Manage Insects on your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies by Miguel A. Altieri, Clara I. Nicholls, et al - HTML preview

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4 Managing Soils  To Minimize  Crop Pests


AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES THAT PROMOTE HEALTHY SOILS are a pillar  of ecologically based pest management. Good soil management  can improve water storage, drainage, nutrient availability and  root development, all of which may, in turn, influence crop-defense mech- anisms and populations of potential beneficials and pests.


In contrast, adverse soil conditions can hinder plants’ abilities to use  their natural defenses against insects, diseases, nematodes and weeds. Poor  soils can cause plants to emit stress signals to potential attackers, height- ening the risk of insect damage. For more information about improving  your soil quality, see Building Soils for Better Crops, 2nd Edition (Resources,  p. 104).


Healthy Soils Produce Healthy Crops


A healthy soil produces healthy crops with minimal amounts of external  inputs and few to no adverse ecological effects. It contains favorable bio- logical, physical and chemical properties.


A biologically healthy soil harbors a multitude of different organisms  — microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, amoebae and paramecia, as  well as larger organisms like nematodes, springtails, insect larvae, ants,  earthworms and ground beetles. Most are helpful to plants, enhancing  the availability of nutrients and producing chemicals that stimulate plant  Growth.


Among the vital functions of soil organisms are:

  • Breaking down litter and cycling nutrients
  • Converting atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms and reconverting organic nitrogen into inorganic forms that plants can use
  • Synthesizing enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other important substances
  • Altering soil structure
  • Eating and/or decomposing weed seeds
  • Suppressing and/or feeding on soil-borne plant pathogens and plant-parasitic nematodes




A healthy, biodiverse soil will support high levels of potentially benefi- cial soil organisms and low levels of potentially harmful ones. A soil rich  in fresh residues — sometimes called particulate or light fraction organic  matter — can feed huge numbers of organisms and foster abundant bio- logical activity.


A soil’s physical condition  — its degree of compaction, capacity  for water storage and ease of drain- age — is also critical to soil and plant  health. Good soil tilth promotes rain- fall infiltration, thereby reducing run- off and allowing moisture to be stored  for later plant use. It also encourages  proper root development.




When aeration and water availabil- ity are ideal, plant health and growth benefit. For example, crops growing in friable soils with adequate aeration are less adversely affected by both wet  and dry conditions than those growing in compacted soils. Soils with good  physical structure remain sufficiently aerated during wet periods, and —  in contrast to compacted soils — they are less likely to become physical  barriers to root growth as conditions  become very dry. Organic matter im- proves aeration by promoting the ag- gregation of soil particles. Secretions  of mycorrhizal fungi, which flourish  in organic matter, also improve a  soil’s physical properties.




Among the important chemical  determinants of a soil’s health are its  pH, salt content and levels of avail- able nutrients. Low quantities of  nutrients, high levels of such toxic  elements as aluminum and high  concentrations of salts can adverse- ly affect the growth of your crops.  Healthy soils have adequate — but  not excessive — nutrients. Excessive available nitrogen can make plants more attractive or susceptible to insects, and overabundant nitrogen and  phosphorus can pollute surface and groundwater. Well-decomposed organ- ic matter helps healthy soils hold onto calcium, magnesium and potassium,  keeping these nutrients in the plants’ root zone.




The biological, physical and chemical aspects of soils all interact with  and affect one another. For example, if your soil is very compact, it will  have few large pores and thus will be less hospitable to such organisms as  springtails, mites and earthworms. In addition, its lower levels of oxygen  may influence both the forms of nutrients that are present and their avail- ability; under anaerobic conditions, for instance, significant quantities of  nitrate may be converted to gaseous nitrogen and lost to the atmosphere.


Managing Pests With Healthy Soils


Healthier soils produce crops that are less damaged by pests. Some soil- management practices boost plant-defense mechanisms, making plants  more resistant and/or less attractive to pests. Other practices — or the  favorable conditions they produce — restrict the severity of pest damage  by decreasing pest numbers or building beneficials. Using multiple tactics  — rather than one major tactic like a single pesticide — lessens pest dam- age through a third strategy: it diminishes the odds that a pest will adapt to  the ecological pest management measures.


Practices that promote soil health constitute one of the fundamental  pillars of ecological pest management. When stress is alleviated, a plant  can better express its inherent abilities  to resist pests (Figure 2). Ecological pest  management emphasizes preventative  strategies that enhance the “immunity”  of the agroecosystem. Farmers should be  cautious of using reactive management  practices that may hinder the crop’s im- munity. Healthier soils also harbor more  diverse and active populations of the soil organisms that compete with,  antagonize and ultimately curb soil-borne pests. Some of those organisms  — such as springtails — serve as alternate food for beneficials when pests  are scarce, thus maintaining viable populations of beneficials in the field.  You can favor beneficial organisms by using crop rotations, cover crops,  animal manures and composts to supply them with additional food.






In southern Georgia, cotton and peanut  growers who planted rotation crops and  annual high-residue winter cover crops,  then virtually eliminated tillage, no longer  have problems with thrips, bollworms,  budworms, aphids, fall armyworms, beet  armyworms and white flies. The farmers  report that the insect pests declined after  three years of rotations and cover crops.  They now pay $50–$100 less per acre  for more environmentally benign insect control materials such as Bacillus   thuringiensis (Bt), pyrethroids and/or insect growth regulators.




In their no-till research plots with cover crops and long rotations, Uni- versity of Georgia scientists haven’t needed fungicides for nine years in  peanuts, insecticides for 11 years in cotton, and insecticides, nematicides  or fungicides for 17 years in vegetables. They also are helping growers  of cucumbers, squash, peppers, eggplant, cabbage peanuts, soybeans and  cotton reduce their pesticide applications to two or fewer while harvest- ing profitable crops. This system is described in greater detail in Managing   Cover Crops Profitably, 2nd Edition (Resources, p. 104).












As many as 120 species of beneficial arthropods have been found in  southern Georgia soils when cotton residues were left on the surface and  insecticides were not applied. In just one vegetable-growing season, 13  known beneficial insects were associated with cover crops. When eggplant  was transplanted into crimson clover at 9 a.m., assassin bugs destroyed  Colorado potato beetles on the eggplant by evening. Similarly, other ben- eficials killed cucumber beetles on  cucumber plants within a day.




Underlying those benefits, accord- ing to the Georgia researchers, was  the soil-improving combination of  cover crops with conservation tillage:  soil organic matter increased from less than 1 percent to 3 to 8 percent in  most of their plots, and a majority of growers saw similar improvements in  soils and pest management.


Impacts of Fertilizers on Insect Pests


By modifying the nutrient composition of crops, fertilizer practices can in- fluence plant defenses. A review of 50 years of research identified 135 stud- ies showing more plant damage and/or greater numbers of leaf-chewing  insects or mites in nitrogen-fertilized crops, while fewer than 50 studies  reported less pest damage. Researchers have demonstrated that high nitro- gen levels in plant tissue can decrease resistance and increase susceptibility  to pest attacks (Table 2). Although more research is needed to clarify the  relationships between crop nutrition and pests, most studies assessing the  response of aphids and mites to nitrogen fertilizer have documented dra- matic expansion in pest numbers with increases in fertilizer rates.




Crops could be expected, therefore, to be less prone to insect pests and  diseases where organic soil amendments are used, since these amendments  usually result in lower concentrations of soluble nitrogen in plant tissue.  Indeed, most studies documenting fewer insect pests in organic systems  have attributed these reductions in part to lower nitrogen content in the  crop tissues:


  • In Japan, the density of whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera)  immigrants in organic rice fields was significantly less than their  density in conventional rice fields. Fewer adult females settled in the  organic fields and fewer immatures survived, leading to smaller ensu- ing generations. These results have been partly attributed to lower  nitrogen content in the organically farmed crops.
  • In England, conventional winter wheat fields were plagued with more  rose-grain aphids than their organic counterpart. Top-dressed in April  with nitrogen, the plants treated with soluble synthetic fertilizers con- tained higher levels of free protein amino acids in their leaves in June  and attracted larger populations of aphids. Researchers concluded  that the aphids found the conventionally grown wheat to be more pal- atable than the organically grown wheat.
  • In Ohio greenhouse experiments, European corn borer females laid  significantly more eggs on sweet corn growing in conventionally fertil- ized soils than they did on plants growing in organically farmed soils  collected nearby. Interestingly, egg-laying varied significantly among the  chemically fertilized treatments but was uniformly low in organically  managed soils. The difference appears to be evidence for a form of bio- logical buffering more commonly found under organic conditions.
  • In California, organically fertilized broccoli consistently developed

smaller infestations of flea beetles and cabbage aphids than con-

ventionally fertilized broccoli. Researchers attributed those reduced

infestations to lower levels of free nitrogen in plant foliage, further

supporting the view that farmers can influence insect pest preferences

with the types and amounts of fertilizers they use.

  • In tropical Asia, by increasing organic matter in irrigated rice, re- searchers enhanced populations of decomposers and plankton-feeders  — key components in the food chain of predators; in turn, numbers  of generalist predators of leafhopper pests rose significantly. Organic  matter management proved to underlie higher levels of natural bio- logical control.


Implications for Fertilizer Practices


Conventional synthetic fertilizers can dramatically affect the balance of nu- tritional elements in plants. When farmers use them excessively, these fer- tilizers likely create nutritional imbalances with their large pulses of avail- able nitrogen, which in turn compromise crops’ resistance to insect pests.


In contrast, most organic farming practices lead to increased organic  matter and microbial activity in soils and the gradual release of plant nu- trients; in theory, this should provide more balanced nutrition to plants.  While the amount of nitrogen that is immediately available to the crop may  be lower when farmers use organic inputs, their crops’ overall nutritional  status appears to improve. By releasing nitrogen slowly, over the course  of several years, organic sources may help render plants less attractive to  pests. Organic soil fertility practices also can supply secondary and trace  elements, such as boron, zinc, manganese and sulfur, which are occasion- ally lacking in conventional farming systems that rely primarily on syn- thetic sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.


If, indeed, biochemical or mineral-nutrient differences in organically  grown crops enhance resistance, this may explain — at least in part — why  lower pest levels have been reported in organic farming systems. Observa- tions of these lower levels support the view that long-term management of  soil organic matter leads to better plant resistance to insect pests.


At the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, researchers discov- ered a molecular basis for delayed leaf senescence and tolerance to diseases  in tomato plants grown in a hairy vetch mulch, compared to the same crop  grown on black plastic. The finding is an important step toward a scientific  rationale for alternative soil management practices.


Probably due to regulated release of carbon and nitrogen metabolites  from hairy vetch decomposition, the cover-cropped tomato plants showed  a distinct expression of selected genes, which would lead to a more ef- ficient utilization and mobilization of C and N, promote defense against  disease, and enhance crop longevity. These results confirm that in intensive  conventional tomato production, the use of legume cover crops offers ad- vantages as a biological alternative to commercial fertilizer, in addition to  minimizing soil erosion and loss of nutrients, enhancing water infiltration,  reducing runoff, and creating a “natural” pest-predator relationship.


Traditionally considered in isolation from one another, aboveground  and belowground components of ecosystems are now thought to be closely  linked. The (crop) plant seems to function as an integrator of the above  ground and below ground components of agroecosystems. This holistic  approach is enhancing our understanding of the role of biodiversity at a  global level. In agriculture, such close ecological linkages between above- ground and belowground biota constitute a key concept on which a truly  innovative ecologically based pest management strategy can be built.