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Postgraduate Experiences: Sailing with Half a Million Sheep

Len: Welcome to A Willing Heart to Please the Fa ther! This is Len Lacroix, and I'm here tonight on the program with my guest, Dr Andrew Stenhouse, and we're continuing to talk about his life story.

Tonight we're discussing his postgraduate experiences of God's faithfulness. So, Andrew, I want to welcome you to the program, once again.

Dr. Stenhouse: Len, thank you for introducing me! And I would just like to thank everybody that’s listening and bring glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Len: Amen. So beginning with the postgraduate exam, can you talk about that?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, I can. The final year after graduation from medical school is the senior registrar year. And during this in New Zealand, you’re able to take an exam in the Royal College of Australasian Physicians. And this is a prestigious exam and only has a very few people that ever graduate from this.

When I took it at the beginning of that year, I was the senior registrar to the dean of the medical school. And, as part of my duty, I took this exam at that time.

The exam itself consisted of several portions of exam papers, followed by a long patient case and then multiple small, short, questions, and substances that we had to discuss.

In this exam, twenty people were being examined from both New Zealand and Australia. And at the end of the sessions, only two of us passed, out of the twenty. So it only had a ten-percent pass rate. So you could see that it was very, severely judged, and persons had to make no mistakes at all! But then you had to go over and above that, with what you said.

I was the only one from New Zealand to pass, but there was a doctor from Australia that had come over to take the exam, because it was from the Australasian College of Physicians, which is both Australia and New Zealand.

During the exam, the long patient that I had was a patient of some rarity. The Lord had me, during the year, take and read and put into my memory the new, long, difficult cases that were coming up across the world (e.g., in the New England Journal of Medicine).

And it so happened that the patient I had was one of those cases; he was about number fourteen out of twenty cases that I had memorized and taken into account.

The doctor that examined me did not believe that I had not seen the patient before, and he asked me, several hours later, I must have seen the patient before.

I said, “No, sir, I haven't.”

Then he went, saw the patient; the patient said, “No,” he hadn’t seen me before, although he indicated to the examiner he wished he had.

And it turned out to be an obedience that I had on going through these long cases; one of them was  this very same type of case that I diagnosed correctly. And I give all glory to the Lord…

Len: Wow! That’s amazing!

Dr. Stenhouse: ...because if He had not given me that instruction, then I would never have done that on my own accord.

Len: Yeah! So the exam, now—just so that I understand it—was mainly written, right? So you had the written account of this patient’s long case. Is that correct so far?

Dr. Stenhouse: Well, we had a series of different things. We had long cases that we had to see and examine and short cases that we had to see and examine. And then we had papers to write on subjects we didn't know ahead of time what they were to be.

Len: Okay.

Dr. Stenhouse: And then we had pathological specimens that we had to identify correctly. It was a long and involved examination over several days.

Len: So this patient that had the long case, which was already written up in one of the medical journals that you had been reading each month; they had that person there at the hospital for you to see?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, that was my long-case exam that I had to go in the room with—he and I only—, and I had to examine him, and so forth, and then look at the x-rays that were provided for me.

Len: Okay. And, with the case that was written up in the medical journals, had they yet figured out in the medical journals what the diagnosis was?

Dr. Stenhouse: In the diagnosis part, this had been diagnosed correctly by the doctor that wrote up the patient in the journal.

Len: So you had read that story, and then when you got this case—you said that the doctor that was overseeing the exam asked the patient if he had seen you before, and he said, “No”; and you hadn’t seen him. But then you did eventually have to see him for the exam piece, right?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes. They asked me to see him, and I correctly made the diagnosis, because it fit exactly the patient that I had seen in the medical journal, several months previously.

Len: Was it actually the same person or just the same kind of case?

Dr. Stenhouse: The same case, not the same person.

Len: Okay. Well, that's amazing!

Now the next thing I would like to ask you to talk about—because a moment ago you mentioned being the senior registrar to the dean, but actually I think that was the title when you were at the teaching hospital—you were the senior registrar to the chief professor of medicine.

But this next piece here, you became the chief resident of the dean of the medical school; that was something different, right, from the senior registrar?

Dr. Stenhouse: Being the senior registrar to the dean of the medical school was even higher than being registrar of the chief of medicine. And so it was a promotion, as well, for my final registrar year.

Len: Ok. Was it chief resident or senior resident? What did they call it?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, chief resident or senior resident would be fine— either way.

Len: Yeah, so are there any experiences that you had in that role that you wanted to share?

Dr. Stenhouse: Well one of the things that came up was that the dean's daughter was sick, and I was asked to see her. And I made up a diagnosis, and the dean did not agree with me that this was the correct diagnosis of his daughter.

So we got the professor of surgery to come in, because I said the patient required surgery. And the chief of surgery, who was an older doctor, agreed with me and agreed with the findings on x-ray, that surgery was needed. And so that the dean agreed that we should go ahead with the surgery, and the surgery proved us to be correct.

Really, it points out the fact that the doctor shouldn’t really examine or take a history of his children.

Len: Yeah.

Dr. Stenhouse: Get them to a doctor that does that.

Len: Yeah. Now what about the Wellcome Research scholarship that you ended up receiving? Do you want to tell us about that?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, one of the things that I was approached to do was to apply for the first New Zealand recipient of a Wellcome Research Fellowship and to do it in experimental virology with the professor in Sheffield, England—the professor of medicine at Sheffield England who was a virologist also.

So this was what we applied for, and what we, by God’s sovereignty, went into. And so this was  an interesting time, as well, to do postgraduate degree, to do postgraduate research and to also take the London School of Medicine exam—similar to the Australasian one, only it’s a little more difficult.

Len: Okay, so tell us about the sea voyage to England to go to Sheffield for that research fellowship.

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, well it was very interesting on the sea voyage going to England. I was able to go there for two shillings and six pennies if I would be acting as the doctor onboard for the ship's crew and the ten passengers.

Len: Okay. So you were agreeing to be the doctor for everyone on the ship.

Dr. Stenhouse: That’s right.

Len: Okay. And so that's pretty interesting! And was the trip kind of uneventful, or did you have any interesting experiences?

Dr. Stenhouse: No, it wasn't uneventful. Every day I would have an appointment with patients that needed to see me. And on this one particular day, what happened was that one of the sailors went to work. And when he was at work, they emptied the swimming pool, and he didn't know that. And so, when he got off work, he got his swim-gear on and then dived into the pool that was empty and broke his neck and injured his spinal cord. So I had to manage him medically with a fractured neck and pressure on his spinal cord, which was kind of tricky and difficult.

And then I had a patient with acute appendicitis, that I had to manage medically, and another patient with a fracture.

And the man who was the captain of the ship told me that he didn't think he could wait for me in Curaçao, which is a port where we stopped to fuel the ship.

Dr. Stenhouse: And I said, “Well we've got to get these  in  the  hospital.” I said, “They can’t wait.”

So we got ambulances lined up, and I took them to the hospital at Curaçao, where they had—this was a Dutch island—a resort thing in the northern part of the South America Peninsula near Aruba.

Len: Oh!

Dr. Stenhouse: So I got them all safely tucked in over there and then just got back in time to the ship, where they were fueling the ship. And we took off within the hour of my getting back…

Len: That’s cutting it close.

Dr. Stenhouse: …because he was wanting to break the record of the time to get half-a-million sheep from New Zealand to England.

Len: So the ship was carrying sheep?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes.

Len: Half-a-million sheep?!

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, dead sheep.

Len: Oh. Okay. Wow, that's quite a bit of cargo there! So how long did it take to get from New Zealand to England?

Dr. Stenhouse: About thirty days.

Len: Okay. That is pretty fast to go from that part of the world all the way around to England.

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes.

Len: So did you end up arriving on time?

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, we arrived on time, and he was quite happy about it.

And there were one or two days I would be seasick and having to see somebody; and I would be lying down, and the patient would be standing up.

Len: Interesting!

Dr. Stenhouse: You just have to run with whatever comes.

Len: Yeah. So when you got to England, tell us about the phone call that you made to whoever your contact was over there for the fellowship.

Dr. Stenhouse: Yes, I made contact with them. And the doctor—that was the manager of that particular job he had, which was identifying people for jobs in London or near London from people who came from overseas—he called me, and he said, “Dr. Stenhouse, I know you have a fellowship <