A Willing Heart to Please the Father


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Book Description HTML

The amazing true life story of Dr. Andrew C. Stenhouse, MD, who began having supernatural encounters with God at a young age and received a very unique calling when he heard God's audible voice to become a medical doctor. Because of his willing heart to please the Father, he went on to serve as a physician on four continents over a period of fifty-five years, published several significant studies in various medical journals, and received numerous academic awards. He also experienced God's supernatural protection, guidance, and faithfulness, as well as unusual, divine results in the patients he cared for with a very special compassion that he had for people.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Emeka
    What a nice and hot take away. I'm loving it.
    29 May 2021
    Quite an invaluable piece.
  • User image   Adetunji Ezekiel
    Kudos. Nice job
    06 May 2021
    Nice n good information ℹ️ contains ?✅
  • User image   Jessica
    Let's Make Money Online
    31 Mar 2021
    The e-book explains good and clear topics and is suitable for freelancers too
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Leonard M. Lacroix

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International. He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission. He graduated from Zion Bible Institute, which is now known as Northpoint Bible College, in 1992. He also graduated from Regent University School of Divinity in 1995, with a Master's Degree in Missiology. He has traveled to several different countries for ministry, including Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine. He currently administers a three-year discipleship training school online with two dozen students and six graduates. Almost all the students are located in various countries of Africa, such as Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda... Read more