How To Stop A Dog Barking At Everything by Nicki Brace - HTML preview

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Can You Use A Shock Collar?

This is a bit of a touchy subject for me personally. I don’t agree with shock collars at.all.

I know that they are widely used in the USA, that some ‘expert’ dog trainers use them, and they are now available here in the UK, but that doesn’t mean you have to use them.

There are so many quick fixes and tools online to ‘help’ you control your dog’s behaviour and some I might recommend using, but not all. Just to ‘fix’ barking, it's possible to buy

  • Shock collars (boo hiss).
  • Spray collars.
  • Compressed air cans.
  • Rattle cans.
  • Air horns (what??!! Do they know how good a dog’s hearing is??).

Honestly, though, these are just so-called quick fixes. They don’t get you to address your behaviour or your dogs. They don’t make you understand your dog and have a better, calmer, stress-free relationship.

I do think that there could be a time and a place for a rattle can though. Maybe.

If you are out and your dog wants to pull to another dog and your distraction techniques aren’t working and you’re getting desperate or worked up, you could try a rattle can once as a shock, then move onto the techniques we have gone through. This will help diffuse the situation from escalating if you are feeling overwhelmed.

I don’t recommend using a rattle bottle all of the time, it doesn’t solve the problem.

Companies will make something because they think there is a market for it, people buy it because they hope it will work and they are doing their utmost best to help their situation.

Sadly, most companies only care about making money and not your dog’s welfare.

Horns, rattles and shock collars are all made to create a shock, startle your dog or even cause them pain to put them off doing that behaviour again.

That isn’t the way you want to train your dog, is it? I’m assuming not because you’ve taken the time to get this far and look at different solutions to your excessive barking problems.

Causing your dog pain or to be scared hurts them physically and emotionally, causes more problems and destroys the love and trust you share together you don’t want that!

So, I want to say NO, you can’t use a shock collar but I can’t order you what to do, I just hope that you won’t use one.

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