Wrinkle Reverse by Aldrin - HTML preview

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Now, should we al jump into the anti-free-radical bandwagon?

Although science has yet to put the finishing touches on the studies

regarding free-radicals, there is enough evidence to suggest that

antioxidants can benefit the body. Although it will not guarantee an

overnight skin miracle, it will at least stymie the effects of free-radical

damage, and possibly, reverse them.

Chapter 11. Vitamin C And Your Skin

To be useful and effective to the skin and body, vitamin C should be in the form of L-

ascorbic acid. Studies reveal that once it is applied on the skin, It can stay in the skin for up to seventy two hours.

Vitamin C and Melanogenesis

Research show that vitamin c help decrease melanin formation. The fact that melanin is

responsible for the skin’s dark pigmentation, studies clearly show that vitamin c contributes to skin lightening.

A preparation can be used to clarify and even out the skin tone as it lightens dark spots

and skin blemishes.