Crafty Canine's 101 Ways to Foul up Your Family by Linda Stone - HTML preview

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or centuries dogs have been free to roam at will, collecting fleas and lice, returning home only for a meal and a bed by the Family hearth, there to infest the house with the acquired parasites.

Alas, the advent of Dog Training and modern Human's obsession with hygiene has shattered this idyllic way of life.

Today's Dog finds himself subject to cajoling, bribery and in some extreme cases, threats, in an attempt to make him bow to Humans who harbour delusions of authority.

We Canines even find ourselves robbed of valid reasons for a good old scratch, so liberal is the application of bug-zapping chemicals by germophobic Humans.

It's a tragic fact that many Canines have succumbed to the trickery of the 21st century Human, thereby becoming easy-going and pleasant to live with.

This sorry state of affairs must not be permitted to continue.

Fortunately there are still many among us who refuse to relinquish our birthright. We will continue our wandering ways, spurn any Human attempt to make us give up our life-long associations with parasite-bearing wildlife.

I now call upon every Dog to shake off his restraints and join the revolution!

