Journey of My Life by Ganga N Prasad - HTML preview

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I was only 16 years old, some fifty years ago, when I read  Bhagvad  Gita  i which  Shri  Krishn told  Arjun  to perform the prescribed duties but do not expect any rewards or fruits of your action. Later in life I read Emerson, an American  philosophe wh said:     Peopl are  only  half themselves, the other half is their expression. These wise words encouraged me  to  perform my duties and  express myself to present this Journey of My Life and expect no rewards.  I was gla that  my confidante Dr  Ram  Lakhan Prasad and his younger son Associate Professor Dr Rohitesh Prasad motivated and inspired me to begin narrating about this journey. My own children were great inspiration for the success of this journey.

After writing a few chapters I found out that my expressions were developing into a credible story and I was glad that I was asked to do this composition. I kept looking, finding and adding a lot of events and ideas that were hidden within and around me, my family and friends. Thus I was able to add another dimension to my way of life and was happy that I was leaving behind a creative treasure that would ultimately become more permanent for my family and friends. This journey would not end but would hopefully continue when my children begin to add their narratives.

My life, like many others of my vintage, has been a treasure box and a cove filled with a variety of rich as well as other reasonable thoughts, feelings and experiences all because I kept my eyes and ears open and had meaningful interactions with a lot of wise people. The good things that I have done, said and written will hopefully live on through for my children, family and friends who I am sure will extend and multiply all these ideas, creativity and virtues for posterity.

I am convinced that some of these things I have written, said and done in this Journey of My Life will live on to inspire my grandchildren to express themselves when they are inspired and motivated to do so. Many wise people who came in and left after inspiring me to work harder, love and care for the family and develop faithful and sincere friendship with the people I interacted in my journey, have touched my life as I have touched theirs.

It is true that the good things we write, say and do, live on through all the years and would have a much more permanent influence on the world we live in and the world we leave behind. This was the reason for me to begin writing and expressing my ideas. I lived and worked conscientiously at home, I was a peak performer at all my work places and did my best to serve the community well. I felt that I should present and express some of my experiences and title it Journey Of My Life for my people to read and enjoy.

In the process of my creative and simple expressions if I have stepped on the toes of people and hurt their way of thinking then I am truly and sincerely apologetic about these and I beg for forgiveness. Time flies as it did for me from my birth to the present day.



I have surrendered all my burdens

unto the strong arms of the


All my personal wins and losses

are now in the strong hands of the


It is my firm decision now

to attain His blessings and find the


Then I will assign all my love, faith and hope into the

hands of the Almighty.

If I continue to live in this world let me live like the

lotus in the lake Almighty.

May all my sins and errors be dedicated into the

hands of the Almighty.

If I am given the human life again then let me be Your

devotee O Almighty,

Let all my internal and external strings of life dwell in

Your hand Almighty.

On all my rebirths let me devote myself selflessly to

You O Almighty,

In the end when my soul joins You then it should

dwell in Heaven Almighty.

There is only one difference between You and me my

Lord Almighty,

I am in the hands of this world and the whole world is

 in your hands Almighty.

I have surrendered all my burdens unto the strong

arms of the Almighty,

All my personal wins and losses are now in the strong

 hands of the Almighty.