Creeds and Confessions by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My mother was a rare person who had not had any formal education but no one could ever say that she was illiterate because even though she could not read and write she could hear and treasure wise words from the literate members of my family and the community and then transmit those on to me whenever I needed them. She had a bundle of emotions that often defied all my reasons because I was told by my grandmother and my nanny that she kept awake almost all night whenever I was not feeling well, with me in her arms constantly uttering those compassionate and soothing words that only mother has for her child.


When I was growing up on the farm I remember those encouraging words for my school work and overall performance. One thing that I admired about my mother was her ability to discipline me for such activities as eating, personal hygiene, working on the farm, respect for elders and doing all my homework after school.  She had to be cruel at times to show her kindness and I now realize that she had to do this in order to develop all good skills, talents and attitudes. I never got to thank my mother enough for all the things she did for me while I was growing up but now I often pray that her soul rests in peace in heaven.


My mother assisted me to provide me life of inner peace, being harmonious and try to live without stress and these have become the best and easiest type of existence for me now. Since my mother was a simple woman, she insisted not to make it complicated and I have followed this idea all my life to maintain happy living. One specific idea that is still ringing in my mind is what my mother said about change. She told me that I could change what I saw by changing how I saw things. I therefore confess that I possess a lot of ideas and attitudes that my mother passed on to me and I adore her for all those.




She gave me life, showed me what was right, and taught me not to fight the battles that were not worth the fight. Right from the start she held me close and as time went on she was strong enough to let me go. There is nothing I can do that will change her love for me. When the world comes crushing down, her love always pulls me through to put me on the right path.


Through the heartaches and pain, it was her love that still remained and encouraged me to move ahead. Her love is going to shine through everything for me. She filled every need I had and made my life complete. Time and time again she was with me to the end and she remains my strength even now. She believe my dreams however hard they seem and that was one of my successful points. When I would almost give up she was there to lift my spirits up. Her love is going to shine through everything forever for me.


My parents have been my greatest heroes and by singing their greatness I have gained everything and made my life a pleasant living.  They are still the most admired people in my life. I attribute all my success and greatness to my parents who raised me with all the care and comfort despite their own limitations.  It is the fact of my life that they were the most likely people who were most influential in making a person who I have become. If a person is great, remember that greatness is not achieved in a vacuum. They were the people who sowed the seeds of greatness for me to flourish and prosper.


There was a time when they held my hand,
They gave me all the needed strength to stand.
Whenever I used to cry and be up all those nights,
They cuddled me and spent their sleepless nights,
The next when I slept all day with great joys
They tried hard to keep me happy with toys.
How could I thank them enough ever in life
because they gave me this beautifully loaded life.
Whenever I was wrong and I got lost my path
they stood by me and showed me the right path.
I used to ask them for things which I did not even need
they gave them all to me just to see me smile and get feed

All oceans and mountains can’t express my feelings for them
they‘ve been my mentors and made me resemble them.

I promise I’ll do the same for my children when they’re born

I will give them all they need and expect nothing in return.


Down the Memory Lane


My grandfather Sarju Mahajan was born in 1890 in the village of Dumariyaganj in the District of Basti in Uttar Pradesh in India and after serving his two terms of indentured life with the Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited of Fiji from 1909 to 1920 he established himself as a successful farmer in Botini Nadi in Fiji. My grandmother Gangadei and my parents Bhagauti Prasad and Ram Kumari were his great support to develop his life as Sarju Mahajan. Today 13th March marks the day when we lost him in 1994 but even if he is gone he cannot be forgotten for all his wisdom that he passed on to his people. I salute him, my grandmother, my parents and all the other wise old people for their valuable contributions that they left behind for us to prosper and enjoy.


While the institution of aging has brought many challenges for and to our bodies and minds, it is believed that it has added an expansion in many other realms. I know this well from my regular interactions and associations with older people such as my grandparents, parents and many retired teachers because these people were able to provide me with abundance of economical, social, cultural and emotional knowledge; rare human qualities which are defined by many social scientists as wisdom that I am proud to term as the wisdom of the elders.


Indeed I have a lot to say about these wise and old people who had much to teach me about life and living. I know that all of us need the counseling that easily comes with years of experience from all those who have worked in all good, bad and ugly conditions and circumstances throughout their own lives and often prayed and listened to God for relevant counselling themselves. I often think of the accumulated wisdom that God and their own living have given them and I know that they have much to share with us about life and living generally only if we care about their ideas and share their wise views.


As we are growing older ourselves let us try to seek them out and give a good listening ear to their wisdom and look after these treasured people who may be our grandparents, parents and teachers.


