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Cat Tale 27: Healthful Hints


Finally, the last point related to health that I’d like to comment on has to do with poisoning. Please never give us cats any kind of medicines that are made for your species. I imagine that most if not all of those substances would be very toxic to us, and in many cases, could result in our death. And that would eliminate one of our nine lives in a hurry! Unfortunately, your good intentions of sharing your medicine with us would most likely provide us with the opposite results of what you desire.


But, fear not! There are highly trained, feline medical scientists who, in their high-tech laboratories, research and produce medicines that are made just for us kitties. Those nice-but-poking veterinarian types will have all the details on this stuff and you should directly consult them when the need arises. They know what to prescribe and how and when those foul-tasting but life-saving fluids or pills should be administered. Therefore, safe alternatives are available specifically for my species. Hooray!


You know, humans are a good bunch when you think about it since they invest a lot of hours and make this huge effort to develop products that are only for us four-legged, furry types. My hat would be off to those medical scientists if I had a hat, but let’s not get back to that subject of the turtle image again that remains so disturbing to me.


Furthermore, many things commonly found around the house can be very toxic and even fatal to us cats too. Mothballs, for example, are a no-no, as well as many fluids that humans use to clean and disinfect our floors and furniture and so on. We love to have our whole inside territory smelling great and free of dust and grime, but keep those products out of our reach and not within our direct contact if you would please.


Even many houseplants can be dangerous to us. As you might have noticed, we not only like to attack but also to occasionally munch on some leaves from time to time. We often do this when we’ve got an upset stomach. But unfortunately and without knowing it, at times we might be chewing up and swallowing something that could do us more harm than good. A seemingly innocent leaf could suddenly become an attacking little beast once inside our tummies.


Furthermore, some of your foods can cause us serious problems too, like chocolate in general and large amounts of onions or garlic, assuming that we may have the desire to eat that weird stuff anyway. We’d probably give you strange looks as to why you’d want to offer us something like that when some of those little, round cans of cut-up fish are available hiding in the kitchen room.


On a personal level, I can get into a little popcorn or potato chips at times, maybe a bit of broth if it has a chicken flavor, or other things of that nature. Yum! There are special kitty treats though that you can bring home from the store for us as well. In general, please keep in mind that the majority of your preferred foods are either undesirable to us kitties or may do us harm. Check it out, okay? Those veterinarians know about that stuff too. They’re really smart!


We’re very happy and pleased if you share your meals with us, but you need to take into account the differences of our species in order to make the joint dining experience a truly enjoyable and beneficial one for everyone involved. Thanks so much for thinking of us and including us in your food intake when appropriate. As they say, “variety is the spice of life,” but just as long as that variety doesn’t result in discomfort or the end of life.