Down on the farm Or Watching tax dollars at work and play (But mostly at play)


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Book Description HTML

Down on the Farm (Or) watching Tax Dollars at Work and Play but Mostly at PlayExperience local government in action. Not for the squeamish. Could you survive?Hold your nose and hide your wallet as you descend into the bowels of the Milwaukee County government. Get a real, up-close, and personal look at local government in action. Journey with the author on his quest for a steady paycheck that takes him down a road pot marked with 50 years of corruption, scandal, sadness, grief, despair, bureaucratic lunacy, and payoffs. Follow a trail of blood and boogers as it snakes its way through a cesspool of deceit, greed, nepotism, out-of-control affirmative action, and cronyism. Keep your hand sanitizer at the ready.

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