Creeds and Confessions by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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It is very difficult to learn from whom I can get the right ways to salute, greet or pray to Almighty God because I see that all the hypocritical people of the world are sitting at the gates of God. We were told during our childhood that there are simple routes to reach Nirvana and conduct our prayers but as I grew older I found that the same sanctimonious people were adopting and taken over all our temples and prayer houses. So I just made up my mind and my own home the right place for my God to dwell. Today, neither do I feel inclined to pretend nor give any recognition to all the superstitions. My religion is the eternal human religion, so I am neither a Hindu nor do I accept any other religion. I am a human being and a preacher and follower of Truth, Beauty and Goodness that makes me a follower of Arya Sanatan Dharam.


I neither criticize anyone nor deny their beliefs nor can I give anyone the right to refute my personal views. I am a devotee of my Father, Lord God and follow the scriptures of my own or other right scriptures. All the time I keep worshiping my God in my way and keep recognizing world peace. This is my ultimate duty as a human being and this is my unwavering faith. I am happy to get the blessings of God at all the times. This is how I have lived all my life and will continue to do so with the grace of the Lord in the same way. This life is short, but I want to spend whatever is left of it, quite happily and peacefully.


I believe that the body is the temple of the soul and should be treated with honor and respect. Well, if our body is the temple of our soul, then our home is the temple of our body and should be treated that way.  Like the temples in which people worship, we honour and respect our home so that it can help us flourish and evolve. The peace that people feel in a temple I want, deserve and feel that peace and tranquility in my own home. I want the state of my home to reflect who we are at every moment of our living.


Just like when the people who are visiting a temple, similarly we do not only grow to respect and value our home but we also want to respect and value ourselves in it a lot more. Just like if we ignore our bodies it begins to suffer similarly a neglected home will fail us if we ignore to treat our home as a temple. So we want to treat our home with the love, care and dignity it deserves and we learn to do the same for ourselves too.






Everyone lives and enjoys life differently. Some try to ignore their memories of a loved one because these are just too painful to remember; others work hard to preserve the memories because without them they lose the gift of the past. In these ways we are all the same on the one hand but on the other hand we are different.


I often say that I should make for me a sanctuary and I will dwell within there to make it my home. Indeed then every person who lives there may become a small sanctuary. In fact, I believe then that each of the primary components of my home will be my temple and will have a counterpart in our habits and our hearts.


Then I would be able to say with confidence that my home is my temple, my fortress and my castle where I can freely receive my inspiration to seek my eternal destination. It is my best place to worship and accomplish spiritual awakening to live a peaceful and a decent life without any fear or guilt. It would be easy to achieve all purposes and hear the inner voices. It is here that I am able to bid farewell to all my sins, my worries and my pains to live and let the world live well. It is here that I will be able to plan my future living as well as all my covenants that I hold dearer for my peace, prosperity and progress.
