AI Demystified by Alex David Pratt - HTML preview

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One who grasps the unfair advantage AI proffers man asks why not

AI rather than why AI. ” – Alex David Pratt

AI promises to help mankind in a large number of ways and the

need for it is more apparent to some people than it is to others. AI has many advantages, and although it cannot measure up to the

vastness of human intelligence certain aspects of it make it quite

advantageous to us.



One of the primary advantages of artificial intelligence (AI)

lies in its exceptional multitasking capabilities. Unlike humans, AI

systems can seamlessly handle multiple tasks simultaneously,

processing diverse information concurrently. While humans

struggle to efficiently juggle numerous activities, AI excels in

parallel processing, enhancing productivity across various




Another distinctive advantage of AI is its unparalleled speed

and computational prowess. Machines, driven by artificial

intelligence, can perform complex calculations at a magnitude and

speed far beyond human capabilities. Tasks that would take

humans years to complete can be executed by AI systems within a

matter of seconds, revolutionizing the efficiency and rapidity of

problem-solving and data processing.


The diligence demonstrated by AI surpasses human capacity,

as these systems can tirelessly work for extended periods without

succumbing to fatigue. Unlike humans, AI maintains a consistent

level of performance, allowing it to tackle demanding tasks

consecutively and continually seek additional challenges. This

unwavering diligence positions AI as an invaluable resource for

handling labour-intensive and prolonged tasks with efficiency.

Aside from being diligent AI is also reliable. AI will not give

you excuses, in fact, in writing this book, I had identified a person I wanted to do the foreword but they were unable to make it due to

their hectic schedule so I just prompted Bard to do it for me and

here we are!




Although our AI rivals seem to have too many vantage points

against us, let’s not forget that our irreproducible inductive

reasoning and perceptual abilities (generalization, stimulus, and

abstractionism) are still a long distance away from AI simulation.

Not to mention, our unparalleled ability to adapt to

circumstances we’ve never experienced before and our acute

discernment and sensory functions.

AI and technology in general have rifted a chasm in humanity

between those who are for technology and those who are against it.

The former base their apathy for technology on the apparent

plagues it has brought mankind in the past (Atomic Bomb) and

conclude that tech means more harm for mankind than good.

,Below I share a few dangers and disadvantages associated

with this technology.



As generative AI continues to surface, people now have the

power to create any kind of content they want whether it is real or

fake. Deep fakes are a major concern for many, as more AI content

is being generated how will we be able to tell what is original and

what isn’t? With AI One can easily create an image or video about

someone that appears very real and spread false information or

tarnish the person’s image and it would be very hard to tell

whether it’s original or not. For this very reason, camera

manufacturing companies such as Nikon, Canon and Sony are

embedding digital signatures into their new cameras to help create


a distinction between AI-generated footage and original images.

Furthermore, there’s the innovation of AI watermarks too which

are a mechanism to safeguard against the dangers of deep fakes

which can essentially make people appear to do or say things they

didn’t say or do.


If we continue to rely on computers to do all of our work; we

will become lazy and mentally dull. Nicholas Carr talks about this

in his book entitled The Shallows. Designating all of our tasks to

AI means we have little or no challenges for our mind to remain

active and engaged; which will result in a drop in our cognitive

abilities due to low activity. This is why regardless of how much

you utilize AI always ensure you enhance your cognitive

capabilities through reading or engaging in other mental activities

that stretch your mind.


No matter how intelligent an AI is, it is still a piece of

software that accepts input and gives you data based on your input.

This makes it vulnerable to corruption, people can easily feed it

with wrong information and cause a lot of harm as a result.


Humans are biased, and since machines are trained on human

data; this same negative tendency and flaw is unstoppably

transmitted to them. Do you know that face recognition software

from most AI from the largest vendors usually works better for



light-skinned faces? This was because the training data used to

build this model was not diverse enough. The power of an AI

model is not only in how much data is used to create it but also in

how diverse that training data is. It is quite unfortunate that most

data is bias.

The downsides of technology are undeniable and to some

extent unavoidable, so it is with many other fields and domains,

and to be frank, technology is an amoral tool that assumes the

personality of its user. If utilized by a criminal it can be a very

dangerous weapon but in the hands of the right people, it can bring

great good to mankind.

On that note, I would like to talk about some of the several

benefits AI has for mankind, I’ll be showing us how exactly it will

be of help to our communities, businesses, and work. Artificial

Intelligence has crept into our lives in the form of helpline voices

or conversational chatbots. Furthermore, they help us to generate

images, process information and manipulate it in extraordinary

ways. AI has several applications and below we’ll explore a

couple of them.



AI can study customer data and observe trends and patterns to

guide managers to make better business decisions. Aside from

granting business people an advantage by helping them understand

customer preferences, AI is even redefining the operations and

systems of most enterprises. Many entrepreneurs are leaning


toward more digitalized modes of operation by building chatbots

and leveraging augmented reality (AR) technology so that

customers can try out their products. For example, companies like

Amazon and Netflix use AI algorithms to analyse customer

behaviour and provide personalized recommendations. Apart from

studying data to give wise suggestions, AI can also contrive novel

ideas altogether and get a majority of the work done.


Personalized health is the greatest possibility AI offers

mankind. AI can study an individual’s health reports and offer

him/her a customized health experience. There are already health

digital assistants that can run diagnoses and expert systems which

can accurately prescribe drugs. For instance, IBM's Watson Health

is an AI-powered platform that aids healthcare professionals in

diagnosis and treatment decisions. Apart from diagnosis and drug

prescription, AI is also helping to contrive new drugs altogether

and it is discovering precious secrets about human biology that

would have taken a century of research to uncover.


Education can also become a more individualized experience

with AI. AI can create customized lessons for an individual based

on the best way they learn; if given enough data, it can even

modify those lessons to fit the social context of that individual,

making the content more relatable and consequently easily

understandable. Sooner than later, we will see the rise of AI

teachers who may be virtual personalities we interact with through



the Metaverse. EdTech platforms like Khan Academy use AI to

personalize learning paths for students.


AI is widely used in sports, especially in the football arena, to

tell whether players have made an offside or broken other rules

that may occur too fast for human eyes to capture. AI also powers

sports betting, and chatbots and virtual assistants are being created that respond to fans. Hawk-Eye technology, used in tennis and

cricket, is an example of AI being employed to track ball

trajectories and make accurate decisions.


AI proves useful in gaming because, through it, virtual

characters can be spawned. Characters whose spontaneous

personalities add another layer of fun and excitement to gaming.

No longer do characters in games have to be the same for every

user; two different users may have varying characters depending

on their preferences and personality types. Games like "The Sims"

use AI to simulate characters with unique behaviours based on

player interactions.


Programming is a fun but relatively challenging task,

especially when it comes to debugging. Despite this, AI has been

able to relieve coders of the stress of debugging endless lines of

code. Not only has it been able to aid programmers, but AI is also

assisting IT personnel by reducing their workload to nothing more


than just inputting a few prompts and having their desired results.

GitHub Copilot is a classic example of such a tool which helps

coders complete their lines of code.


Sooner than later, manned vehicles will become nothing but

history. AI is the key to breaking the FSD (Full-Self Driving) code.

There are already working models of cars that can self-drive,

although not to the level where they can be allowed to, but at least

we are making a headway in building such technologies through

the power of AI. . Companies like Tesla and Waymo are actively

developing AI-powered autonomous vehicles.


AI is helping us to communicate in ways we never imagined

before. Through this breathtakingbreath-taking technology, we are

even able to bridge the language gap; because through AI, we can

now communicate almost fluently to people who speak an entirely

different language from ours. For instance, the Samsung Galaxy

S24 has a feature that directly translates one language to another.

RELIGIONI am certain that you're surprised to find religion on this

list, but you really shouldn't because AI is already affecting

religion in a very unusual way. There are already countries where

AI is leading congregations in their ritual acts of worship,

conducting their prayer sessions and helping them recite their

creeds. Even Hinduists are beginning to embrace AI and



technology in general. Another way AI is influencing religion is by

helping religious leaders prepare sermons and teachings. AI is not

only helping other religions, but it is even of itself becoming a

religion. Preposterous, right? How can a creator worship their

creation? Quite idiotic, if you ask me!


If you’ve observed recently a lot of tech companies are laying

off employees, Twitter, Twilio, LinkedIn, OpenAI, Spotify, the list

goes on and on! The reason for this is simple; they’re relying more

on AI to accomplish some tasks that were carried out by men

before. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report

estimates that 44% of worker’s skill sets will become obsolete in

the next five years. I talk about a couple of them below. We live in

an AI-dominated job market where work that was previously

humanly executed is now being carried out by AI algorithms,

hence creating a demand for workers skilled in AI applications.

This calls for a shift in career goals to better align with the

emerging technological workforce trend. You don’t necessarily

have to quit your job altogether and get into tech full-time; just

look for a way to integrate AI into whatever you do.



Producing reports, news articles and other content is now

becoming a task best delegated to generative AI. Apart from

generating content, most chatbots can even summarize lengthy

texts, suggest additions you can make and enhance your writing.


To add the cherry on top, you can create entire books and content

you can monetize online.


Designing artwork manually is now old-school especially when

AI can quickly generate high-definition images in relatively short



Financial data is complex to analyse but AI tools are making it

a piece of cake by not only breaking it down but by also providing

you with valuable insights on the best decisions you can make.


With AI you no longer need to learn new languages the hard

way because there are tools that can help you to translate from

another language in real-time! These tools can translate not just

text content but even audio, videos and images!


AI can retrieve data from different sources and insert it into

data fields without you typing a single thing. We all know how

time-consuming inputting data into spreadsheets can be, but I have

good news for you, it can all be automated with AI!




The skill I’m grateful for the most that AI has made obsolete is

this one because I know just how frustrating editing videos and

images can be, especially when the videos are very long and

boring. Guess what, AI-powered tools can make all the necessary

corrections and adjustments that need to be made on a picture or

video. Manually removing backgrounds from an image is now a

thing of the past, AI can help you do that in milliseconds and it

will do so with greater accuracy.


Finding the right time to schedule meetings or carry out some

tasks can be so difficult especially if you are very busy like me, but thanks to AI, we can now receive suggestions on the best times

available from our calendars thereby reducing the risk of us

selecting times we have already set appointments.


As more jobs are being lost to the extensive use of AI in the

marketplace, a concern arises about AI proliferating the workforce

leaving many humans with employment. As more humans are fired

from their jobs to AI, you might be discouraged about this and hate

AI altogether because it may threaten to take your job, but do you

know that AI is creating more new jobs than the ones it is taking

away? So instead of complaining about the few jobs it is rendering

obsolete why don’t we acquire the necessary skills for the new jobs

it creates and remain relevant? I find it quite silly for mankind to


still be carrying out some menial tasks in this day and age when

some technologies can easily get it done for us. A certain service I

used to manually provide a long while ago was transcribing. I’d

listen to people’s audio and type it down in words, now I don’t

need to spend countless hours and energy doing so when I can

easily upload the audio to an AI software that can easily do so for


AI is here to help and upgrade humanity to a higher plain, we

must embrace and leverage it to our advantage rather than hold

myopic pessimistic views about it. Does AI have negative

implications, undoubtedly, so does everything else! That doesn’t

stop us from using them it just makes us careful about certain

decisions we make in utilizing them but it doesn’t cause us to do

away with them altogether.

If you’ve used AI before to get something done and it felt

wrong, because perhaps you’re thinking it’s unethical to have it do

work for you and you’ll utilize it as though you created it, I have a remedy for you. A colleague of mine put it this way, if you’re

given a task and delegate, it to an assistant of yours and submit it

as though you carried it out yourself do you feel like it was

unethical? Certainly not! Of course, you may give credit to your

assistant for getting the job done but it wouldn’t make any

difference if you didn’t. Similarly, think of AI as a digital assistant ready to quickly help you out with a certain range of tasks.

Now do understand that AI is not here to replace your mind,

please utilize your brain as much as you can to carry out things

initially and use AI to enhance it. It is not wise to fully rely on AI to do everything for you.

I use AI a lot but I usually originally instigate the things I want

to do and only use AI to amplify it. For example, AI can assist in



proofreading or editing a lengthy piece of text that I’ve originally

written or aid me with paraphrasing my writing or adding a few

more lines to it but not do the entire thing for me, that’s just

laziness. I actually wrote this book myself, I could’ve easily

generated it all with AI but that’s not my philosophy, of course

there are portions that I used AI to help me with enhancing but it

didn’t do the whole job for me.

There was a certain program I was undergoing that demanded a

lot of work, what I did was I utilized AI to deliver my assignments

fast enough but I always went through the documents we had to

read when I was more chanced because I understand that if I

entirely rely and depend on it, it would dampen my mental

prowess. Don’t depend so much on AI that you become lazy and

can’t even think for yourself!