Manage Insects on your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies by Miguel A. Altieri, Clara I. Nicholls, et al - HTML preview

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3. Principles of Ecologically Based Pest Management


A whole fArm ApproAch calls for designing a system that in- tegrates ecological pest management into other aspects of crop  and soil management. Each decision you make in designing your  system for managing pests should be based in part on the impacts on the  rest of the system.


Your steps toward implementing ecological pest management should be  linked with soil organic matter management, soil nutrient management,  tillage, and other efforts to reduce erosion and compaction. Creating field  boundaries, borders and buffers designed to protect waterways also can  lead to positive impacts on pest populations.


The following sections outline management strategies designed to aug- ment the good bugs that will help ward off pests. You will learn ways  to select plants that attract and feed beneficial insects, manage habitat to  discourage pests, exploit plant breeding and natural plant defenses in your  system, and maintain and improve soil diversity to benefit plant health.


Managing Aboveground Habitat


Diversify plants within agroecosystems. You can attract natural ene- mies and improve biological pest control by planting polycultures of annu- al crops — two or more crops simultaneously growing in close proximity.  You can also let some flowering weeds reach tolerable levels or use cover  crops such as buckwheat or sunflowers under orchards and vineyards.


For three decades, Dick Thompson has planted cover crops, managed  weeds like covers instead of like pests, and lengthened and expanded his  crop rotation. “I’m not saying we don’t have any insect problems, but they  do not constitute a crisis,” says Thompson, who farms in Boone, Iowa. “We  don’t have to treat for them. We haven’t done that for years.”




Numerous researchers have shown that increasing plant diversity —  and thereby habitat diversity — favors the abundance and effectiveness of  natural enemies:


  • In the Latin American tropics, lower numbers of leafhoppers and leaf  beetles have been reported in small farms where beans are intercropped  with corn. Corn earworm populations were reduced when corn was  intercropped with legumes.


  • In Canadian apple orchards, 4 to 18 times as many pests were parasit- ized when wildflowers were numerous compared to when they were  few. In this research, wild parsnip, wild carrot and buttercup proved  essential to maintaining populations of a number of parasitoids.


  • In California organic vineyards, growing buckwheat and sunflowers  between the vines attracts general predators as well as the leafhopper  egg wasp ( Anagrus species) to help manage grape leafhoppers and  thrips. When these summer-blooming cover crops flower early, they  allow populations of beneficials to surge ahead of pests. When they  keep flowering throughout the growing season, they provide constant  supplies of pollen, nectar and alternative prey. Mowing every other  row of cover crops is a management practice that forces those benefi- cials out of the resource-rich cover crops and into vines.




  • Georgia cotton fields strip-cropped with alfalfa or sorghum had higher  populations of natural enemies that attack moth and butterfly pests.  Beneficials reduced pest insects below economic threshold levels in  cotton that was relay-cropped with crimson clover, eliminating the  need for insecticides.


  • At Michigan State University, researchers discouraged potato leaf- hoppers in alfalfa by adding forage grasses to alfalfa stands. The grasses  don’t provide the leafhoppers with enough nutrition to develop eggs,  but the leafhoppers feed on them anyway for 5 to 8 minutes before  trying another plant and eventually flying away. By diverting leafhop- pers from alfalfa and by increasing their chances for dispersal, alfalfa- orchardgrass mixtures held 30 percent fewer leafhoppers than pure  alfalfa stands. Because potato leafhoppers are often controlled later in  the season by a naturally occurring fungus, this strategy may reduce  leafhopper damage below threshold levels.






Strategies to Enhance Beneficials


One of the most powerful and long-lasting ways to minimize economic  damage from pests is to boost populations of existing or naturally occur- ring beneficial organisms by supplying them with appropriate habitat and  alternative food sources. Beneficial organisms such as predators, parasites  and pest-sickening “pathogens” are found far more frequently on diverse  farms where fewer pesticides are used, than in monocultures or in fields  routinely treated with pesticides.


The following characteristics are typical of farms that host plentiful pop-

ulations of beneficials:


  • Fields are small and surrounded by natural vegetation.


  • Cropping systems are diverse and plant populations in or around  fields include perennials and flowering plants.


  • Crops are managed organically or with minimal agrichemicals.


  • Soils are high in organic matter and biological activity and — during

the off-season — covered with mulch or vegetation.


To conserve and develop rich populations of natural enemies, avoid cropping  practices that harm beneficials. Instead, substitute methods that enhance  their survival. Start by reversing practices that disrupt natural biological  control, such as insecticide applications, hedge removal and comprehensive  herbicide use intended to eliminate weeds in and around fields.


Even small changes in farming routines can substantially increase natu- ral enemy populations during critical periods of the growing season. The  simple use of straw mulch provides humid, sheltered hiding places for  nocturnal predators like spiders and ground beetles. By decreasing the vi- sual contrast between foliage and bare soil, straw mulch also can make it  harder for flying pests like aphids and leafhoppers to “see” the crops they  attack. This combination of effects can significantly reduce insect damage  in mulched garden plots.






As with most strategies described  in this book, multiple benefits accrue  from diversification. For example, care- fully selected flowering plants or trees in  field margins can be important sources  of beneficial insects, but they also can  modify crop microclimate, add organic  matter and produce wood or forage. Es- tablishing wild flower margins around  crop fields enhances the abundance of  beneficial insects searching for pollen  and nectar. The beneficials then move  into adjacent fields to help regulate in- sect pests. As an added benefit, many of  these flowers are excellent food for bees,  enhancing honey production, or they can be sold as cut flowers, improving farm income.






Increase the population of natural  enemies. To an insect pest, a fertilized,  weeded and watered monoculture is a  dense, pure concentration of its favorite  pests attacking your crops are  food. Many have adapted to these sim- ple cropping systems over time. Natural  enemies, however, do not fare as well  because they are adapted to natural  systems. Tilling, weeding, spraying, harvesting and other typical farming  activities damage habitat for beneficials. Try instead to support their bio- logical needs.


To complete their life cycles, natural enemies need more than prey and  hosts; they also need refuge sites and alternative food. For example, many  adult parasites sustain themselves with pollen and nectar from nearby flow- ering weeds while searching for hosts. Predaceous ground beetles — like  many other natural enemies — do not disperse far from their overwinter- ing sites; access to permanent habitat near or within the field gives them a  jump-start on early pest populations.


Provide supplementary resources. You can enhance populations of nat- ural enemies by providing resources to attract or keep them on your farm.  In North Carolina, for example, erecting artificial nesting structures for the  red wasp (Polistes annularis) intensified its predation of cotton leafworms  and tobacco hornworms. In California alfalfa and cotton plots, providing  mixtures of hydrolyzate, sugar and water increased egg-laying by green  lacewings six-fold and boosted populations of predatory syrphid flies, lady  beetles and soft-winged flower beetles.


You can increase the survival and reproduction of  beneficial insects by allowing permanent populations of  alternative prey to fluctuate below damaging levels. Use  plants that host alternative prey to achieve this; plant  them around your fields or even as strips within your  fields. In cabbage, the relative abundance of aphids helps  determine the effectiveness of the general predators that  consume diamondback moth larvae. Similarly, in many  regions, anthocorid bugs benefit from alternative prey when their preferred prey, western flower thrips, are scarce.




Another strategy is to augment the population of a beneficial insect’s preferred host. For example, cabbage  butterflies (a pest of cole crops) are the preferred host for two parasites ( Tricho-  gramma evanescens and Apanteles rebecula). Supplemented with continual  releases of fertile females, populations of this pest escalated nearly ten-fold  in spring. This enabled populations of the two parasites — both parasitic  wasps — to buildup earlier in spring and maintain themselves at effective  levels all season long. Because of its obvious risks, this strategy should be  restricted to situations where sources of pollen, nectar or alternative prey

simply can’t be obtained.


Manage vegetation in field margins. With careful planning, you can  turn your field margins into reservoirs of natural enemies. These habitats  can be important overwintering sites for the predators of crop pests. They  also can provide natural enemies with pollen, nectar and other resources.


Many studies have shown that beneficial arthropods do indeed move  into crops from field margins, and biological control is usually more effec- tive in crop rows near wild vegetation than in field centers:




  • In Germany, parasitism of the rape pollen beetle is about 50 percent  greater at the edges of fields than in the middle.


  • In Michigan, European corn borers at the outskirts of fields are more  prone to parasitism by the ichneumonid wasp Eriborus terebrans.


  • In Hawaiian sugar cane, nectar-bearing plants in field margins im- prove the numbers and efficiency of the sugar cane weevil parasite   (Lixophaga sphenophori).


  • In California, where the egg parasite Anagrus epos (a parasitic wasp)  reduces grape leafhopper populations in vineyards adjacent to French  prunes, the prunes harbor an economically insignificant leafhopper  whose eggs provide Anagrus with its only winter food and shelter.




















In Norway’s apple orchards, the abundance of apple fruit moth pests de- pends largely on the amount of berries produced by the European moun- tain ash (Sorbus aucuparia), a wild shrub. Because only one apple fruit moth  larva can develop inside each berry, the number of these pests is directly  limited by the number of berries. Thus, when European mountain ash fails  to bear, apple fruit moth populations fail as well. Unfortunately, that also  spells death for a naturally occurring parasite of the apple fruit moth, the  braconid parasitoid wasp (Microgaster politus). Entomologists have advised  Norwegian orchardists to plant a cultivated Sorbus (ash) for its regular and  abundant crops. By sustaining both apple fruit moths and Microgaster, this  practice allows the natural enemies to hold the moths at levels Sorbus can  support. The result: the moths don’t abandon Sorbus for orchards.


Manage plants surrounding fields to manage specific pests. One  practice, called perimeter trap cropping, works best when plants like snap  beans or cowpeas are grown to attract stink bugs and Mexican bean beetles  away from soybeans. In perimeter trap cropping, plants that are especially  attractive to target pests are planted around a cash crop, encircling it com- pletely without gaps.






Perimeter trap cropping can sharply reduce pesticide applications by  attracting pests away from the cash crop. By limiting pesticide use in field  borders or eliminating it entirely, you can preserve the beneficials in the  main crop. Extension vegetable educators at the University of Connecticut  report that up to 92 percent of pepper maggot infestation occurs on trap  crops of unsprayed hot cherry peppers, effectively protecting the sweet bell  peppers inside. Applying pesticide to the trap crop during the flight of the  adult pepper maggot fly reduces  infestations in the unsprayed bell  peppers by 98 to 100 percent.  Connecticut commercial grow- ers with low to moderate pepper  maggot populations have con- firmed the method’s success on  fields as small as one-quarter acre  and as large as 20 acres.  In Florida, researchers with the  USDA-ARS found that a collard  trap crop barrier around com- mercial cabbage fields prevented diamondback moth larvae from exceeding action thresholds and  acted as a refuge planting to build parasite numbers; cabbage growers who  used perimeter trap cropping reduced their insecticide applications by 56  percent. In Ontario, Canada, researchers also found that planting ‘South- ern Giant’ mustard around fields of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli pro- tected them from flea beetles.




Alternately, flowering plants such as Phacelia or buckwheat can be grown  in field margins to increase populations of syrphid flies and reduce aphid  populations in adjacent vegetable crops. This method is most effective for  pests of intermediate mobility. Consider plants that support beneficial in- sects and can be harvested to generate revenue.


Create corridors for natural enemies. You can provide natural en- emies with highways of habitat by sowing diverse flowering plants into  strips every 165 to 330 feet (50–100 m) across the field. Beneficials can use  these corridors to circulate and disperse into field centers.


European studies have confirmed that this practice increases the di- versity and abundance of natural enemies. When sugar beet fields were  drilled with corridors of tansy leaf   (Phacelia tanacetifolia) every 20 to 30  rows, destruction of bean aphids by  syrphids intensified. Similarly, strips  of buckwheat and tansy leaf in Swiss  (50–100 m) can provide natural  cabbage fields increased populations  of a small parasitic wasp that attacks  the cabbage aphid. Because of its  long summer flowering period, tansy leaf has also been used as a pollen  source to boost syrphid populations in cereal fields.


For more extended effects, plant corridors with longer-flowering shrubs.  In northern California, researchers connected a riparian forest with the  center of a large monoculture vineyard using a vegetational corridor of 60  plant species. This corridor, which included many woody and herbaceous  perennials, bloomed throughout the growing season, furnishing natural  enemies with a constant supply of alternative foods and breaking their  strict dependence on grape-eating pests. A complex of predators entered  the vineyard sooner, circulating continuously and thoroughly through  the vines. The subsequent food-chain interactions enriched populations  of natural enemies and curbed numbers of leafhoppers and thrips. These  impacts were measured on vines as far as 100 to 150 feet (30–45 m) from  the corridor.  









Select the most appropriate plants. Beneficial insects are attracted  to specific plants, so if you are trying to manage a specific pest, choose  flowering plants that will attract the right beneficial insect(s). The size  and shape of the blossoms dictate which insects will be able to access the  flowers’ pollen and nectar. For most beneficials, including parasitic wasps,  the most helpful blossoms are small and  relatively open. Plants from the aster, carrot  and buckwheat families are especially use- ful (Table 1).




Timing is as important to natural ene- mies as blossom size and shape, so also note  when the flower produces pollen and nec- tar. Many beneficial insects are active only as  adults and only for discrete periods during  the growing season: They need pollen and  nectar during those active times, particularly  in the early season when prey is scarce. One  of the easiest ways you can help is to provide  mixtures of plants with relatively long, over- lapping bloom times. Examples of flowering  plant mixes might include species from the  daisy or sunflower family (Compositae)   and  from the carrot family  (Umbelliferae).




Information about which plants are  the most useful sources of pollen, nectar,  habitat and other critical needs is far from  complete. Clearly, many plants encourage  natural enemies, but scientists have much  more to learn about which plants are asso- ciated with which beneficials and how and  when to make desirable plants available  to key predators and parasitoids. Because beneficial interactions are site-specific, geographic location and overall  farm management are critical variables. In lieu of universal recommen- dations, which are impossible to make, you can discover many answers  for yourself by investigating the usefulness of alternative flowering plants  on your farm. Also consider tapping into informational networks, such as  Extension, NRCS and nonprofit organizations. Other farmers make great  information sources, too (Resources, p. 104).








Use weeds to attract beneficials. Sometimes, the best flowering plant  to attract beneficials is a weed, but this practice complicates management.  Although some weeds support insect pests, harbor plant diseases or com- pete with the cash crop, others supply essential resources to many benefi-  cial insects and contribute to the biodiversity of agroecosystems.


In the last 20 years, researchers  have found that outbreaks of certain  pests are less likely in weed-diversi- fied cropping systems than in weed- free fields. In some cases, this is be- cause weeds camouflage crops from  colonizing pests, making the crops  less apparent to their prospective attackers. In other cases, it is because the  alternative resources provided by weeds support beneficials.






Unquestionably, weeds can stress crops, but substantial evidence suggests  that farmers can enhance populations of beneficials by manipulating weed  species and weed-management practices. A growing appreciation for the  complex relationships among crops, weeds,  pests and natural enemies is prompt- ing many of today’s farmers to emphasize  weed management over weed control.


Using weeds in your biological control  program will require an investment of  time and management skills. First, define  your pest management strategy precisely,  then investigate the economic thresholds  that weeds should not exceed. If you  choose to work with weeds in your bio- diverse farming system, consider the fol- lowing management strategies:




  • Space crops closely.
  • Limit weeds to field margins, corridors, alternate rows or mowed  clumps within fields, rather than letting them spread uniformly across  fields.
  • Use species sold in insectary plant mixtures.
  • Prevent or minimize weed seed production.
  • Mow weeds as needed to force beneficial insects into crops.
  • Time soil disturbances carefully — for example, plow recently cropped fields during different seasons — so specific weeds can be available when specific beneficials need them.
  • Except in organic systems, apply herbicides selectively to shift weed populations toward beneficial weed species.


Enhance plant defenses against pests. The first line of defense against  insect pests is a healthy plant. Healthy plants are better able to withstand  the onslaught of insect pests and can respond by mobilizing inbred mecha- nisms to fight off the attack. You can enhance natural defenses by improv- ing soil and providing the best possible growing conditions, including ad- equate (but not excess) water and nutrients.


As plants co-evolved with pests, they developed numerous defenses  against those pests. Some of those defenses have been strengthened over  time through plant breeding, while others have been lost. Some plant de- fenses — spines, leaf hairs and tough, leathery leaves — are structural.  Others are chemical:


  • Continuous, or constitutive defenses are maintained at effective levels  around the clock, regardless of the presence of pests; they include  toxic plant chemicals that deter feeding, leaf waxes that form barriers,  allelopathic chemicals that deter weed growth and other similar de- fenses.
  • Induced responses are prompted by pest attacks; they allow plants to  use their resources more flexibly, spending them on growth and re- production when risks of infection or infestation are low but deploy- ing them on an as-needed basis for defense when pests reach trigger  levels.


The most effective and durable plant defense systems combine continu- ous and induced responses. Under attack by a plant-eating insect or mite, a  crop may respond directly by unleashing a toxic chemical that will damage  the pest or obstruct its feeding. It may also respond indirectly, recruiting the  assistance of a third party.




Many plants produce volatile chemicals  that attract the natural enemies of their at- tackers. To be effective, these signals must  be identifiable and distinguishable by the  predators and parasites whose help the  crop is enlisting. Fortunately, plants under attack release different volatile  compounds than plants that have not been damaged. Crops can even emit  different blends of chemicals in response to feeding by different pests. Dif- ferent varieties of the same plant — or even different parts or growth stages  — can release different amounts and proportions of volatile compounds.




Leaves that escape injury also produce and release volatiles, intensifying  the signaling capacities of damaged plants.


For example, when a beet armyworm chews on a cotton plant, the plant  releases a specific chemical signal blend into the air. Female parasitic wasps  pick up this signal and use it to locate the armyworm. They sting the army- worm and lay their eggs inside it,  causing an immediate and dramat- ic reduction in armyworm feeding.  This greatly reduces damage to the  plant that originated the signal. In- terestingly, inappropriate levels of  added nitrogen can change the ratio  of the molecules that comprise the chemical signal, thereby changing the sig- nal and rendering it unnoticeable by the wasp.




Plant breeding — though overwhelmingly beneficial in the short term —  can have unforeseen consequences that unravel the best-laid plans of plant  geneticists. Since the focus of plant breeding for pest resistance is often  limited to a specific plant/pest interaction, selecting for one resistant gene  could inadvertently eliminate other genes affecting other pests or genes that  play a role in attracting the natural enemies of the pest.


In addition, newly developed variet- ies may stand better or yield more at the  expense of natural defenses that are of- ten unintentionally sacrificed for those  other qualities. Selecting for one trait  such as height could mean selecting in- advertently against any one of the many  inborn plant defenses against pests. For  example:




  • Scientists in Texas found that nec- tar-free cotton varieties attract fewer  butterfly and moth pests, as their  developers intended; however, as  a consequence, these varieties also  attract fewer parasites of tobacco  budworm larvae and are thus more  susceptible to that pest.
  • According to USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists in Gaines- ville, Fla., today’s higher-yielding commercial cottons produce volatile  chemical signals at only one-seventh the level of naturalized varieties,  impairing their ability to recruit natural enemies.


Fortunately, our knowledge of plants’ roles in their own defense is  steadily expanding. This knowledge can be used to breed and engineer  plants whose defenses work harmoniously with natural systems. More re- search as well as plant breeding programs that focus on enhancing natu- ral defenses are needed. Such programs might emphasize open-pollinated  crops