How To Stop A Dog Barking At Everything by Nicki Brace - HTML preview

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What To Do If Nothing Works


I understand that people get scared, nervous and get to the end of their tether when trying to rectify a problem been there, done that.

It seems super easy to give up because you can’t do anything else but did you know that one of the main reasons a dog is put into a shelter is because of barking??

I’m not saying keep your dog no matter what, I’m a realist, I know things happen and sometimes the hardest thing to do is rehome a dog but sometimes it’s for the best too.

Rehoming your dog to someone who knows the situation and has the knowledge to tackle the problem is fine, if it’s the best thing for you and the dog.

But please don’t ever just give up because you feel tired or annoyed, try a few different methods, ask your vet for advice, get in touch with a behaviour expert first.

There is never any shame in asking for help!

Then, if all that hasn’t solved the problem and it’s still too much for you, please contact a dog rescue and rehome your dog properly. Giving them the best chance at a good home.

Dogs want to please their owners; they will do pretty much anything they can in desperation to please you. Make those things the behaviour you want – like coming when called rather than barking at you for attention!

But just remember that barking is a dog’s natural reaction to many things, it’s their voice.

A dog will never stop barking completely and nor should they!

Their job is to protect and warn their family, this means by a bit of barking at the window now and then, or when the postie brings a parcel to alert you it’s arrived. It’s natural and instinctual.

This guide is to help you tackle excessive, problem barking. It’s not intended to give you a completely silent dog.

If you prefer a dog who doesn’t bark at all, maybe think about getting a rabbit instead?

I really hope that this guide has given you some ideas, tools to tackle your dog’s problem barking and given you the confidence to try!

You’re the owner, you have the power to encourage the correct behaviour and tone down the problems. It’s in your hands but you’re capable of doing it.

But saying that, don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help from a professional!!

Everyone needs help sometimes, and if the situation is serious, it’s always best to get the experts involved.

Be confident, be calm, be safe.

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