Fist of Destiny : Memoirs of a Martial Artist by Karl Lancaster - HTML preview

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Chapter 14 - In conclusion


Life since the World Championship has gone on and for the most part we all continue to train as hard and when we can. Since then I have added Tai chi to my repertoire, have left the police and taken up business in several new areas, including writing and running my own freelance first aid concern.

The other guys all still train, but like me one or two are suffering now. And despite being 73 Sifu is still teaching, although Kevin has now taken over running the Tai chi, Kevin and Adam will be taking on running some of the clubs when Sifu retires, Gary has started his own clubs as had Andy Denney. And I sit in the background happy to give advice as the senior brother in the UK.

I also managed to get myself about a bit. If you check out the national police site for officer training you will see me getting handcuffed for the sake of handcuff training (lost the feeling in my thumb for three months due to that). And I and the others have turned up in a few papers etc.

I hope along the way I have not upset too many people with my revelations that most martial artist’s, even very good ones, like a drink. And that sometimes we can be pretty petty and stupid. And becoming a top notch martial artist doesn’t always mean you don’t remain a complete plank too!

There is still a lot of bigotry in the martial arts world as well as a lot of people trying to reinvent the wheel when there was nothing wrong with it in the first place. And it still amazes me that people are stupid enough to think that one martial art or combat system is any better than another. Or that people can come up with mind bogglingly stupid phrases like ’ This is real combat not martial arts’. What they normally mean is this is a thug teaching self defence and leaving out all the safety checks, like respect for all life, that most martial arts apply.

 There is no ultimate martial art, Bruce Lee was not the second coming and there is no easy route to becoming a good fighter or martial artist, and remember, the two do not even always go together! And don’t forget MMA (mixed martial arts) is a sport, it has rules just like boxing and anything with rules is limited.

 There are plenty of classes around these days, have a look around and you may be lucky, like me, to come across something you enjoy. It can be a great way to make new friends and keep fit, you just have to find the right club and teacher for you.

 Bruce Lee was right about one thing, you take what suits you and make it work for you. Everyone is different, height, weight, reach, strength, speed and how you think. Find a martial art or system that works for you. Work hard and don’t expect miracles. And don’t make it up as you go along, someone else has already done that and probably done a better job too.

 Lastly I hope this may give some people the will to go on and try things they have not done before, or return to something they once tried. Remember your never too old or too disabled to try.

 Good luck!
