Journey of My Life by Ganga N Prasad - HTML preview

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As each moment passed and became a memory, my children and grandchildren surrounded me with greatest gift by giving me the unconditional love that I have greatly treasured all my life. I am proud to be a mother and heartily thank them all. Similarly I also feel for my own mother.

I often had these sentiments for my dear mother; “There was an Angel God had put on this earth that cared for us and guided us. We felt her love and gentleness as she made the journey of her life. She has left a lot of valuable treasure for us for our memory. She had done great things for us every day and held us in her heart. She was always there to give us a hug, treat us with respect and love to make us smile. This Angel was our mother, who has been with us throughout our life while we were growing up. She guided us well and taught us like no other so we are truly thankful and are lucky to be her children.”

I am sure my children always feel the same for  me but the deep love and respect that the children have for me as a mother are very personal and special and will always be with them. They are something they consider not for publication in a book or any other public platform. I respect their views but my journey had to be completed regardless.

However I always hear their prayers for me that have impressed me always. “Dear Father up in Heaven please bless our mother while she is on this earth because she follows Your footsteps and her heart is full of love for us. Please keep her in your loving care and bless her from above forever.” This is what every mother loves to hear and I also pray for my mother so that her soul rests in peace in heaven.


From Jai Naidu


AMMA – My mother has always been a loving, caring and giving person. She has been everything for us; a guide, a guardian and a great support.

Our Amma has always been the one who has been easy to be approached for any family advice or general suggestion. She has been displaying the best form of up- bringing from my childhood to my adulthood and this has been her most powerful form of motherhood.

Our mother has been the one we went to first for any discussion relating to our family life and also for all our needs and wants. She has been the one solid pillar of strength always standing there firmly for our care and comfort in all our ups and downs or bad and good times.

Amma has been always there for me and my family  for all our physical and social support. She is a living personality in our hearts too. We love her and always enjoy her company. God bless her heaps.




Luta Taia Naidu


Amma as I have come to know her is my mother in law.   Amma   is   Indian   from   Fiji   and   I   am    Papua   New Guinean. When I say she is my mother in law, that statement may conjure up images of an older woman, slightly overweight, dyed black hair, a large red Tikka planted in the middle of her forehead and having a very strict demeanour.

This is definitely not Amma. On the contrary Amma is not over weight, she is (as my mum would say) trim, taut and terrific (thanks to a daily regime of yoga). Also there is no extra-large tikka. Rather than being strict she is kind. Amma is approximately 5ft 2ins of small frame and having a fair complexion. Amma is a very hard working person and an extremely generous woman. She has never been tight fisted.

Amma has a giving heart. I have had the privilege of living with Amma for 13 years. In the beginning it wasn't easy for her or me but that is normal. We had language, cultural and personality differences. Today we get along as friends. We are able to have a good laugh together.

Amma and Naina (my father in law) introduced me to extended family members and taught me my relationship to each one . If I had not have lived with Amma and Naina I would not have known the extended family. One of the things I appreciate about Amma is that whenever Amma introduces me to family, friends, work mates or acquaintances, I see the pride in her eyes for me and this humbles me. It shows me that I am totally accepted by her and I am hers. Another quality that I admire is that her love for me and her love for Jaya do not differentiate. To her we are the same. I am thankful for Amma and thankful for our friendship.






Mother & Daughter

