Adventures in Movies


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Published: 9 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A wry, witty and revealing review of the last 25 years working 'behind the scenes' in the film industry; from 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' to 'Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince', taking in, 'Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade' and 'Sherlock Holmes' along the way. Loaded with many anecdotes about the actors and directors involved; stories entertainment journalists would never dare write about! The good,the bad, and the crazy folk involved in making movies.The prolific Hollywood Producer Robert Evans prefaced his own account of life in movies with the following quote:“There are three sides to every story: yours…mine… and the truth.”Well, everything you will read is my side of the story, my best recall, a glorious quarter century watching some great, and not so great movies, being made.

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