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Cat Tale 29: Weekend Mania


The weekends, well, what’s the deal with those things, huh? Just when I get myself adjusted to the day after day coming and going, suddenly there’s an interruption of the norms of movement when uncertainty and chaos seem to reign and take over the once-predictable household rituals.


You should be aware that this is a bit disturbing to us cats since we definitely prefer stable conditions to the surprise kind of situations that tend to keep us off balance emotionally.


It’s like that exasperating habit some humans have of rearranging the furniture. Just leave things alone, will ya! And this includes the exact location of all objects within the many rooms of our homes as well as the routines of when to get up, eat, nap, and other key life factors like those.


If you would please, why don’t you skip this weekend concept altogether, okay? We do appreciate having you around more on those out-of-sync days, but your unpredictability and changing of the routines are quite disturbing.


Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about if you consider having all weekdays or all weekends in your lives? Take your choice, okay. And let us know what you decide so we can get our kitty agendas organized without any problems. Are you making a note of this? And thanks for your understanding.