack of covering I had underneath it?


All the other cats would probably be constantly making fun of me because of my looking like one of those turtle creatures that wander around constantly with their heavy-duty helmets. Instead of King Freddy, I’d be called Turtle Freddy, and that doesn’t have a pleasant sound to it at all.


“All hail Turtle Freddy?” No, no, no. Forget about that idea.