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Vitamin C and sun protection

By neutralizing free radicals, the exceedingly reactive molecules created by the sunlight,

cel membranes and other components of skin tissue’s interaction. Be it clear though, that it has no capacity to absorb light, so it is not a sunscreen and should never be a substitute or a replacement to sunscreen; it is however good applying it alongside a sunscreen


Vitamin C and its role in collagen synthesis

The only antioxidant proven to increase collagen synthesis, it aids in the healing of minor cuts and wounds.

As collagen decreases with age, photo ageing further speed up the decrease. L-ascorbic

acid acts as a signal, sending the message to the collagen genes so it can manufacture

more col agen, and also is a cofactor for enzymes vital in collagen synthesis.

Vitamin C and its function as antioxidant and free radical inhibitor

The production of collagen is affected when the skin is exposed to reactive oxygen

species, known as free radicals. As a result, wrinkles and premature skin sagging


Too much UV radiation exposure will give rise to free radicals. As UV radiation deeply

penetrates the skin creating free radicals as well as other reactive agents that hit and

damage the skin’s lipids, vitamin C helps the body to neutralize these free radicals.

Vitamin C performs these functions:


Fights off foreign invaders in the body.


Increases collagen production in the skin.


Helps in the production of anti bodies.


Is a natural antihistamine, can reduce allergic reactions.


Naturalizes pol utants.


Maintains healthy skin


Increase the rate of healing.

Guidelines in evaluating vitamin c products:


Ask if the product contain L-ascorbic acid. There are certain products containing L-

ascorbic acid within a vitamin c complex. Know what form of vitamin c is used.


L-ascorbic acid should be at a low pH level, to effectively penetrate the skin.


Check if the preparation is stable.


The product to look for is that which contains stable L-ascorbic acid, low pH and

high concentration.


Do remember that when a label says “vitamin c”, it does not mean that it contains L-

ascorbic acid.

L-ascorbic products for the skin:


Uses l-ascorbic acid as its primary ingredient, combined with zinc sulphate and L-tyrosine, making the skin firmer, and reduces deep lines, which gives the skin a more youthful


This formulation is applied to the face once a day and results can be achieved within eight to twelve weeks.