Journey of My Life by Ganga N Prasad - HTML preview

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Now that Ganga has successfully completed her journey of life, I wish to put my bit in to give the readers a little more to be able to enjoy her life even better. Life becomes far too unpredictable and unfair at times and people are far too complex and irrational for any educationalist to prescribe a simple way to achieve the good life. Therefore, I may not be able to provide an adequate roadmap of how to live a meaningful life without addressing the weighty issue of inevitable human suffering, pain and sorrows as well as the joys and other goodness of living a healthy and happy life as narrated by Ganga.

It is simple and a common-sense to take ownership of our life and becoming the captain of our own ship as Ganga has done to adequately narrate her journey. In an affluent democratic society there are almost infinite paths you can choose and Ganga made a brilliant choice. It all began at a certain point in Tamil Nadu in India and came to land safely in Bellbowrie in Brisbane, Australia. Neither Ganga nor anyone else can completely blame the external factor that inadvertently affected the journey of her beautiful life because she was determined to make it a worthy living and was successful in doing so.

Responsibility is predicated on freedom. That is why we have to believe that we always have the capacity for freedom as our writer Ganga did to be responsible for both the consequences and ethical implications of all the decisions and actions. As a conscientious person Ganga has admirably displayed a keen sense of responsibility and duty. We are proud of her positive presentation and simple presentation.

Ganga needed to know all about herself, including her unconscious self, her brighter and darker sides, her own shadow, her fears and aspirations, as well as her strengths and weaknesses. It required hard work in honest self-examination and self-reflection. This is foundational because without a deep self-knowledge she would have been prone to self- deception and could have made the wrong choices of friends and career. As an educationalist, I know that a misguided career goal can be worse than no career plan at all. The true purpose in Ganga’s life depended on her self- knowledge. This became her ability to find her niche in the competitive workplace and also knowing her rightful place in the medical world.

After thoroughly reading her episodes I am convinced that Ganga is definitely hardwired to be an effective social creature because she was able to go through life in a healthy and happy way with her family, friends and other professional and social connections. At a deeper level Ganga’s social integration involved a spiritual connection with humanity, nature and the higher power. We are not only one of the groups but we can also achieve oneness with something much larger. Ganga did all these admirably well. I congratulate her sincerely,

I have noticed that Ganga has had some transcendental, sacred and spiritual beliefs and so her faith, courage, creativity, gift to pursue her life dreams, her wisdom and ability to adapt to changing circumstances came out naturally and automatically. It is appropriate that editors have decorated the title page with the words “GREAT GANGA GLEAMS”.

I am mindful that life is a constant struggle for those who aspire to live on a higher plane for a higher purpose for the welfare of people they love. Ganga was able to make something meaningful and beautiful out of her life because she had the courage to assume responsibility for her own future and for the wellbeing of her loved ones.

During my almost eight decades of existence in this world and three years of intimate relationship with Ganga, I have learned the important lesson that it does not matter whether people listen to our speeches, read our books or recognize our existence, as long as we believe the worth of our calling and have confidence that God will fulfil His purpose in our life regardless of how bleak the situation or circumstances. I want to end my long epilogue for my beloved wife

Ganga by firstly expressing my gratitude to God for everything He has given us and secondly I admire all the family, friends and colleagues for supporting Ganga. I am grateful that I can pass on a little bit of my faith, love, hope and courage to Ganga, her children and to all Ganga’s readers.

Finally, I am proud of the support and guidance Ganga has received from the editor Dr Donna McGrath, Dr Rohitesh Prasad, Dr Dip Chand, Dr Vinita Prasad, her children and grandchildren and many other willing friends and family members. Without their blessings and assistance Ganga’s Journey would have remained incomplete. Indeed this is not a destination but a journey that is worth reading and getting something out of these printed pages of this well written book Journey of My Life by Gangamma N Prasad. .

Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad.
